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Trials! (Congrats guys!)


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
Congrats, Ceroria you next!
y arent u srmod yet , i dont understand ... you , vanicle , and croe are like the only mods i see doing stuff around here
Ceroria is next :p
Again: Congrats to all of you <3

Ceroria, you'll be next :)
Ceroria you will be there too next. :3
I must say I'm incredibly flattered, but this is about Croe, BigFella, and Jojo silly gooses ;3

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Well, well, well. Looks like our Sr. Staff has some fresh meat >:3

I'd like to dedicate this thread to congratulating croe97, BigFella, and JLioner for their big achievements! All three of you have shown outstanding work ethic, and have portrayed very well the presence of our staff team. Looks like that's paid off! Normally, new Trial Sr. Mod groups don't get threads, but I figured that since I'm going to be here for a while longer, and trials will continue to be picked, it may be for the better to turn this in to a tradition and make a big deal out of something that is, well, a big deal.

To all members of staff, you guys can go ahead and edit in messages to these three on this post, or post things on the thread. To community members, you may do the same! (although you can't edit this post muahaha, so you'll just have to do it the old fashioned way).

Let us kick off this new trial group with a bang!

Rock on, guys

croe97 - Thanks for all your effort and hard work! You're an amazing mod, always helpful on the servers. I see you a lot on multiple regions which I love that you're contributing to the community everywhere while maintaining that #1 rank on the leaderboards ;) Overall, you're a huge inspiration to the community and hopefully you can continue to fulfill that role as a Sr. Moderator! Congrats!

BigFella - Mod of the Month and now this? A great AU mod donating even more blood for MCGamer. You are one of the nicest moderators I know of and very funny as well :) We've played SG a few times before and last time I even hit you off the edge into the lava xD It was great playing with you and you're such a helpful mod as well. Congratulations on Sr. Moderator, you totally deserved it ;)

JLioner - Wow! I honestly thought you were a great mod, but I never thought you would get Sr. Mod so soon <3 Still remember when #District13 and #MockingJay were around in the old Quarter Quell days? I still can't believe that our old clanmates are a moderator now as well :D All I can say is that you make the Quarter Quell players proud. You're amazing, you rock, and this also brings you one step closer to Nephilim ;) Great job overall, keep doing what you're doing and play Quarter Quell with me soon :p Congrats man, you deserved it!


Congrats to all three of you! I'm so proud of all of you, and I'm sure you'll all do great in your trials. #rowingmods JLioner
-Amber / AGFire2013 :3

croe97 - From the start I knew you were a great mod. You were very helpful around the time I got mod and supported me quite a lot. Thanks for it all! <3

BigFella - Although I spoke to you a few times due to timezones, these few times were inarguably the best. You always supported me when I needed it, and I thank you for the support.

JLioner -I actually don't know where to start.

You and Nephilim are always there for me and supported me through my first steps as a Mod. Thanks for it all. I seriously love you (not as much as Nephilim does, he seriously loves you, #NephiLioner) and my gratitude to having you as a friend has exceeded to a level words can't describe.

Thanks <3


JLioner -> Even though you have not been here for long, you really deserve your step up in the staff team. You've always been there for me along with Nephilim. c: Keep doing great work and I hope to see you pass your trial. c:

BigFella -> Seems like a few days ago we were discussing things like this.... Well... it sort of was but, you know.... Congratulations to you and all the other trials and I hope to see you all pass your trials. c:

croe97 -> I sort of knew this was coming one day, much like the other trials in your batch.... you really deserve it and the work you have done in the staff has been recognized in a great way and I hope to see you pass your trial with the other two. c:

~ Axanite
When i first saw this I was thinking: "Is Ceroria salty or naw"


Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Congratulations to the chosen trials, cannot have been more lucky then to witness their promotion. Good luck in the future guys!


May 4, 2015
Reaction score
Wow! This sounds like a massive accomplishment, which I know it is. Congratulations to everyone that got promoted and I hope you lass your trials. Good luck. :)

Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
Congratulations, guys! You really deserve this Rank ! I hope you fill get full Sr. Moderator soon ! c:

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