This is something that I have thought about on a number of occasions, and I admittedly tried to create a different type of commentary on my own channel, until recent circumstance started to prevent me from recording or livestreaming ever again.
Introductions/Beginning of Video
Here's an example of the way that I introduced and started off one of my standard Survival Games videos, called "How I Became a Mod."
- "So, in case you're not aware, I'm a staff member."
Another episode:
- "Y'know, this is why I like the raffle voting system. We get to play maps that are normally
so underplayed.
- "Oh my
goodness." (It makes more sense when you hear my tone of voice.)
- "Alright, first and foremost, let me just say that I joined this game
purely by chance..." (There were many Mods and a few VIPs in it)
So what if it's not standard? So what if it doesn't conform to the typical "
Hey guis whatsup its Muklen here bringin' u a nuther MIIIIIINECRAFT SURVIVAL GAMES VIDEO on Survival. Games. FOURRRR!"
I've honestly grown to dislike that type of intro. To a person who has watched dozens, if not hundreds of Survival Games videos, that's completely generic and bland.
Cinema4D. Blender. Photoshop. Sony Vegas Pro. Whatever other programs people use to make those intros from templates that have, by this point, become common and not very original. You've probably seen them - the flashing lights, the bouncing text. Shiny background, 3D font, the works.
People literally get them off of YouTube by searching "Intro Template", and maybe changing a few things here and there plus adding their own name.
Not only the visual aspect, but the songs are also incredibly generic and overused.
Ever heard of NCS? Yeah.
There's a huge lack of originality in this area. A while ago, having an intro like this was awesome and exclusive. Nowadays, people who record with a hand-held camera at 15 FPS on Windows 2000 can have an intro after that fashion.
(Can we please just stick to Graphics/Artwork? GFX sounds like someone is trying way too hard to be cool.)
Shaders background. Color splashes. 3D text. Shiny things. More shiny things. A render of the person's skin holding a sword.
These aren't even particularly good examples of standard graphics. (The Deal With It Sunglasses and the neon spiral mix things up a bit, but only slightly. And yes, I made it myself.)
My main concern with the area of graphics is that it gets too generic, too fast. The people who make it put a decent amount of effort into it, but we've seen it all before. People like
duckluv321 who create actual
artwork stand out above the rest, and I applaud them for it.
While I may gripe about GFX creators being generic, I don't think it's a good idea for them to raise the bar
too high, and make it unrealistic for a beginner to reach a competing level, and for unique artists to have to raise their quality to the point of absurdity.
As much as I dislike the lack of originality in current GFX, it's at a pretty safe middle-ground right now.
(Well, aside from the fact that most "artists" illegally download their software...)
I need to stop before I spend too much time on this thread xD (or have I already?)