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To My Fellow OG Members


Aug 16, 2013
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Hey friends...

It's been some time since I've last spoke with some of you. I miss y'all - big time. It's been quite some time since I first logged into the MCSG servers way back in the day. At that time, Mitch and Jerome were still tearing up US MCSG. They were my favourite YouTubers for a long, long time. I miss seeing them around the servers - it meant a lot to me to get to play a game against my favourites. However, this isn't a thread about them.

This thread is dedicated to the people that have long since faded into the background. They are the ones that I miss seeing around the most. Haley, Erin, Jeremy, Michael, Chandelle, Dave, Lively, Cubes, Benny, Veronica, Sammy, the list goes on and on and on. So many people that I've talked to in the past have left the community. It's really sad to see, to be honest. I miss the OG days when the teamspeak was filled with friends and it didn't matter what channel you were in, because you were always amongst friends. Of course, those days are long over now. They passed at around the same time that I was demoted. I miss those days the most out of anything.

It's sort of funny that I'm thinking of this now, with less than a month to go till the date that I am allowed to rejoin the staff team. For a long time after I was removed, I wanted to be back in the staff team so badly. I tried so hard to prove to everyone that I was the best candidate for the role, and I deserved to be rehired and placed in my former role. While undeniably I miss working as a Sr. Mod here, as time went on I realized that this frame of mind wasn't for me. Eventually, I lost interest in becoming a staff member again and focused on my work at Team Elite. Now, even those days are pretty well over. A lot of my friends have left that place too, which saddens me even more. I'm now left with skeletons of the past that exist only in my mind now - the people have moved on to bigger and better things.

Something always kept me back, I guess. While some people moved on to focusing solely on university or college work, I was not one of those people. Others moved on to other games such as League of Legends or CS:GO - again, not for me. It's kind of funny that I couldn't seem to shake off this place, despite how much stress and anxiety it brought into my life. I guess there's a part of me that will always love this place, no matter what it does to me.

This isn't goodbye or anything like that, I'm just writing this mishmash because I miss all of my friends that have moved on. I miss the OG days when the most worrisome thing on your mind was completing the correct amount of mod applications and ban disputes per month. I miss spending sleepless nights on Teamspeak with a bunch of people from other countries that shared the same passion as me - helping people get away from their IRL troubles and just have fun in a place where they could shut all of that out. I especially miss some of my really close friends who have moved on. You know who you are. Much love. Peace.


Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
I agree. I really miss those days. I have tried numerous times to move on, but it's impossible. I started in 2012 and I have countless memories running through my head. MCSG is really bad now compared to those days. I feel you.


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
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I was your waiting buddy when you were first hired. I swear we are the only ones left :/


Jun 25, 2015
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Well said, as i also miss the OG days i just cant part from this server because my mind keeps telling me that maybe a miracle will happen so its been impossible for me to move on.


Jul 18, 2013
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I don't think you're alone. I know a lot of people including myself that feel that way and miss what MCSag used to be. However time moves on and it changes things and we have to adapt to those changes otherwise we won't be able to have new and fun experiences better than the last. It is a shame seeing MCSG where it is at at the moment, but maybe it is good for some of us so we can get the closure to move onto bigger and greater things.


Aug 20, 2012
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Totally feel you man. I just miss waking up in the morning excited to go on my computer cause I know there's an entire community out there


Sep 26, 2013
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I gotta agree with you, I really do miss those days when I would rush back home just to play MCSG for the rest of the day. Now with high school and junior year, I can't have those spare hours to play like I did back in 7th-8th grade. However I do feel that the community as well as the staff team is still a part of me, that's why it has always kept me here for so long.

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