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>gets annoyed with leaving threads>This is a rick roll
>I'm not going to click this
>It's a rick roll
> cries
Just don't be a hippin' and hoppin' aboard the hipster hip train!>gets annoyed with leaving threads
>starts to make a serious thread
>sees one already out there
>makes it a joke
>because not hipster hops on the bandwagon
>laughs at peoples misery cuz sadistic f*** over here
m8 im the hiphoppopotamusJust don't be a hippin' and hoppin' aboard the hipster hip train!
A hip hop to the hippity hip hopJust don't be a hippin' and hoppin' aboard the hipster hip train!
Beardoh = rip1. Copy and paste it into the URL
2. Checks what the name of the video is
3. Don't get rickrolled