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Time to smile!


Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Darlings.

So today I have a different kind of post for you!
some may like it, some may not and I want to apologize in advance if this is a trigger for anyone, it's not meant to be at all but I understand if it is!

So, in my 18 and a half years of life, I have grown into a very different person than I expected to be at the ages of 8-10.
At those ages I wanted to be a dancer/singer/entertainer, I did ballet, tap, jazz and character, I loved life and I loved my friends and family and I enjoyed school and I gave everything I did my best shot!
I was some what "popular" in primary school, so having people around me all the time definitely helped my self esteem.
And I know what you're going to think now! (I know where this is going)
I'll try and make this as short as possible.

Sometimes life can throw you bad hands and sometimes you may not feel strong enough to pull yourself out of the darkness and you may need some help doing so,
I'm here to tell you how worthy you all are of this life, you were all put here for a reason whether that reason be to procreate or help others or just enjoy your life and do something you love, you are here for a reason!
I also want to tell you, from the other end of the stick, things do get better.
It may not seem that way now, it may get hard for you at some stages and I completely understand what it's like, even I can have those bad times!
I want you guys to find strength in each other and learn to be more accepting of people's mental illness's, I've seen a lot of judgement passed around on the internet, people being called "Goth" "Emo" "Worthless" And I especially hate the terms like "kys" or just telling someone to kill themselves.
Personally I think it should be filtered from chat because I see it way to often.

There is so much potential for all of you to achieve the goals you want to achieve and if you're having trouble along the way, there are a lot of people that can help you!

I'm going to make a list of links/supports that have helped me in times of doubt/stress/depression/anxiety.
I also want to say, no matter the time/day I will be here to talk to!
I am available to chat about absolutely anything, I am here to help you, as a nurse I see a lot of people going through tough times and I personally have gone through/am still going through some tough moments and I believe everyone deserves to find peace and happiness.
So here are some links that have helped me!:


I apologize for most of these being Australian!
I assume people from other countries can google their versions of our help services!
I definitely recommend all of those links they have helped me so much!

Also here are some numbers for help lines.

And this concludes my thread, I hope you all take something out of this thread, even if this helps just one person I will be happy.

I love you all very much and I hope the best for each and every one of you.
You all deserve so much happiness.
Have an absolutely fantastic day/night/morning/evening!

-Bub x


May 21, 2014
Reaction score
You have no idea how much I appreciate this thread! It is very well done, thank you! :)


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
Awww. You're such a sweet and caring person, Dani! I appreciate you helping me out and being there for me for recent events and for being here for anyone else. You have a good personality and you're a great person. Keep it up! c:


Jul 30, 2013
Reaction score
Awww. You're such a sweet and caring person, Dani! I appreciate you helping me out and being there for me for recent events and for being here for anyone else. You have a good personality and you're a great person. Keep it up! c:
I'm here any time you need me c: I hope you're doing well <3

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