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Tier 3 Chest Suggestions - Round 1!

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Mar 31, 2013
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I seriously don't know why everyone wants god apples to be in a tier 3 chest because they make the game unfair and send you flying in the air when hit :eek:


Feb 4, 2013
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I saw a couple of suggestions in this thread that I don't agree with:

No horses please. From my understanding, horses are meant for transportation and not for combat. I haven't tried them in snapshots yet so it's not for me to say but from my understanding they're horrible to use in pvp. Also you need saddles to ride them, you need to tame them, they need armour otherwise they'll die, etc etc. Also, in the rare event that they are useful in pvp, they'll probably be quite OP. Additionally there's a lot of maps where horses are just not feasible, such as Breeze Island or Solar Frost. EDIT As cool as horses sound, I don't think they'll work with SG /EDIT

No Opples please. Opples being enchanted golden apples. I saw someone suggest this and this is a horrible idea. They give you regen III (or IV?) for 30 seconds during which only void damage can kill you. You'll survive everything else.

No Fire Aspect enchants. Fire from flint and steel is already really overkill, and fire from Fire Aspect lasts even longer afaik. Even then, using flint and steel is somewhat challenging whereas with a Fire Aspect sword it's just a game of tag where you light your opponent and take some distance while the fire does the damage.

As for my own suggestions:

XP Bottles. Maybe 4 or 5 or so. Also, could you modify the enchanting system (I know this is possible) such that it only gives you sharpness on swords, power on bows and protection on armour? I remember getting Smite I multiple times after fishing for a while, is not nice. Or at least prevent people from getting Fire Aspect or Flame as this is really OP, as I outlined earlier.

Speaking of spawn eggs. Someone else here suggested wolf eggs. I remember that there used to be bones in chests, why where these removed? They could be used to dye armour so it looked like Iron, and on maps like SG1 and Hungry Hills there were wolves that you could tame. I think readding bones and then adding wolf spawn eggs (in batches of 3? Wolves are not that strong) to Tier 3's would be cool. Or maybe let wolves randomly spawn on the map.

Ender pearls. Just 1 though. Also, please don't remove the damage they do. I've never had one ingame so I don't know if you did, but I know there's an option for it. They should do damage.
As for balance, enderpearls can be considered somewhat overpowered because you can get out of a fight quickly, but since people will have only one (or rarely 2) it's acceptable in my opinion. And they're already a sponsor item, so you guys already took care of things like pearling into places you're not supposed to be? Actually, speaking of, what if I pearl on top of the corn on SG4? No one could reach me there while I could stand more "in the middle" than other people since the crafting table below is in the way.

Diamonds. Some people suggested diamond boots or helmets. I think this is not a bad idea but I'd rather see something like batches of 2-4 diamonds in tier 3 chests, still giving you the freedom to craft whatever you want.

Potions. Some potions are really overkill compared to others. Here's a simple list of which potions I think should be added and which shouldn't (also, this is assuming 'default' versions of each, so not tier II, and not extended) (Also some of the values are as I remember them, I may be wrong):
  • Regeneration Potion. Incredibly overkill, will heal up to 20 hearts in total while it's active for half a minute. RANT This potion ruined high-tier pvp /RANT Do not, I repeat, do NOT add.
  • Swiftness. Gives you a 20% speed boost. I think this one is acceptable, but it would be great if the time it lasted could be reduced. I know you can make custom potions, how about a Speed I lasting a minute instead of three?
  • Fire Resistance. Negates fire damage. Since it only removes your opponent's ability to use flint and steel, I don't think it's all that OP. Would add. (though the same as swiftness applies here: a custom potion lasting just one minute would be cool too)
  • Instant Health. I think if you used drinkables instead of splash versions these potions would not be that bad. Drinkable Health I's heals 3 hearts but takes 2 seconds or so to drink. These would be nice backups for longer fights or team fights, but it's not like you can turn around quickly splash yourself six hearts with a Health II and continue fighting. Would add drinkable I's.
  • Strength. Even strength I adds 1.5 hearts with each hit you deal, and Strength II even adds 3 hearts. The only case in which I would be okay with these being added, is if it's a custom potion that only lasts 15 seconds or something. Like a short burst - use it well.
  • Night Vision. Useless, is GammaBright still allowed? I remember it being allowed because you could just go into your minecraft jar and crank up the brightness yourself. If it's not allowed anymore, it may be something for Tier 2's. Ultimately they're not a combat potion though.
  • Invisibility. Nope. Unless you have a Fire Aspect sword or a Flame bow, invisibility is overkill.
  • Poison. (splash version obviously) Don't add. I'm pretty sure that even Splash I, not extended, does enough damage to bring you down to half a heart overtime. Unless of course, again, you can make a version that only lasts 8 seconds or so.
  • Weakness. Takes 1.5 hearts off the damage you'd deal for a minute, would not add, considering we're playing without Sharpness V and that kinda stuff.
  • Slowness. If I recall correctly, this decreases your speed with 15% so it doesn't even completely cancel out swiftness. Lot's of people see this as a bad potion, but it's actually the best debuff potion (besides anti-regen's). Would definitely add this, especially since it only lasts a minute.
  • Harming. Does 3 hearts of damage, which seems a bit overkill, but these things are really hard to aim with, especially when there's lag. If you use it wrong, there's a good chance you'll even hit yourself. Consider adding them.
I have quite a bit of experience with potion-based pvp, if you'd like to know some more about the (dis)advantages of certain potions, please ask away.
By the way, about those custom potions, maybe you could consider making the following kind of potions: one that gives you strength I and slowness I for a minute, or weakness I and speed I for a minute, or regen I and slowness II for 10 seconds, etc etc

EDIT: Also, as an extra idea: how about crafting benches? I posted this idea before but never really got a reply from developers on it. What if you right click the crafting table somewhere, it opens crafting bench screen that you can use only once, and the table isn't placed?


Feb 11, 2013
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Potions are much to OP and horses are not really made for pvp, and will change the game to much for my liking.
I do think they should have xp bottles and maybe diamond boots, also make iron much more comen in the chests


Aug 10, 2012
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Ender pearls, cobwebs, tnt,experience potions,

and horse/pig spawn eggs would be great but if you did that i recommend adding saddles into tier 1/2 chests and u would need loads of apples to tame the horses


Dec 28, 2012
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Like people have previously stated nothing to Op, but the horse eggs I like the idea of that.


Aug 24, 2012
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Iron swords/Stone swords
Clocks + Compasses
Higher diamond spawn rate
Diamond boots w/ iron armor
High tier food
10 arrows
Fishing rod

If you're wondering why I included useless stuff that's to make it a risk. EVERYONE would go for tier 3's if you had complete OP end game stuff in them. If diamond armor spawns there'd be a chance players could get full diamond off one chest.

Enchanted swords would basically be equivalent to diamond if they're power I (You're basically getting a diamond sword in a chest)

Power I bows are actually quite OP imho.

We've probably all seen potions back in pre-MCSGv2, strength would turn the leather guy into the OP guy. Invisibility would make you able to fist a guy with full iron to death. Speed would give you a ridiculous boost.

In all honesty, everything that's been suggested is very OP, in the hunger games how often did you see tributes riding on horses? How often were they filled with steroids (potions) to give them superhuman abilities.

Lets please be reasonable here.. A tier 3 chest with whats currently suggested probably is a better option than going to corn, completely OP.


Feb 1, 2013
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Just asking, please no potions. They have them on Fridge and they ruin gameplay.

Bottles o' Enchanting would be great, an improved diamond spawn rate, diamond boots/hats, iron swords, and improved iron armor spawn rate.

Also, I like BritishShoop s idea.


Apr 7, 2013
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I think you should add armor (possibly diamond/iron), potions, and horse eggs. A saddle for the horse and possibly An enchanted bow and arrows would be good, as well as maybe a sword and some Bottle o' Enchantings


Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
My suggestions:
1. Diamonds Averaging 1-4 in a chest
2. Iron Swords
3. Ender Pearlz
4. Bottle 'O Enchanting
5. Iron Armor Only


District 13
Aug 1, 2012
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Here are my suggsetions:
Iron block(s)
Diamond Hat and boots
Iron sword
Flint and Steel
Diamonds 1-3
Placeable lilypads would be cool to for water fights
Half Stack of arrows


May 30, 2012
Reaction score
YAY! Tier 3! Horse spawn eggs are a really good idea!
Here is a list that I think should be added.
1] A skeleton spawn eg- for when you get into trouble.

2] An iron sword- I don't know about diamond.

3] A diamond helmet or boots- only one though not both its up to the community to decide.

4] Cobwebs- so you can use them to slow people down.

5] TNT- This will do no damage to the ground but could be used for when you go around a corner and place to get some quick damage on someone.

6] Maybe dog spawn eggs with custom names? :3 You can change their names right?

7] Bottle o' enchanting- 1-3 found in chests?

8] I don't know about ender pearls. Their really the only thing that get sponsored along with bottle o' enchanting.

Thats all I can think of really.
Maybe you could have 10-15 arrows found in one chest instead of 5.
1-3 diamonds to be able to be found in 1 chest aswell.

Anything else that could be possibly added?
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