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Three Whole Years

Is Ceroria a noob

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Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
It sure is crazy how fast time really does pass, I guess thats what happens when you find your (pass)ion. c:
Most certainly so, 2012 feels like yesterday ;-;
Ceroribae and Baehno 4 lyfe
yassss <333333
My favorite times were when MCSG v1 there was a hub 8 were u would chill with a lot of your friends I also miss the days when I would wake up every morning and play SG with TastyLemon_ and we both shared a dream of becoming #1 now one of us has accomplished that dream so I feel satisfied :) I remember when I applied for synergy thinking I would never get in but broke down in tears when I got trial with my best bud Kronsity I remember when I got my 100th win :) I remember when I started a yt in august of 2014 thinking I would become big I remember watching TOXICWASTEII and LoveLights videos and enjoying them ahhh the good times :/ I sure miss them...
That's so cool that TastyLemon got to fulfill his dream, we all do things we never would expect, eh?

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