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This has become very frustrating...

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Jan 4, 2014
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I rarely see hackers, Sometimes you gotta suck it up and realize that you lost to someone.

Jon | Lqzer

Nov 17, 2012
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This has become very frustrating. I'm asking the staff for some help..I'm not sure what can be done but any help would be good help. Between the hours of 11pm-9am the hackers on the US are absolutely ridiculous. The amount of hackers that I came across over the past 3 hrs is out of this world. Not only am I dealing with this, but also everyone else in my clan is. I don't know if anything can be done about this, because most US moderators are sleeping, but it's becoming super irritating and annoying. It's bad enough there are huge teams from one particular country playing at that time, that team in 3 or more man teams, but the hackers is ruining my playing experience as well as other users as well. I enjoy a somewhat fair fight and between these two factors it's making it nearly impossible. Don't know if there's anything you can do. But, I can say I did search for mods and there were none on and the one that was was afk. I can try my best to record but my mom won't let me have a youtube channel so this makes things a lot harder. And if I sneak and get a youtube just to record these hackers, theres a chance my mom would delete the channel and I would get banned for deleting evidence. Please help if you can, It would really help.
"Between the hours of ll pm - 9 am"

I have to question why you'd be awake at that time because of the fact that school has started for most of America. If you are wondering why there are no US mods on, it might be because we are sleeping? :p I know that you DID recognize that, but I'd recommend you get some sleep as well if you have school the next day instead of being up during those hours. ;) By doing that, you'll avoid playing against those hackers. Problem (partly) solved.
Sep 7, 2013
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"Between the hours of ll pm - 9 am"

I have to question why you'd be awake at that time because of the fact that school has started for most of America. If you are wondering why there are no US mods on, it might be because we are sleeping? :p I know that you DID recognize that, but I'd recommend you get some sleep as well if you have school the next day instead of being up during those hours. ;) By doing that, you'll avoid playing against those hackers. Problem (partly) solved.
Just noticed it's saying 11 pm - 9 am xD Why the hell would someone play in that time .-.


District 13
May 6, 2012
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Hey there!

Hackers are a problem that likely everyone in this community is aware of because of both the amount of hackers, and the amount of discussion regarding hackers.

Hackers are something that we do our best as staff to handle, but we all cannot be everywhere at once, which is why we rely on TeamSpeak pokes, and hacker reports.

You mentioned not being able to record, which is totally understandable. You could poke moderators on TeamSpeak with a message detailing the server, and IGN of the hacker(s). Even if they've died, but you had a suspicion, you can still relay the username to them, and the staff can spectate them in further games.

Beyond this, there is truly nothing we can do. Hiring mass amounts of staff wouldn't help either- even with huge amounts of staff, they wouldn't simply go through every server and check for a hacker, as that would be near impossible to do with 100+ servers.

We're all doing our absolute best, both the community and staff team, but here's only so much we can do. The staff will continue spectating and handling hacker reports, and the community will hopefully continue reporting hackers via TeamSpeak and the report abuse forum.

Sine the main questions of this thread have been answered by myself and others; Thread Locked.

Feel free to contact me with any further questions- I'd be happy to help!
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