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Things I Want Added/Changed to the Server

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Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
1. New Maps -There should be a huge poll voting on what new maps should be removed.
2. Maybe 12-Player Survival Games?
3. New Rank? Maybe Iron and Gold can be lifetime ranks? Platinum should be Emerald rank.
4. Re-tier Lobby Games! Where's Freeze Island, Wyvern's Wake and Destiny's Shiver?
6. Change the lobby, I lag too much on it ;-;
7. Remove Raffle System, some people troll and vote for the worst maps on purpose, then say something like "trolled"
8. Lower Prices of Donor Ranks?
9. More Donor Giveaways!
10. New Rank Maybe Lapis Rank?

Edit: Most people for like any of my ideas and I agree I didn't put much time into this list and could've thought of much better ideas if I had put more time into this but I wanted to see your guys opinion on this stuff thanks for sharing guys means a lot :D
Last edited:
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Umm it seems like a lot of changes, why do you want these things, kinda sounds like you want to remodel at lot of things without a clear reason... What's the difference between a Platinum and Emerald rank? Also 12 player SG would be too quick if about 6 were killed at corn, and everyone would be stacked. I also want no hackers, but some things we can't change :(

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
Umm it seems like a lot of changes, why do you want these things, kinda sounds like you want to remodel at lot of things without a clear reason... What's the difference between a Platinum and Emerald rank? Also 12 player SG would be too quick if about 6 were killed at corn, and everyone would be stacked. I also want no hackers, but some things we can't change :(
I thought it was Iron --> Gold --> Diamond --> Emerald As in ores, Platinum isnt a MC Ore so I tthought they could change the name, this list was my dream list just for random fun stuff! I already love the server and everything! I thought maybe 12 player survival Games would make it easier for people not as good in PvP to win, this was just a weird fun list dude.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
1. I think it might be nice to cycle some older community maps out, but they recently added maps and they do it fairly regularly.
2. Eh, I don't really think there's much of a reason to have that. I feel like there's already enough game types.
3. I don't think it would be a good business decision to make everything lifetime.
4. I don't have much to say about teiring, I don't play that much. However, those maps all had their own issues and should stay removed.
5. Easier said than done.
6. I kinda like this lobby, but new ones would be fun since the hub is getting a facelift.
7. I like this voting method and I've already talked the subject to death. Refer to many past threads for opinions.
8. I think they're already pretty fair. There are options for people of all sorts of financial states.
9. They already seem to be pretty generous with those, and they do need to make money. I think it's fine as is.
10. Why? There's no reason to.
Dec 29, 2012
Reaction score
I thought it was Iron --> Gold --> Diamond --> Emerald As in ores, Platinum isnt a MC Ore so I tthought they could change the name, this list was my dream list just for random fun stuff! I already love the server and everything! I thought maybe 12 player survival Games would make it easier for people not as good in PvP to win, this was just a weird fun list dude.
That was the point of platinum; change. Adding a new ore would be too predictable, thus platinum was made.


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
1. New Maps -There should be a huge poll voting on what new maps should be removed.
2. Maybe 12-Player Survival Games?
3. New Rank? Maybe Iron and Gold can be lifetime ranks? Platinum should be Emerald rank.
4. Re-tier Lobby Games! Where's Freeze Island, Wyvern's Wake and Destiny's Shiver?
6. Change the lobby, I lag too much on it ;-;
7. Remove Raffle System, some people troll and vote for the worst maps on purpose, then say something like "trolled"
8. Lower Prices of Donor Ranks?
9. More Donor Giveaways!
10. New Rank Maybe Lapis Rank?
1. I partly agree, but it's not a major issue.
2. No. I've tried them on some other SG servers, too quick and bad overall..
3. New ranks are always cool, but I wouldn't make Iron and Gold lifetime, as they bring a constant moneyflow to the servers, because they are running out in 1-3 months.
4. I would say that Lobby Games doesn't need a retier as the games are quick and fastpaced because of the amount of tier 2's, also these maps got removed which in my opinion was a food decision.
5. Go ahead and get reporting!
6. Yes, you get low frames, but it's not anything major as it's just the lobby.
7. It may annoy sometimes, but it's mostly cool in my opinion.
8. No, there are already sales on donors pretty often.
9. I think we are good, thanks anyway! xD
10. I don't care, why not..


Jun 16, 2014
Reaction score
To be honest, I don't like your ideas, I'm not trying to be mean, or start a flame war, and some of those ideas look like only you would benefit from them, then the others, I disagree with.


Jun 10, 2014
Reaction score
Here's my opinions on your thoughts:

1. Nope, the Map Committee has a vote on the maps. If the community voted, then people would be biased and vote for their own map, create fake accounts, be biased against certain builders/build teams.
2. Not really, as SailedStingray6 said there's some stuff wrong with this idea. There isn't really a reason for this idea to be implemented, it's just easier to farm wins. :p If it's because games are too long, the majority of games last less than 20 minutes.
3. No, they won't do lifetime gold/iron. There probably won't be any new ranks soon, there's more than enough. I don't see a point in "Emerald Rank," plus green and light green are already used up by Member and Quantum.
4. Staff regularly re-tier maps, they'll get to it. As for the maps, Wyverns Wake had OP items and there was a bunch of other reasons as well. Freeze Island is still on the CA servers, but Chad said that it will not come back to other regions. As for the other map, I haven't heard of it, it must have been on the servers when I had my break.
5. We all want that. The Devs are furiously trying to prevent them. You can help by reporting hackers if you see one.
6. Mentioned in the Q&A, Chad said that the lobby will always be the V2 lobby, down the road there may be a new one.
7. There is currently a community poll going on regarding this. Chad will make a decision about it someday.
8. The server needs money to keep running. I consider Iron and Gold to be reasonable.
9. Always check MCG's twitter, there is usually one on a regular basis.
10. As mentioned on #3, I doubt it.

I hope you found these answers useful!


EDIT: Wyz_Guy you beat me to it! I guess two opinions may be helpful. Such a Wyz Guy...

Ag | Alex

District 13
Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
1. New Maps -There should be a huge poll voting on what new maps should be removed.
2. Maybe 12-Player Survival Games?
3. New Rank? Maybe Iron and Gold can be lifetime ranks? Platinum should be Emerald rank.
4. Re-tier Lobby Games! Where's Freeze Island, Wyvern's Wake and Destiny's Shiver?
6. Change the lobby, I lag too much on it ;-;
7. Remove Raffle System, some people troll and vote for the worst maps on purpose, then say something like "trolled"
8. Lower Prices of Donor Ranks?
9. More Donor Giveaways!
10. New Rank Maybe Lapis Rank?
1. The maps were chosen for a reason. Every once in a while, maps are taken out.
2. 12 player games will just promote boosting. No one wants that.
3. We don't need a new rank. Everything is fine how it is. Platinum can't be Emerald now that we have Quantum.
4. Lobby Games is fine except for the blimp, but who cares. Getting full iron isn't hard, and you most likely won't get more than that.
5. lol cute
6. The lobby is fine, as long as you don't lag when the game starts, it doesn't matter.
7. Raffle voting is fine. If you don't like trollers, join a different server.
8. No. Get a job.
9. I like this one


May 30, 2013
Reaction score
Here's my opinions on your thoughts:

1. Nope, the Map Committee has a vote on the maps. If the community voted, then people would be biased and vote for their own map, create fake accounts, be biased against certain builders/build teams.
2. Not really, as SailedStingray6 said there's some stuff wrong with this idea. There isn't really a reason for this idea to be implemented, it's just easier to farm wins. :p If it's because games are too long, the majority of games last less than 20 minutes.
3. No, they won't do lifetime gold/iron. There probably won't be any new ranks soon, there's more than enough. I don't see a point in "Emerald Rank," plus green and light green are already used up by Member and Quantum.
4. Staff regularly re-tier maps, they'll get to it. As for the maps, Wyverns Wake had OP items and there was a bunch of other reasons as well. Freeze Island is still on the CA servers, but Chad said that it will not come back to other regions. As for the other map, I haven't heard of it, it must have been on the servers when I had my break.
5. We all want that. The Devs are furiously trying to prevent them. You can help by reporting hackers if you see one.
6. Mentioned in the Q&A, Chad said that the lobby will always be the V2 lobby, down the road there may be a new one.
7. There is currently a community poll going on regarding this. Chad will make a decision about it someday.
8. The server needs money to keep running. I consider Iron and Gold to be reasonable.
9. Always check MCG's twitter, there is usually one on a regular basis.
10. As mentioned on #3, I doubt it.

I hope you found these answers useful!


EDIT: Wyz_Guy you beat me to it! I guess two opinions may be helpful. Such a Wyz Guy...
I think I chose my IGN WYZly then! x)

Zinc // Akash754

Jan 3, 2014
Reaction score
To be honest, I don't like your ideas, I'm not trying to be mean, or start a flame war, and some of those ideas look like only you would benefit from them, then the others, I disagree with.
Okay dude I just wanted to see other peoples opinion I'm fine with your opinion :D

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