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'There are teams in the books and therefore they belong in the game!'


Dec 12, 2013
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you know nothing about the game, stop acting like you know something when you know nothing.
I would explain all the game mechanics to you, but you seem to know everything so I won't waste my time.


Apr 4, 2015
Reaction score
Teaming is not an issue. The attitude that people have is the real issue. Players come on MCGamer to have fun. Playing with your friends is extremely fun and sometimes you get bored playing alone. "Teaming is an issue" That statement gets me agitated so much. This is what MCSG has become? If you are really one of this people that prefer to win all on skill and think like that, just get better. That's it. Playing with friends and such is what Minecraft is all about. As you said "Go play on Mineplex if you want to team" and "Other servers have already implemented this". Then why don't you go play on those servers? Why? Because MCSG is unique and no other server can give the amount of fun that you get from playing on the MCGamer servers. If they add gamemodes like teams only and such, it removes the whole jest of it. That's what makes MCSG fun. It is how challenging it is and how you expect teams. Sometimes even though I hate to say it, hackers. MCSG feels as close to Hunger Games as it is possible. You are always of aware of everything and expecting the hardest challenges, thinking about how to overcome them. If that aspect of the game was removed, it makes MCSG one thing closer to being just another Survival Games server.

If MCSG doesn't implement something that the players want, they're gonna lose players to those servers who have Solo SG. And that's not what they want, is it? They're gonna lose players and money. That's why I made this thread, so they wouldn't need to move anywhere. Everyone suggesting Solo SG are on MCSG's side. That's why they're suggesting it, they want to stay here.

You also said that MCSG is here for the people to have fun and that's obviously false. As we've seen, people will do anything to win a game(hack, boost, team) on this competitive gamemode. If it wasn't competitive, people wouldn't do such thing as hacking.

With the same money they're wasting on AVN gamemode servers, they could have Solo and Normal SG servers.

thx for read! be sure to leaf this like!! = )


Jan 1, 2015
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I don't think ending an argument with "I'm better than you" makes anyone regard your argument, but I'll end this here.

What you said is when faced with a team, a solo player would deplete his/her secondaries, which does happen sometimes. I don't know about EU, but on US, we tend to solve the problem more.

If I'm faced against say yourself and proosger, I can either rush in and have a low chance at winning, or I can clean up, with a better chance at winning, or I can find another solo to ally myself with, which has the best chance at winning. (also happened in the book)
You have zero chance because we don't let you clean us up by playing smart. If we're teamed and are trying to win, no legit solo player has a chance.
EVEN IF MCSG abolished all teams, and became FFA only, how would you define what is ok? What if the argument on one side is "THEY TEAMED UP AGAINST ME" But the other side is "WE BOTH KNEW HE WAS LOW SO WE BOTH TRIED TO GET THE KILL"

Would simply not fighting someone be considered teaming? Divide and conquer? I'd like to know your opinion.
Nobody is saying teaming should be abolished. It's fun. People want separate servers for solo play, clan battles and different size teams.

As for your questions, they pretty much answer themselves. Two people going for the same kill is obviously not teaming. Friends purposely avoiding each other until they have to fight is clearly not teaming. I couldn't care less if players truce but stay apart- the problem only arises when there are two players fighting alongside each other in a coordinated fashion. The only opportunity for shenanigans would be in deathmatch, which is why this should be circumvented with a 2 man deathmatch on the solo servers.
If they add gamemodes like teams only and such, it removes the whole jest of it. That's what makes MCSG fun. It is how challenging it is and how you expect teams. Sometimes even though I hate to say it, hackers.
This kind of post pisses me off. You say you value playing with friends, but team only servers would somehow 'remove the whole jest of it'? It's obvious that what you truthfully value is winning as a team, which would be a lot more challenging when playing on level ground.
That might just be bad luck on your part. There's always teamers, but they probably just don't last long enough for you to notice.
There's no such thing as consistent bad luck. If he's been playing both regions for a year, any unbiased observations he makes on the prevalence of teams should pretty much be taken as fact.
I would explain all the game mechanics to you, but you seem to know everything so I won't waste my time.
You said that a player with fewer cps getting the first hit must be due to a ping advantage, so you clearly know very little about the game mechanics lol.


Jan 18, 2015
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My feedback:

Well, they are trying to stay original. Other servers like Hive and Mineplex have made the games easier for players so more people are good at it. But on MCSG, you have to work really hard to get good stats. This is one of the reasons people play this server: it's challenging.

I'd have to disagree. Plenty of players (including myself) team both to win and to have more fun than playing solo. If people are just using their friends to win games, that's considered boosting. You have to be a pretty bad person if you treat friends as tools.

Exactly. People come here for a challenge. But it doesn't mean you have to choose between winning and having fun. Making SG easy by adding solo servers would kind of ruin the competitiveness, due to it being much easier.

But is it worth punishment? Teams aren't invincible, and good players can kill most of them. By removing teams, you risk being dominated by good players. People would get bored of getting kill after kill, with nothing else to really prove to be difficult about the game. Unless you count hackers.

That's another thing: teams can kill hackers much easier. Without them, there would be no stopping these. Think of it this way: there are two people and a hacker. Do you force the 2 legit players to fight each other AND the hacker? That would really get on people's nerves. You could make an exception for hackers, but people would just claim that a player was hacking, spread out for a while, then get another "hacking noob."

I understand the trash talk element, though. But this kind of talk is now filtered.

Thanks for your consideration of my opinion on this subject.
The only reason you have to work hard to get good stats on MCSG is because the NCP is ALL OF THE BUNNIES up , and hackers are nearly impossible to kill, and as mentioned above. Teamers.


Jan 18, 2015
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Fighting teams has always come naturally to me. I played a game on Alaskan village and there was a team of 2, full iron, diamond sword, iron sword. I had 7 armor bars and a stone sword. The other person left for refill as it was approaching quickly, and I destroyed the other player with a fishing rod combo. I went on to win the game. If you're stacked, light 'em up with flint and steel, bowspam and go in!
NUIISSEE! Fish rod combos r the best ! :D try the flintrod

sorry for doublepost


Oct 14, 2013
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The only reason you have to work hard to get good stats on MCSG is because the NCP is ALL OF THE BUNNIES up , and hackers are nearly impossible to kill, and as mentioned above. Teamers.
I'd just like to mention that any team is possible to take down. I've once 1v8'd a clan and won, and I'm not even that good. It's all a matter of playing it smart.

If you die from teams, just keep your cool. Remember that you can't win every game.


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
I'd just like to mention that any team is possible to take down. I've once 1v8'd a clan and won, and I'm not even that good. It's all a matter of playing it smart.

If you die from teams, just keep your cool. Remember that you can't win every game.
The only reason you have to work hard to get good stats on MCSG is because the NCP is ALL OF THE BUNNIES up , and hackers are nearly impossible to kill, and as mentioned above. Teamers.
I'm going to have to disagree. Hackers are quite easily defeatable. Most of them rely on their hacks to keep them alive, so simply use your game sense to defeat them. FnS, bows, traps, choke points, you name it. Something I like to do is trade hits with them while critting. They'll never know what hit them.


Oct 14, 2013
Reaction score
bs lol. I challenge you to 1v2 me and a friend then lol
I probably could on 1.7, but I'm not as good anymore.
Nor do I care, or play Minecraft frequently anymore for that matter.

I'm not going to be posting on this thread anymore, people are too single-minded. I don't want to cause any more flame.

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