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#TheLegends [EU] EliteClan

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Oct 12, 2012
Reaction score
wow he doesn't hack I have pwned him easily. Anyways you are right. They are planning on banning all the pros so noobs can get more wins and climb the leader boards
NO EXKING not the noobs should climb up leaderboards. It is the staff the mods who will climb up the leaderboards

1. Gravey4rd
2. Elisha
3. reven


Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
NO EXKING not the noobs should climb up leaderboards. It is the staff the mods who will climb up the leaderboards

1. Gravey4rd
2. Elisha
3. reven
i dont think that why they do it.
i think the server is just goin down instead of up :(
they banning for ever for first ban and not like in v1 for 7days and second time for ever
idk why they doin it

btw - i applied few days ago - can u go to page 19/20 and reply for me? :(

second btw - not need to tell me my grammer sucks :( im from israel :)


Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
wow he doesn't hack I have pwned him easily. Anyways you are right. They are planning on banning all the pros so noobs can get more wins and climb the leader boards
Exking he played on the hive and he went to play on mcsg and he forgot to turn better sprints off :\


District 13
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
Canziano posted a video of a hacker but in the video they saw he had some sort of hack!
Dont post things about that here!

Also for the people looking at this, I have a good explanation to give to admins!

How old are you? 13
What is your ingame name? adam8488
What should we call you? Adam :3
Skype/TS name? Skype: adam.rautenbach no ts D:
How many wins do you have? 96 BUT I live in south africa, so I lag very much, you can check my skills on a server I dont really lag on
When did you start playing MCSG? When it was only sg 1 ;)
How often are you playing? Pretty much every day
What is your PvP strenghts? Swords, bow & fishing rod <3
What is your PvP weakness? Hackers D:
Why do you want to be a Legend? Because Legends is a beast clan and alot of my friends are in it too!
Thanks for your time! hope you accept me!
Declined! You do not meet the win requirement of 200 wins! I am sorry
You shouldnt play on EU servers if you live in South Africa, try the Australian servers or Asian servers

How old are you? (Atleast 13) 16
What is your ingame name? Loebok
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Loe
Skype/TS name? loebok.pirck
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 200) I think i have 340ish wins dont know how to check
When did you start playing MCSG? summer '12
How often are you playing? Like 2-3 games a day with kaktus (<3 (No homo)), kinda returned to MCSG
What is your PvP strenghts? Fisting! And if I sometimes fight a sword I can also use that.
What is your PvP weakness? Teamers, hackers and beeing brain afk
Why do you want to be a Legend? Because I know a lot of you guys and I want to have more fun playing mcsg c:
What is your favourite map? Hungry Hillz Rulez! (Does that one still exist?)
Declined! I won't accept you cause last time you were in the clan, I NEVER saw you ingame and also our clan is starting to reach its members limit, I am sorry, but I will not accept just because you are friends wth Kaktus and you were an old member!

How old are you? (Atleast 13) 14
What is your ingame name? w0wMonkey
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) w0w
Skype/TS name? wowmonkey123
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 200) 202 :)
When did you start playing MCSG? when i got mc - that why in the start i have 0 wins 500 games :)
How often are you playing? alot each day
What is your PvP strenghts? water fights, flint and still, kill teams :)
What is your PvP weakness? fishing rod :( when someone knock me back and think im fish :O ice fights - laggin :(
Why do you want to be a Legend? cause i am want a good clan that i can learn from :)
What is your favourite map? moonlight lake, fortress pyke
Declined! Our clan is getting full with members!

How old are you? (Atleast 13): 13
What is your ingame name? manne07
What should we call you? (First name or a nickname) Manne
Skype/TS name? Skype: manne.johnsson1
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 200) 266
When did you start playing MCSG? since the Beta
How often are you playing? everyday if i don't have homework
What is your PvP strengths? close combat
What is your PvP weakness? too small areas
Why do you want to be a Legend? because this clan seems to be the most professional in the EU region!
What is your favourite map?: SG2 SG4 TSG2
Declined! I think we will take a break from accepting new an "unpopular" players, I am sorry


District 13
May 19, 2012
Reaction score
This clan will stil be runned by me even if I am banned, it doesnt change the fact that I am permabanned! I can still be on the forums.
This clan will also not close and I will not give leadership to anyone outside the clan!


Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
This clan will stil be runned by me even if I am banned, it doesnt change the fact that I am permabanned! I can still be on the forums.
This clan will also not close and I will not give leadership to anyone outside the clan!
the clan isnt full and u denied my app for being full :(


Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
This clan will stil be runned by me even if I am banned, it doesnt change the fact that I am permabanned! I can still be on the forums.
This clan will also not close and I will not give leadership to anyone outside the clan!
Your signature is creeping me out...
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