IGN: 4nonhumans
Amount of wins: 61 as of posting this, but you said you could make an exception
Amount of games: 600ish, I give my friends wins a lot.
PVP Strengths: Bow, FnS, and fishing rod. I'm pretty good with a sword, but my internet registers less than half of my hits. I can click pretty fast too.
PVP Weaknesses: Hackers obviously, large teams, and extremely good players with OP internet.
Skype: It's in my bio.
Do you go on often?: Everyday.
Will you be dedicated to the clan?: I have a lot of free time, so certainly.
Do you love wolves: Who doesn't?
Do you Love cats?: Who doesn't?
Have you been banned before?: Not on MCSG; I have been banned on other servers way back in my hacking days.
Favorite maps?: Icarus, Chernobyl, Fortune Island, SG4, Valleyside, TSG2.
Why do you want to be in this clan: Because there's cool people in it, and it would be my first organized clan.
Rate your skill from 1-10: 7
List your skills: Basically PvP strengths. IRL: Piano, percussion, video games, watching TV, singing(ish), and being cool.
List your weaknesses: Basically PvP weaknesses. IRL: Bananas.