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The whole community In a thread + ways to fix it.


Apr 14, 2014
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Please tell me how 'l2p' is not disrespectful and is not intended to insult someone. :) Scott
Personally I can see it more being a matter of unsportsmanlike behaviour which, granted didn't get too out of control, isn't punishable.

It wouldn't go unnoticed if unsportsmanlike words such as eZ were blocked by the filter as well- it's a 2 for 1 deal when you think about it; not only are we blocking out the words in the first place, but people will be punished if they try to be smart and evade the filter (which is punishable).

However, at the end of the day this all depends on the administration's standpoint on the issue, which last time I checked was that comments like eZ aren't a problem.


Jun 24, 2014
Reaction score
Yeah many staff members don't realize this issue, mainly being the reason they DONT play on the server which is quite sad because most off the staff (80% Don't play) (I <3 the other 20%).


Jul 2, 2014
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Personally I can see it more being a matter of unsportsmanlike behaviour which, granted didn't get too out of control, isn't punishable.

It wouldn't go unnoticed if unsportsmanlike words such as eZ were blocked by the filter as well- it's a 2 for 1 deal when you think about it; not only are we blocking out the words in the first place, but people will be punished if they try to be smart and evade the filter (which is punishable).

However, at the end of the day this all depends on the administration's standpoint on the issue, which last time I checked was that comments like eZ aren't a problem.
Unsportsmanlike conduct is being disrespectful, though - where does the intent lie? I'd doubt most do it to exercise arrogance.

I really haven't ever been in favour of making it bannable, but now I can see why the demand is there. It really is just disrespectful and, as most seem to put it, 'unnecessary'. It literally says in the rules ("Do not disrespect others [...] Eh: User, you suck at Minecraft.) That example is, arguably, the same as 'eZ' or 'l2p'. The written rules basically head most of my arguments, which is scathingly ironic...

Also, I fail to grasp what you're trying to say in your second paragraph. Block out the terms in general and punish people of they bypass the filter? That really makes no sense to me, because it'd be absolutely no different from now. Filters only can do so much, and at the end of the day, they really protect against nothing.

It's not so much that I see these subtle digs at mockery and condemnent as a problem, but more that it's just a completely unneeded, unwanted, and literally a scum comment.


Jun 24, 2014
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Yeah the community we can agree on is getting worse. Sometimes I find my-self becoming more hostile because every game when I see someone say ez to me it always impacts how I act and then I start to act like a jerk to them as well which I shouldn't. In the end I don't understand why "ez" and the other stuff isn't punishable it makes 0 sense and it shows the lack of attendance to the servers. If most staff (Not implying all don't) actually played a few games they would see that "ez" "rekt" all that other no sense is always being used EVERY GAME and they should bring it up in a meeting or something.


Aug 20, 2012
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The forums are filled with trollers and alt accounts. All they are doing are is commenting llama or camel, And then making random threads, When it started it was funny but now everyone is doing it, it has become boring and they sometimes do commit some crimes (forum crimes)
The way we can stop this is, either ban them or a mod keeps high alert on them.
Members please contact the staff if they harass you. Ignore them because at the end of the day they are wasting their times on the internet while you could be having fun!
Troll accounts on the forums are a problem we encounter somewhat frequently, and on occasions they will be harmful, but our biggest problem with trolls lies in the Teamspeak. What I fail to understand is what a TS troll is getting out of all of this, they go on to our Teamspeak, be rude, play soundboards, curse out mods, disobey us, then get banned. They buy tons of VPN's and go on TS alts, only to get immediately banned again, wasting more of their time than wasting our time. So what does your average TS troll get out of it? Wasted time? Check. Wasted money? Check. Angry mods? Nope, it's quite easy to deal with trolls. Angry players? Some, but once we come in a get rid of the trolls everybody is happy again <:
SG discussion is rarely used, I remember when that used to be the main. Back in the past some good threads came up. But the forums are dead of discussions right now. So many clan threads are being posted and My guess is 50% aren't even used also their are a few in their own language, My idea is to have different sections, ones that are not accepting applications, ones that are in a different language and ones that are new and are accepting applications, also there are good people on the forums but they are disappearing quickly. The way to fix this is to get more debatable topics.
This is actually a very good idea, and will be brought up by me at a staff meeting, or in a discussion on the TS. It would be incredibly helpful to have a region for US clans, EU clans, and AU clans; making it easier for people to find a clan that fits them.
As much as the the staff say ignore them, we can't they get the best of us. They say l2p, gg12/gg10, g3t r3kt m9. The way we can stop them are reporting them to the staff/report abuse. Also MCG developers can block the message. Remember there are mods that can help you, You can't hide because they are everywhere in real life, social media you name it. Harassers have to be ignored. Harassers are on facebook twitter or any other type of social media.
Some people are just rude, and there isn't much we can do about it besides not letting it get to you. They are looking for a reaction, so if you don't give them one, you're winning ^-^

To everybody: Just remember, the staff is here to help, not hurt. The only reason people think we're corrupt or whatever is because people say it, with no backing or evidence, and then come on platforms such as Teamspeak and harass us, causing us to ban them rightfully (somehow that makes us corrupt, I fail to see the logic there). If you need any help, feel free to PM any staff member and we will assist you as soon as we can c:


Nov 20, 2013
Reaction score
To address an issue, and look for possible solutions.
Nothing he said was a secret. All he did was complain about well-known problems, give a bad excuse for a solution, and include one section for good people with the rest for bad.
Last edited:


Sep 25, 2014
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well "troll" accounts are probably the most entertaining part of the forums for some people

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