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The Walking Dead S4 - Finale (predictions)


May 5, 2012
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Okay so as a lover of TWD I am probably more excited for this finale than any other in the past : simple reason why : I've read the comics and have been cluing together bits and theories from around the web to come to my final conclusion as to how the episode will play out.
My predictions will probably have spoilers as some points are almost certainly going to happen.

"The marauders" (aka.Claimers , Joe's group , bandits)
It is fair to say at this point that they are NOT the hunters (a cannibalistic group that prays upon smaller groups , as seen in the comic book series) although this does not mean they aren't associated with them. If you have seen the new Zealand promo (Spoilers BTW) it shows a number of things involving them (I warned you) including them catching up with rick. It is fair to say that these guys
are the equivalent of the thugs (the marauders) Rick , Carl and Abraham ran into while on the road during the comics and in the encounter one tried to rape Carl and rick loses it and rips him apart with his teeth. In the promo it shows Joe holding Carl (almost identical to the scene depicted in the comics). I assume there will be a standoff between the prisoners and them , but it doesn't look like they are the only antagonists in the finale..
Several episode descriptions describe rick coming to his breaking point and being face with sheer brutality. This ties in with the AMC promo of rick looking terrible and shocked. This is not going to be good for rick. Only 2 things could trigger this in the upcoming episode : The marauders or..

The Hunters.
The hunters in the comic book are lead by a guy named Chris. It is a small group of cannibals which pray upon small groups of survivors. It consists of normal people who have been turns into monsters. It is hinted that they ate their own children.
By the looks of it , the hunters inhabit terminus and they are the ones responsible for Beth's kidnapping.
In the comics the hunters mess with their victim and enduce as much fear as possible into them so that they are less organised and easier to "hunt". In the comics they kidnap dale and return him to the group minus a few limbs. Could beth be the one to fill this role? Could it be what rick is seeing?
Is beth being served up on the barbecue at terminus?
Now for the weird.
A character named Garreth is going to appear in the finale. It looks as if he is the leader of the hunters and is seen in the NZ promo , springing some sort of trap on rick which involves a gun man shooting them down inside terminus. Gareth is going to be a mixture of two comic book characters. Rumours say he is both Chris and father Gabriel (a priest who waited out the zombie apocalypse within the confines of a church). Now this is weird because the AMC promo shows a room full of candles. But it doesn't end there.
Do you guys remember the scene where michonne finds the painting of a lady in a house covered in blood? That lady looks very similar to the one glen encounters when his mixed group arrives at terminus. Now , do you remember the weird dolorama of children's corpses found in the same house? This could easily be a coincidince but if it isn't... Yeah.

So to sum things up , the show runners of next weeks episodes will be the hunters and the marauders. Beth is probably dead and chopped up and Garreth is possibly a twisted cannibal priest.
A main character will probably die , here's a list of the possible kill offs.
Maggie (possibly from foreshadowing with the burning of the picture in episode 15).
And maybe some other character you don't really care about like Sasha.

This will be a good one.


Jul 15, 2013
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Beth was really kidnapped, the leader of Darrel's group get's shut in the head by his crossbow, Turmis is a place full of canibals


Apr 30, 2013
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um i don't watch this so i'm going to go with they all fly to the moon to live happily ever after the end


District 13
Nov 16, 2013
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You want to know something freaky. In the end of last episode, the woman inside terminus, Mary, was wearing a coat. What's so special? It is the same coat that Beth is wearing right before she got kidnapped. Coincidence? I think not.


May 5, 2012
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ToeMan said:
You want to know something freaky. In the end of last episode, the woman inside terminus, Mary, was wearing a coat. What's so special? It is the same coat that Beth is wearing right before she got kidnapped. Coincidence? I think not.
In that case we know for sure beth is on the menu. I don't think she's quite dead though (but with quite a few less limbs) as the hunters liked their meat fresh.


Jan 2, 2013
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I think Glenn or Maggie will die and probably michonne

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