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The Ultimate how to win Minecraft Survival Games Guide


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
Hi everybody welcome to my ultimate guide on how to win the Hunger Games.
Since in 2013 I was in the top 50 players stat wise and considered the second best AU pvper at one time (only second to darkrai202) I have the knowledge and ecperience to give you an in-depth guide on how to increase your chances of winning the minecraft survival games. Whether it's so you can have better looking stats or want to climb the leaderboards as fast as you can, this is the guide for you!


There are actually a lot of stuff that you should consider before the game even begins.
1. Possible Teams?: You're going to run into teams a lot so why not minimise your chance of getting in a game with them. If you know two people that will be teaming and your almost certain you can't beat them then it would be wise to leave that game and join another one. If you feel up to the challenge though I'd recommend always testing your limits but if your uncertain then it's best to leave.
2. Possible Hackers?: Maybe you run into a hacker that killed you three games before or he's using aimbot in the lobby, usually it would be a wise decision to leave the game (and poke a mod about the hacker so we can deal with him) because chances are highly in his favour to win so why risk it?
3. Anyone in the game that dislikes you?: This is kind of a big one for the climbers since because you are climbing so fast because of this guide, people will start hating you from random reasons and call you a cheat. If one single player seems to hate you a lot or admits they will target you off corn, it's better just to move onto the next game.
4. Make sure your on a Map that you know really well!: If you want to win then play maps you star comfortable playing on and have a good chest route. Getting good gear is key in winning MCSG and your chances of winning are raised significantly when you have a good chest route. SG4 is my favourite because I have a route no one goes and because of that it's a rarity on that map for me not getting to deathmatch.
5. Make sure the server has a lot of people: The best way to win is play to improve (I'll talk more about that later) and how can you improve with so little players to verse. Practice is what makes you gain wins and become a great pvper.


Now that we've checked of our list we are In a game and about to head to the cornucopia, but first let's check something.
1. How close are to your route?: If your route is right behind you don't even bother with corn you'll get good enough gear on your route.
2. Wha are the players next to you looking at?: if the person on your left is looking away from corn by 5 seconds left, he will probably not go to corn. If the person next to you looks like he is going to the chest your right, then the chest at corn to your left is completely free to get all the items uncontested (most of the time). You should always take note in what way your neighbours are looking because it could leave you with an entire spawn chest to yourself.

If you went to corn and got a stone sword what do you do? Well you kill everything. If you see someone trying to be greedy and going for two chests then he will most likely have more stuff. Usually two or three people can get stone swords of corn so take caution and try and kill those people. Why? Well if they've been killing people of corn with their sword it's most likely they have a lot of gear so try and sneak behind them and kill them. However try and avoid a start up 1v1 unless you re incredibly confident in your sword skills.

Now the scenario in which you didn't get a stone sword of corn then just run your route. Make sure to have two backup routes that are close to your main route incase your route was taken by someone else earlier. Try and get as much gear possible until around 26-25 minutes left. Then it's important to get into the action.

Why do I say this? Well usually at this time there will be good players and teams stacking up gear so it's important to take them out before they get too much gear or when you have enough players to "run them into." Now to kill people that's something I can't really teach because the beauty of PVP is everyone has their different style that works for them. However some may be very similar and some ways of playing can accidentally counter others, your own way of PVP is the best way of PVP so don't try and copy of someone else and develop your own unique style of playing. Personally I usually try to light the player on fire then kite them back with the bow mainly because bow is my strength and sword/rod is not. (Make sure to play by your strengths unless you feel like testing your limits or want to improve on your weaknesses).

But almighty master, what do I do against the dreaded double/triple team? Well fear not because even though PVP style is unique to each player, taking out a team is fairly universal with each pro-player. Firstly you want to make sure you have secondaries or a terrain advantage over the team. From there try and isolate one of the teammates with fnsing (That will be a word for this guide ;) ) the other teammate, making him back off from too many hits or using terrain (terrain is very difficult to separate teammates by possible). Make sure before you fight the isolated player that you are on high enough health to take out the player and have enough time to deal with him before his friend tries and cleans up. Since you will be making split second decisions you will need to run off instinct (your gut feeling) and barely anything else. You cannot have a conflicted mind while fighting a team. From there if it fails just repeat those steps until you eventually you kill the team or you die (hey it happens). If there are a lot of people in the server then you can, while being chased by the team, run them into other stacked players or another team and play the opportunist. In the end taking out teams comes with practice and with enough time and practice, you'll find yourself taking out teams on a daily basis! (Important note, never get lot on fire while versing a team or you are doomed).

But what about the other problem that stops me from winning, the Hackers? Well they can be very tricky but many are very manageable. Most hackers tend to have pretty bad internet so try and use that to your advantage by bow spamming them when they freeze in mid air (either because of lag or anti-cheat they will be stuck in the air). Aimbot only hackers can be dealt with by using rod crits. Firstly rod them back and when they are mid air try and hit then once or twice and then back out. Repeat those steps and majority of the time you will be able to kill those hackers. Those who use all the hacks in the book are quite simply almost impossible to take out so don't feel bad or upset . Just make sure to get sufficient evidence against that hacker and report him to stop him from ruining more games.

Now we've dealt with that back to the game.

Now it's 20 minutes left until forced deathmatch and there are 7 or less players left, what do I do? Well this is when you hunt around for players to get easy kills from behind or chase them down like rabbits. Do this until 18 minutes and head straight back to corn. You want to catch as many people with surprise as possible. Wait around the outskirts of corn and wait for your helpless victim while watching behind for anyone trying to sneak up on you. If corn is all yours make sure to burn the stuff you won't use and go on the more popular routes to find more gapples and diamonds or some more kills.

If you can't get control of corn because of a team, try and bow spam them and force a fight while they aren't looking. People in chests are free hits for fully charged bow shots. If you need more stuff to take out that team then just go along your route, get tear and try and catch one of the team members of guard.


Now this is the make or break point. You've worked so hard to get to this point but this is when everything can change. Or you could have one of those games when everyone has only leather armour. The Deathmatch Arena. Each arena has different terrain and a different style of playing is required in each deathmatch arena. I will make a video for it soon so the link will be edited on here when it's made. The general idea you should have going into deathmatch is getting the others to fight against each other and you get the free win . Do this by always remaining on the left or right flank and try to stay as close to the corn in the safest way possible since it will usually be your only way of blocking arrows. Make sure to stay on high hearts and if someone starts trying to bow you don't be afraid to bow back. If everything worked out for you then congratulations you won the minecraft survival games!

Before I leave you I will tell you the most important part of the game, your mentality. Here's a few things you should follow while playing the survival games.

1. Keep clam, never panic. If you do your body will go crazy and confused and won't be able to think straight in a pressured situation. Keep yourself coolheaded and positive and rage very little. This alone will increase your chances to win by a lot.

2. Play to improve. The most important top I can give you is to play to improve. If you play to win and then you lose, you get upset and angry and may try and blame your loss on factors which you can't control (teams, hackers, etc) while someone that plays to improve, when he/she dies they think over why they died and how they can fix that problem. The more you improve = the better you play which = more wins.

3. When making split second decisions, run of your instinct. Never go against your instinct when in tight situations. Our brains are so amazing that they know more about winning minecraft than we do. My instinct always tells me when you I should go in and I do not hesitate, usually ending up with me as the victor. Never doubt your gut feelings ( unless they're telling you to do something malicious then don't do it).

4. Remain positive. You should always enjoy yourself when dedicating a lot of time to one specific area. Keeping a positive environment will help you a lot. Trust me.

Anyway that's the end of my guide I hope I have helped those who need help or even taught something new to the veteran players, good luck in the Arena and may the odds be ever in your favour.

PS: Ask any questions related to PVP or if you want to add something else don't be afraid to post :)


District 13
Feb 15, 2015
Reaction score
Nice Guide, I've only read 2 paragraphs and I can tell its pretty good! I'll take my time to read it when I have the chance!


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
Actually a guide worth my time to read it. Probably won't help, but I enjoyed it.


District 13
May 20, 2015
Reaction score
I just say Team? they say yes and i backstab them ULTIMATE METHOD!


Sep 4, 2014
Reaction score
The only guide for beign good at pvp is: PLAYNG , with experience you will be better and better


Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
The only thing you need to win a mcsg game is secondaries, you don't even need a sword as long as you have alot of arrows a rod and a fns u basicly won. ( only if ur a good player of course )


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
The only guide for beign good at pvp is: PLAYNG , with experience you will be better and better
Your not wrong that's a really important part but there is still more to it than that. An experienced player that is always angry won't be winning as many games as a calm, positive experienced player.

The only thing you need to win a mcsg game is secondaries, you don't even need a sword as long as you have alot of arrows a rod and a fns u basicly won. ( only if ur a good player of course )
I guess but your relying a lot on kiting back (which is what secondaries help you do) and if you screw up your in a very bad situation. You can win with secondaries only but without a sword it will be quite difficult.

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