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The Titans [US Team]

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Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
Well, guys, some of you may have seen it coming, but the Titans are disbanding. It's been a good run, and we've done a lot to be proud of. We've risen to be one of the top clans of MCSG, and, more importantly, we've become a family. The past months with you guys have definitely been some of my best at MCSG, and I view each and every one of you as friends I will remember for a long, long time.

The fact of the matter is, though, that I need a break. I've been leading clans since September of last year, with the Rebels, and, though these clans have provided the best experiences I have ever had at MCSG, the stress they cause is tremendous. Every day, dealing with drama, relationships between the members, keeping the tone of the clan on track, keeping the family whole. It was amazing work, to keep together a group of amazing people, but it was still work, and I need a break. I need a chance to come home after school and just hang out with people; to laugh, to have a fun time, with no stress whatsoever. Though I love this clan, and I love the Rebels, I need a break from leading clans.

People could probably see it in the way things were going. I wasn't getting on as much, and I wasn't there to manage the issues that needed to be managed to keep the clan together. People started leaving, and the family started dissolving. I am of the firm belief that in any clan, the most important part is being a family. It doesn't matter whether you are good at PvP, whether you can beat other clans in clan battles, or even if you are recognized at all by other clans. For me, clans have never been about that. They always have been, and always will be, about family. Though I have no doubt the Titans could continue going strong for many more months, and remain one of MCSG's top tier clans, I do not want it to do so without that spark of family that made it such a great clan to begin with.

Even though we're disbanding, I won't forget any of you guys. You made my time here at MCSG so much more amazing than it ever would have been otherwise, and I want to thank you for that. You are my family, and will continue to be even as we go our own separate ways. You are all amazing people, and I want you all to know that.

Some brief shoutouts before I end this off:
JustlThelWorst - Penguino, you are simply amazing. You were an amazing part of this clan, and by far the best elite any clan could have. I remember the one day we fought on Demon's Breeze, back when you were a complete randy, and now you're one of MCSG's top PvP'ers. You were a great friend, and amazing at pretty much everything you did, whether it was leading scrims, or bakka tems. Thank you so much.
ProShooterBF - Pig, you were the best officer anyone could ask for. You kept the clan running smoothly and efficiently, and dealt with all the many things I just didn't have time to do. You were a great friend to do pretty much anything with, whether it was playing Minecraft, Battlefield, or just talking. Thank you so much.
FuzzyPB - Fuzz-y. You are the real bev, and you are always a hilarious person to talk to. You make me smile and laugh, and I'm so glad I could give you elite (you deserved it!). You're a great friend and a great member of this clan. Thank you so much.
Kwayky - Macker the Hacker. The fattest and the baddest of them all. Even though I may have made fun of you a lot while you were in the clan, you were a good friend, and, surprisingly not actually bad at PvP. You were a good guy, and I wish you luck in the future. Thank you so much.
ChrisComedies - You were one of the first members of the Titans, and you stuck with us through thick and thin. You were one of the most loyal people I know, and one of the most funny as well. You brought a great sense of spirit to the clan, and really made it the family that I loved. Thank you so much.
Butterballer Angryjukebox - My favorite Canadians, both absolutely amazing people. Alex, thank you for being such a chill guy, and having the idea (along with resistantcorn12 ) to actually start the CA division. Butter, thank you for being just the best friend anyone could ask for. You would always be the one to help me out and form sekret tems in FFA's, to make me laugh, to be there if I needed someone to talk to. You are mature, funny, and loyal, and I wish you luck in Republic. To both of you, thank you so much.
kristier12 - Kristie, you were one of the people I cared the most about in the Titans, and one of the people who helped keep it together through rough times in the past. You are an amazing person, and I can always talk to you, no matter what I have to say. You're funny, interesting, and kind, and I'm so glad that I got to know you. Plus, you're adorable. Kristie, thank you so much.
Happyhose - Happy. You are perhaps the most important member/officer/person this clan has ever had the pleasure of having. You were the most important part of the clan, and the core of the family. You were hilarious, and brought joy to everything you were a part of. I'm so glad that I got to know you. Thank you so much.
Macobeast fantasized ScrewYouGumby2 @Ouchtheschauzer Thank you so much for being the first members of the clan and giving me the inspiration to keep going with it. I'll always remember those first clan games with you guys, and the spark that you gave to the clan. Thank you so much.
Everybody else who was in the Titans - Guys. You were simply amazing. Honestly the best group of people I have ever had the honor to play with, and I am so glad I got to know all of you in the Titans. Every one of you are great friends, and, even though I may not have had the time to include you individually in the list, you are honestly the best group of people I could have possibly played with. You have made the past months absolutely amazing. Thank you so much.

To everyone: though we may disbanding, our legacy will not be forgotten. We were a family, and one of MCSG's best clans. We were a group of friends, we were skilled PvP'ers. We were recognized, we were respected. We had good times, and we had hard times, but, throughout it all, we were Titans. Thank you all, so much, for the great times we have had together. We will be remembered.

Signing off one last time

- Zeno
Sad to see it go.


Dec 23, 2012
Reaction score
Well, guys, some of you may have seen it coming, but the Titans are disbanding. It's been a good run, and we've done a lot to be proud of. We've risen to be one of the top clans of MCSG, and, more importantly, we've become a family. The past months with you guys have definitely been some of my best at MCSG, and I view each and every one of you as friends I will remember for a long, long time.

The fact of the matter is, though, that I need a break. I've been leading clans since September of last year, with the Rebels, and, though these clans have provided the best experiences I have ever had at MCSG, the stress they cause is tremendous. Every day, dealing with drama, relationships between the members, keeping the tone of the clan on track, keeping the family whole. It was amazing work, to keep together a group of amazing people, but it was still work, and I need a break. I need a chance to come home after school and just hang out with people; to laugh, to have a fun time, with no stress whatsoever. Though I love this clan, and I love the Rebels, I need a break from leading clans.

People could probably see it in the way things were going. I wasn't getting on as much, and I wasn't there to manage the issues that needed to be managed to keep the clan together. People started leaving, and the family started dissolving. I am of the firm belief that in any clan, the most important part is being a family. It doesn't matter whether you are good at PvP, whether you can beat other clans in clan battles, or even if you are recognized at all by other clans. For me, clans have never been about that. They always have been, and always will be, about family. Though I have no doubt the Titans could continue going strong for many more months, and remain one of MCSG's top tier clans, I do not want it to do so without that spark of family that made it such a great clan to begin with.

Even though we're disbanding, I won't forget any of you guys. You made my time here at MCSG so much more amazing than it ever would have been otherwise, and I want to thank you for that. You are my family, and will continue to be even as we go our own separate ways. You are all amazing people, and I want you all to know that.

Some brief shoutouts before I end this off:
JustlThelWorst - Penguino, you are simply amazing. You were an amazing part of this clan, and by far the best elite any clan could have. I remember the one day we fought on Demon's Breeze, back when you were a complete randy, and now you're one of MCSG's top PvP'ers. You were a great friend, and amazing at pretty much everything you did, whether it was leading scrims, or bakka tems. Thank you so much.
ProShooterBF - Pig, you were the best officer anyone could ask for. You kept the clan running smoothly and efficiently, and dealt with all the many things I just didn't have time to do. You were a great friend to do pretty much anything with, whether it was playing Minecraft, Battlefield, or just talking. Thank you so much.
FuzzyPB - Fuzz-y. You are the real bev, and you are always a hilarious person to talk to. You make me smile and laugh, and I'm so glad I could give you elite (you deserved it!). You're a great friend and a great member of this clan. Thank you so much.
Kwayky - Macker the Hacker. The fattest and the baddest of them all. Even though I may have made fun of you a lot while you were in the clan, you were a good friend, and, surprisingly not actually bad at PvP. You were a good guy, and I wish you luck in the future. Thank you so much.
ChrisComedies - You were one of the first members of the Titans, and you stuck with us through thick and thin. You were one of the most loyal people I know, and one of the most funny as well. You brought a great sense of spirit to the clan, and really made it the family that I loved. Thank you so much.
Butterballer Angryjukebox - My favorite Canadians, both absolutely amazing people. Alex, thank you for being such a chill guy, and having the idea (along with resistantcorn12 ) to actually start the CA division. Butter, thank you for being just the best friend anyone could ask for. You would always be the one to help me out and form sekret tems in FFA's, to make me laugh, to be there if I needed someone to talk to. You are mature, funny, and loyal, and I wish you luck in Republic. To both of you, thank you so much.
kristier12 - Kristie, you were one of the people I cared the most about in the Titans, and one of the people who helped keep it together through rough times in the past. You are an amazing person, and I can always talk to you, no matter what I have to say. You're funny, interesting, and kind, and I'm so glad that I got to know you. Plus, you're adorable. Kristie, thank you so much.
Happyhose - Happy. You are perhaps the most important member/officer/person this clan has ever had the pleasure of having. You were the most important part of the clan, and the core of the family. You were hilarious, and brought joy to everything you were a part of. I'm so glad that I got to know you. Thank you so much.
Macobeast fantasized ScrewYouGumby2 @Ouchtheschauzer Thank you so much for being the first members of the clan and giving me the inspiration to keep going with it. I'll always remember those first clan games with you guys, and the spark that you gave to the clan. Thank you so much.
@Everybody else who was in the Titans - Guys. You were simply amazing. Honestly the best group of people I have ever had the honor to play with, and I am so glad I got to know all of you in the Titans. Every one of you are great friends, and, even though I may not have had the time to include you individually in the list, you are honestly the best group of people I could have possibly played with. You have made the past months absolutely amazing. Thank you so much.

To everyone: though we may disbanding, our legacy will not be forgotten. We were a family, and one of MCSG's best clans. We were a group of friends, we were skilled PvP'ers. We were recognized, we were respected. We had good times, and we had hard times, but, throughout it all, we were Titans. Thank you all, so much, for the great times we have had together. We will be remembered.

Signing off one last time

- Zeno


Dec 16, 2013
Reaction score
For the week and a half I have been in this clan, well rejoined, I have had a great time, but all good things come to an end. It is sad, but things must happen, people move on to greater things, which hopefully all the members of this clan do. I was here for so long, hell, I was the first post! Of course on my account 40s. But all in all, I am going to miss talking and hanging out with you. Gl to al the members and gl in the future! :D

Special Thanks to :

Zeno - Thanks for being a great long time leader, you are such an awesome person, this is your second successful clan!

ProShooterBF - You are litterally my bffl ;) Even though you think I suck, I dont :3

JustlThelWorst - Your awesome, like so awesome, I will really really miss you ;(

Blazerboy123 - Lel ily and your mics bad :3

FuzzyPB - Fuzz{y} ily

Kwayky - You used to be my awesome bacc brother, ily. And I will miss you.

Rivalize - cow

Well everyone good luck! I love all of you guys! :D


District 13
Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
You guys were a great clan full of awesome PVPers and awesome people in general. Sad to you go ):


Jun 5, 2013
Reaction score
I was not very close with many of your member, except DQ, but Titans was an amazing clan, and a great rival. I hope not a lot of you quit because this was by far one of the most talented clans, and some of the best PVPers I've ever seen. R.I.P. Titans.
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