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The Screenshot Thread.


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
Had an awesome year on MCSG and hope to make the next one even greater! Here are screenshots I took throughout the year. I would have had more, but my other computer was stolen and I lost all that data :'(

I probably make these golden pressure plates every other game :p

All I eat is butter

My first diamond chest plate!

Not on MCSG, but you have to admit this is an epic username

When I escaped the "New" Solar Frost Map

Here's some advice, don't ride the pigs on Rugged Lands while they're still under a block. I died later

Boots and Helmet!

Pretty sure this helped me win that game

I don't think I understand his reasoning

Demon's Breeze days with Butterballer

Diamond Pants!

Diamond Helmet. Had so many of these, but this one is my favorite

Iron block with diamond helmet, but I still lost the game later to a team of three

Never enough sticks to make a stack of arrows :(

Was fishing for like ten minutes and still couldn't enchant in time

I remember when golden apples were easy to get

I sorta think he needed to do /gf but maybe I'm wrong

Had many awesome memories on MCSG and wish to continue to make more. I wish more cool pictures but I'm always forgetting to press f2 :p . Hope you guys enjoyed



Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
Team of 3 running from me
Team of 2 running from me
Team of 1 running from me :D
Someone sponsored me an enderpearl and I decided to troll in deathmatch. This is the view from the top of the Moonbase spawn dome. There was a random Tier 1 Chest up here for some reason :p


Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
Had an awesome year on MCSG and hope to make the next one even greater! Here are screenshots I took throughout the year. I would have had more, but my other computer was stolen and I lost all that data :'(

I probably make these golden pressure plates every other game :p

All I eat is butter

My first diamond chest plate!

Not on MCSG, but you have to admit this is an epic username

When I escaped the "New" Solar Frost Map

Here's some advice, don't ride the pigs on Rugged Lands while they're still under a block. I died later

Boots and Helmet!

Pretty sure this helped me win that game

I don't think I understand his reasoning

Demon's Breeze days with Butterballer

Diamond Pants!

Diamond Helmet. Had so many of these, but this one is my favorite

Iron block with diamond helmet, but I still lost the game later to a team of three

Never enough sticks to make a stack of arrows :(

Was fishing for like ten minutes and still couldn't enchant in time

I remember when golden apples were easy to get

I sorta think he needed to do /gf but maybe I'm wrong

Had many awesome memories on MCSG and wish to continue to make more. I wish more cool pictures but I'm always forgetting to press f2 :p . Hope you guys enjoyed

What texture pack is right after the pic you have with me?


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Team of 3 running from me
Team of 2 running from me
Team of 1 running from me :D
Someone sponsored me an enderpearl and I decided to troll in deathmatch. This is the view from the top of the Moonbase spawn dome. There was a random Tier 1 Chest up here for some reason :p
Is that fullbright? Because I don't think that is allowed on MCSG.

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