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The Rivals [US Clan]

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Jul 2, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Visaagan
Minecraft IGN: Visaan
Age: 14
Skype name: ThatOneVisaagan
Teamspeak: Yeah
Donor: No Donor
Wins: 591
Games Played: 5572
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 9
Past clans: #Reborn, #InFusion and #Infernal
Why do you want to join The Rival: I want to be in a clan where a lot of members are active as well as learn some extra tips for pvp from decent/good players on MCSG. I know I'm going to have a fun time playing with this clan as well!
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes.
How would you help this clan: I can help this clan out by checking the forums for applications by other users and trying to get scrims going if allowed.
Tell us more about yourself: I have played MCSG for a good 9 months. I know a lot of the MCSG community and I have a lot of experience. I am very committed to a good clan that I know will do good.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: I have been with the leaders and co-owners in-game on MCSG, but i haven't really had the time to talk much with the leaders or higher ranks, but I will once I get on TeamSpeak!


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Visaagan
Minecraft IGN: Visaan
Age: 14
Skype name: ThatOneVisaagan
Teamspeak: Yeah
Donor: No Donor
Wins: 591
Games Played: 5572
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 9
Past clans: #Reborn, #InFusion and #Infernal
Why do you want to join The Rival: I want to be in a clan where a lot of members are active as well as learn some extra tips for pvp from decent/good players on MCSG. I know I'm going to have a fun time playing with this clan as well!
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes.
How would you help this clan: I can help this clan out by checking the forums for applications by other users and trying to get scrims going if allowed.
Tell us more about yourself: I have played MCSG for a good 9 months. I know a lot of the MCSG community and I have a lot of experience. I am very committed to a good clan that I know will do good.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: I have been with the leaders and co-owners in-game on MCSG, but i haven't really had the time to talk much with the leaders or higher ranks, but I will once I get on TeamSpeak!
Name: carter
Minecraft IGN: fudgey_boiiii
Age: 14
Skype name: fudgey_boiiii123
Teamspeak: yes i have it but i dont know how my mic sounds on it. might sound horrible.
Donor: yes diamond
Wins: 496
Games Played: 2956
How active are you 1/10: 9
How mature are you 1/10: 9
Past clans: vivify and #infusion
Why do you want to join The Rival: i would like to join rivals because i think my pvp skill could help this clan, in clan battles and when ever they need me i will be there to help!
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: yes i will i be a very loyal member if i get accept.
How would you help this clan: i would help this clan by always being there when they need a member to step up and help other members when needed.
Tell us more about yourself: i love minecraft and i do not go outside much so i will be on a lot.
Do you know any leaders of this clan:no i do not know any leaders but i would like to.
All have been accepted as Trail. Hop on the ts!


Sep 18, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Brandon
Minecraft IGN: brandonporter11
Age: 13
Skype name: bam_bam811
Teamspeak: Yeah
Donor: No. Sorry.
Wins: 903
Games Played: 5785
How active are you 1/10: 9
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Past clans: Reborn, InFusion.
Why do you want to join The Rival: Because i think i fit here and like everybody in here. Plus good owners.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yeah sounds good to me.
How would you help this clan: I'll be very active and always be there for you guys.
Tell us more about yourself: I'm a canadian. Whitch means canadians servers baby! I've been playing MCSG for quite the while now. And i'm in grade 8.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Umm Well i know them but i don't think they know me too much.
Trail as well! Get on the team speak!


Oct 22, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Visaagan
Minecraft IGN: Visaan
Age: 14
Skype name: ThatOneVisaagan
Teamspeak: Yeah
Donor: No Donor
Wins: 591
Games Played: 5572
How active are you 1/10: 8
How mature are you 1/10: 9
Past clans: #Reborn, #InFusion and #Infernal
Why do you want to join The Rival: I want to be in a clan where a lot of members are active as well as learn some extra tips for pvp from decent/good players on MCSG. I know I'm going to have a fun time playing with this clan as well!
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yes.
How would you help this clan: I can help this clan out by checking the forums for applications by other users and trying to get scrims going if allowed.
Tell us more about yourself: I have played MCSG for a good 9 months. I know a lot of the MCSG community and I have a lot of experience. I am very committed to a good clan that I know will do good.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: I have been with the leaders and co-owners in-game on MCSG, but i haven't really had the time to talk much with the leaders or higher ranks, but I will once I get on TeamSpeak!
Infernal xD


Oct 27, 2013
Reaction score
Name: Brandon
Minecraft IGN: brandonporter11
Age: 13
Skype name: bam_bam811
Teamspeak: Yeah
Donor: No. Sorry.
Wins: 903
Games Played: 5785
How active are you 1/10: 9
How mature are you 1/10: 8
Past clans: Reborn, InFusion.
Why do you want to join The Rival: Because i think i fit here and like everybody in here. Plus good owners.
Are you willing to wear The Rival headband: Yeah sounds good to me.
How would you help this clan: I'll be very active and always be there for you guys.
Tell us more about yourself: I'm a canadian. Whitch means canadians servers baby! I've been playing MCSG for quite the while now. And i'm in grade 8.
Do you know any leaders of this clan: Umm Well i know them but i don't think they know me too much.
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