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The Rebels

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Dec 21, 2013
Reaction score

And Wickyy we never agreed on anything except for like once lol but i do remember you used to joke about getting coleader all the time and even though it was meant as a joke, you deserved officer more than anyone i have seen. You had so much dedication to the clan and im glad i got to meet you


Oct 28, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: DrunqKillz
Age: 13
Donor: None (Soz)
Wins: 127 I hope thats ok
Ratio: I think 1/10
Have you ever spoken to any Leaders/Officers:
Got a mic: Yep
Got TS: Yep + Skype
Past Clans (If any) Tactical - Leader R3kt - Elite TriverseMC - Owner
Timezone: EST

Why do you want to join Rebels: I want to join rebels because i think I fit in and also I want to help this clan out and also bring much more intense clan battles with amazing clans! Also I am a fun 13 year old that loves PvP and loves to play MCSG and I am very honest + Straight A Student :p
You cool: Im sweg m8 to cool for cool
Best puppy picture:
Last edited:


Jan 15, 2015
Reaction score
Well... this is probably one of the hardest things to do but its something i have to do. I don't really know how to say it bc saying " Im leaving " doesn't sound right and its even harder to say goodbye to your family. Rebels is my family, it was a part of huge my life bc it gave me a escape from reality made my life alot better. The people that are in this clan weren't just my friends they were my family meaning i would literally do anything for you guys. I joined over an year ago and i can honestly say that its been hell of a ride, some of the funniest and memorable moments in my life happened thanks to Rebels and i am forever grateful to all the people that were in Rebels that made it such a great family. It brings me to tears saying goodbye bc its saying goodbye to some of the most amazing people in my life.

myruhh7 - I remember the first time i met you hahaha , I was a randy solo try-hard and you betrayed me in that holiday game. That was almost two years ago fk how things changed . Now you are one of my closest friends and you are like a big sister to me bc you always help me out no matter what the situation is homework, relationships and whatever life problems i have. I know that we don't usually see eye to eye on things and we do tend to have arguments hahaha but trust me i wouldn't change it for the world bc even when we are mad at each other we care too much about one&other to stay mad longer than a few hours and we always compromise. I even look up to you as a role model bc you don't take sh*t from anyone and hella confident thats truly something i admire about you. Im going to miss alot <3.

Spellyy - TRRREEEVVVORR dude hahaha you were one of my first friends in Rebels. You were like a litte brother to me but you were also way better than me xD. Ive always admired you too, you were really chill, good and fun ` and i loved staying up with you till like 7 in the morning 1v1 or whatever the hell we were doing but yea they were really fun times. All the cool things we figured out how to do all the little pranks we did hahaha we were the undefeated team. I loved playing all thoes cb's with you bc i knew you always had my back and i always had yours. fkkkk im going to miss you too trvr !!!

Krafty - Thanks for inviting me to Rebels, you truly did change my life by doing that. I was that one try-hard random until you brought me and into the clan community and introduced me to the family. I am forever grateful for that. Your also one of my best friends on here being probably one of the funniest ppl i know and its never boring talking to you. I loved all thoes weekdays staying up just talking about random stuff and 1v1ing they were really fun times.

Maxypie - Maxxxxxxx thanks for leading such a great clan and not giving up were anyone else in your position would have. You are no doubt the best clan leader ever. You're funny asf but take charge when you need to and you are responsible for the greatness of this clan bc without you Rebels wouldn't feel the same. Thanks for making leading this clan when we were at are lowest and thanks for making my time here alot more fun.

Rider__ YOOOOOOOO DUDE lol but yea seriously you were really cool and thanks for hooking me up with all the skins and packs. Also ima miss fking around with you and making jokes doing all those all nighters. I loved playing orchestra with you it was so much fun and im gonna miss you dude you were so chill.

SlangShot MCLOVIN !!! xD jk blaze i always liked you. I remember tryharding you on Roxbot and not liking you that much bc you would kill me most of the time. You're a great pvper imo and a really chill person bc i enjoyed talking to you when ever you were on. I wish i talked to you more and gotten to know you better bc you were really cool and fun.

Kat -Hey whats going on youtube Meepernator3 here coming at you guys with another mcsg video. HAHAHAHAH ima miss you kat. I remember i first met you when i was brought on to Marinas ts and i met some of the coolest people there including you. I loved when me Hannah, Ho, You Marina and Nicole all chilled on ts talking about stuff those were fun times haha. You helped me win my first UHC game ever and I am forever in your debt for that :).

FuzzyPB - fuzzy we always joked around but i always thought you were insanely good at pvp. Your also really chill and funny. Im going to miss you and you and how we roast each other.

butter - Im going to miss you butter, your a really chill person and funny too. You always had my back and im thankfull for that. You also helped me out and im going to miss talking to you in the mornings.

Bogen - Boogggen my skillet fillet, You are really good at pvp and such a chill person to talk to with your British accent and stuff. xD stay peachy Bogen ill miss you too i wish i had more time to hang out and talked to you bc you are really cool .

radodim - Raddddddd hahaha i remember when i thought you were Rexxy lmao. Anyway your really chill and good at almost everything. I also wish i had more time to get to know you better cause you were a cool cat.

Giggums - GIIIIIIIIGUUUUMSSSSSSSS, Ryaaaahhhhhhhhaaaayyyyaaannnnnnnn xD Ryan you funny and a really cool responsible person not only that but a great moderator. Stay chill Ryan your my favvv

Bunns - Cookieee BRITISH PVPPPPPPPP your always funny and entertaining im going to miss you. <3

Eden | Radiant - EDDDENNN i will forever be in your gratitude for letting use Privatecupcake1 haahhaha but anyways you were reallly cool and an awesome person I'm going to misss youu too. Stay Peachy

Skillexio - Your probably also one of the funniest people in Rebels and i wish i had to gotten to know you more bc you're really funny and chill. I loved watching those prank videos with you and taking late night. #Aidan forever

BlueCaptain - Blueeee i your really chill and also really good at pvp. I always joke around with you but i never mean it and I'm going to miss roasting you <3

polarisXD - #1 defensiveeeee player !!! Polaris your great and funny. I didn't get to talk to you that much but your really cool and i hope you keep being polaris making ppl rage xD.

Motteron - I didn't get to talk to you alot but your really good at pvp and a chill person. Its funny asf when you rage and I'm going to miss that.

DanTheMan I didn't really get to know you at all but i heard you were cool beans,i wish gotten to know you.

DoodleBob - I always admired you and thought you were a god. You're also really chill. Wish i gotten to know you better too. :C

TOP - Your also really chill and fun i know we didn't get to talk much but you were cool. Thanks for being apart of DORA & DIEGO

Serverr - Prick lolololol jk your pretty chilll and funny vinyl.

Thanks to the homies for being sick asf - Prismel, Ipuregold ,Sage, Ho, Gumby, branbob ect ALL OF THE GOOMBEES, Dubstepcomboers, Rebels-anya and ofc Aidan !!!

Sorry for all the grammatical errors I'm tired and sad !!

Wicky its me Prismel man I am gonna miss you a lot we didn't really talk at the end but I am still better at pvp then you so yeah can I have pk's texture pack xD


Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: XxEnderAssassin
Age: 13
Donor: Platinum
Wins: 203
Ratio: 1/5
Have you ever spoken to any Leaders/Officers:no
Got a mic: Yep
Got TS: Yep + Skype
Past Clans (If any) Annihilated, Defiant, Torment

Why do you want to join Rebels: I want to join rebels because i want to help out the clan and be a loyal member
You cool: Im a 360 no scoper u BAAANNED!


Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: XxEnderAssassin
Age: 13
Donor: Platinum
Wins: 203
Ratio: 1/5
Have you ever spoken to any Leaders/Officers:no
Got a mic: Yep
Got TS: Yep + Skype
Past Clans (If any) Annihilated, Defiant, Torment

Why do you want to join Rebels: I want to join rebels because i want to help out the clan and be a loyal member
You cool: Im a 360 no scoper u BAAANNED!
You interfered with the clan battle, by staying, after I told you not to...
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