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The Rebels (US Clan)

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Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: iHaxors_, AviJess, PandasM8, and jess123259. (Currently iHaxors_ is my main account.)
Age: I am 13 years of age.
Donor: I have Diamond Donor on iHaxors_ :)
Wins: 658. I have played many many scrims which I most likely do not win. That is most of the games played on all my accounts.
Got Skype/TS: I own skype, and teamspeak. I am a friend on the Rebels teamspeak aswell.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) My skype name is jess123259.
Got a mic: Yes. I own a Gamecom Planitronics Microphone. It is very high quality (and comfortable :3)
Timezone: I live in the United States Eastern timezone.
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I have teamed with everysingle rebels member, Branbob83, (except for that one game on Solar Frost, sorry bran <3) Maxypie, cscoop, and I think duckluv321 mabye once. I also have teamed with Maddy, I think once aswell.
PvP Strengths: I find myself very skilled with a bow. I usually hit 70-80% of my shots. I am also very good with a fishing rod. I can focus and take out teams easily with slick fishing rod combos. I am also very very good at running. I can run for minutes apon minutes without dying. I also am very good at taking out teams, (Mentioned before).
PvP Weaknesses: One thing I need to work on is Flint And Steel. I am decent at turning around and quickly placing it for the player to run into, but otherwise I am not very good with it. I also need to work on not getting tryharded. I am very often tryharded off the cornucopia and cannot escape very quickly in a small area, or without any sorts of weapons.
Past Clans (If any) I have been in quite a few clans. The most recent ones are: Aviate, Soveriegn, Prodigious Republic
You cool?: Oh yeah. :3
Best puppy picture:

Thanks for reading my application and taking me in to consideration.
You have been denied. Feel free to pm an officer/leader to discuss your denial.
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