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The Rebels (US Clan)

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Jan 9, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Rebels, I just wanted to come onto the thread not to make anyone mad/angry but to own up to something.Yeah, about 2 1/2 months ago I figured out a little trick that I abused to some extent,I messaged the MCSG donator switching email, and said I was kosmish and wanted to switch my VIP from Kosmish to my new account PTG_, I honestly didn't think it would work because a friend of mine told me to try it and see if it would work, well me being the type of person I am went and tried it, and what do you know they message me back saying they should have it done in about a day.. I honestly started to freak out and think what had I gotten myself into,then as time went on I began to accept it, I actually did start telling people about this glitch, and word got around,people found out, and I got perma-banned.Yeah I do admit I did deserve it for being a complete @sshole the entire time I've scrimmed rebels or played with rebels, or anything that had to do with rebels in general.The main reason was because I hated Rebels after Hawk got kicked out, from my POV people told me that Maddy(Zoeticly)was being a complete @sshole to Hawk after he got kicked and basically embarrassing him in front of the entire Rebels, and basically it got me heated because Hawk was really cool.I later today ran into Maddy and confronted her about this and she told me the actual story,and then I thought oh..So basically my revenge plot to get back at Rebels and in someway 'hurt' them by taking Kosmish's VIP, backfired onto me, got me permabanned, just because I believed someone else's word over the actual person who was there.And to the entire rebels roster/kosmish, I do apologize honestly, I do deserve the perm-ban and I do apologize for being an @sshole, and don't worry I'll leave all of you alone and quit harassing you guys, Im going to leave all of you alone and not bother you guys anymore.To @Branbob83,Kos and Zoeticly I'm sorry for the way I've acted to you guys before, if you could find it somewhere in your heart to accept my apology and sometime in the very very future, if I ever do get un-banned to be friends, then that would be great, but for now I'm guessing I'll give you guys some space.And again to the entire Rebels Roster/organization, I am sincerely sorry.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ swig
I appreciate this apology. Me being the type of person I am, I do forgive you. But that's just me.

But also knowing how you've been in that past with not only me, but the rebels in general is quite nerve racking. I don't want to look like an idiot for the 749388487297489th time.

All jokes aside, thanks for apologizing to us. But the damage has immensly been done. You've creating a huge problem and honestly I don't see the rebels ever truly forgiving you. This sort of seems like a thing to make yourself look good. I know for a fact a lot of them won't buy it. But thanks I suppose.

It's funny too. I am the only one so far that somewhat feels bad for you when I'm the one who has dealt with the most from you. Odd how that works.


Aug 17, 2012
Reaction score
Hi Rebels, I just wanted to come onto the thread not to make anyone mad/angry but to own up to something.Yeah, about 2 1/2 months ago I figured out a little trick that I abused to some extent,I messaged the MCSG donator switching email, and said I was kosmish and wanted to switch my VIP from Kosmish to my new account PTG_, I honestly didn't think it would work because a friend of mine told me to try it and see if it would work, well me being the type of person I am went and tried it, and what do you know they message me back saying they should have it done in about a day.. I honestly started to freak out and think what had I gotten myself into,then as time went on I began to accept it, I actually did start telling people about this glitch, and word got around,people found out, and I got perma-banned.Yeah I do admit I did deserve it for being a complete @sshole the entire time I've scrimmed rebels or played with rebels, or anything that had to do with rebels in general.The main reason was because I hated Rebels after Hawk got kicked out, from my POV people told me that Maddy(Zoeticly)was being a complete @sshole to Hawk after he got kicked and basically embarrassing him in front of the entire Rebels, and basically it got me heated because Hawk was really cool.I later today ran into Maddy and confronted her about this and she told me the actual story,and then I thought oh..So basically my revenge plot to get back at Rebels and in someway 'hurt' them by taking Kosmish's VIP, backfired onto me, got me permabanned, just because I believed someone else's word over the actual person who was there.And to the entire rebels roster/kosmish, I do apologize honestly, I do deserve the perm-ban and I do apologize for being an @sshole, and don't worry I'll leave all of you alone and quit harassing you guys, Im going to leave all of you alone and not bother you guys anymore.To @Branbob83,Kos and Zoeticly I'm sorry for the way I've acted to you guys before, if you could find it somewhere in your heart to accept my apology and sometime in the very very future, if I ever do get un-banned to be friends, then that would be great, but for now I'm guessing I'll give you guys some space.And again to the entire Rebels Roster/organization, I am sincerely sorry.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ swig
1 sentance.
Got mad at rebels, pulled a swag and got perma banned.


Dec 9, 2012
Reaction score
I appreciate this apology. Me being the type of person I am, I do forgive you. But that's just me.

But also knowing how you've been in that past with not only me, but the rebels in general is quite nerve racking. I don't want to look like an idiot for the 749388487297489th time.

All jokes aside, thanks for apologizing to us. But the damage has immensly been done. You've creating a huge problem and honestly I don't see the rebels ever truly forgiving you. This sort of seems like a thing to make yourself look good. I know for a fact a lot of them won't buy it. But thanks I suppose.

It's funny too. I am the only one so far that somewhat feels bad for you when I'm the one who has dealt with the most from you. Odd how that works.
It's fine with me if you guys don't forgive me,I don't think you guys will ever stop trying to get me banned on all of my accounts , I just wanted to express that I truly do feel sorry, and am trying to fix it and get Kosmish's VIP back.When, and I mean when, Kosmish get's her VIP back I guess It'll just go back to what it used to be,just people trying to still get me banned, and hating me.Well, thanks for accepting the apology Maddy.


Nov 21, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft ID: xxheinexx
Age: 13
Donor: Diamond
Wins: 151
Got Skype/TS: Heine_Larsen12
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it)
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: Norway Oslo
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: Never
PvP Strengths: Flint And Steel/Bow/Melle
PvP Weaknesses: Team Of 3/ Hackers
Past Clans (If any) Ghost
You cool?: Yeah
Best puppy picture:
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