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The Rebels (US Clan)

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Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
Im pretty sure apps are still open so decided to apply.
Minecraft ID: wicky9722
Age: 16
Donor: Iron
Wins: 1000 +
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I have both.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) : wicky9722
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: PST
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I haven't played much with the rebels, although i have played with Crafty a decent amount of times. I would really love too join this clan definitely seems like a fun clan. I never really thought i was good enough to join but ill give it a shot.
PvP Strengths: Fishing rod i guess im decent with everything else sort of.
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers and Lag.
Past Clans (If any): I was recently in Hurricanes but decided to leave i didnt feel like i fit in there. I have been in a few other clans before like Primeval most of the previous clan i was in disbanded.
You cool?: sure :3
Best puppy picture:


District 13
Dec 19, 2012
Reaction score
Im pretty sure apps are still open so decided to apply.
Minecraft ID: wicky9722
Age: 16
Donor: Iron
Wins: 1000 +
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I have both.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) : wicky9722
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: PST
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I haven't played much with the rebels, although i have played with Crafty a decent amount of times. I would really love too join this clan definitely seems like a fun clan. I never really thought i was good enough to join but ill give it a shot.
PvP Strengths: Fishing rod i guess im decent with everything else sort of.
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers and Lag.
Past Clans (If any): I was recently in Hurricanes but decided to leave i didnt feel like i fit in there. I have been in a few other clans before like Primeval most of the previous clan i was in disbanded.
You cool?: sure :3
Best puppy picture:
I would suggest getting on our TS ( more to hang out with us.


Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Im pretty sure apps are still open so decided to apply.
Minecraft ID: wicky9722
Age: 16
Donor: Iron
Wins: 1000 +
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I have both.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) : wicky9722
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: PST
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I haven't played much with the rebels, although i have played with Crafty a decent amount of times. I would really love too join this clan definitely seems like a fun clan. I never really thought i was good enough to join but ill give it a shot.
PvP Strengths: Fishing rod i guess im decent with everything else sort of.
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers and Lag.
Past Clans (If any): I was recently in Hurricanes but decided to leave i didnt feel like i fit in there. I have been in a few other clans before like Primeval most of the previous clan i was in disbanded.
You cool?: sure :3
Best puppy picture:
I'd suggest getting on our TS and getting to know us! That will boost your chances to get in, and we will get to know you, and make a choice faster! :)

EDIT: Turnip you hoe


District 13
Jun 23, 2012
Reaction score
Im pretty sure apps are still open so decided to apply.
Minecraft ID: wicky9722
Age: 16
Donor: Iron
Wins: 1000 +
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I have both.
Skype name (PM me if you don't want to post it) : wicky9722
Got a mic: Yes
Timezone: PST
How often have you teamed with the Leaders/Officers: I haven't played much with the rebels, although i have played with Crafty a decent amount of times. I would really love too join this clan definitely seems like a fun clan. I never really thought i was good enough to join but ill give it a shot.
PvP Strengths: Fishing rod i guess im decent with everything else sort of.
PvP Weaknesses: Hackers and Lag.
Past Clans (If any): I was recently in Hurricanes but decided to leave i didnt feel like i fit in there. I have been in a few other clans before like Primeval most of the previous clan i was in disbanded.
You cool?: sure :3
Best puppy picture:
Recommended. Good personality, good PvP'er.
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