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The Rebels (US Clan)

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District 13
Sep 13, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys. As some of you know, I was kicked out of the clan on Saturday. And if you don't, well now you do. Some it's come to my attention that I believe that you guys deserve to know why, and so this post is basically going to be my rundown of my kick as I understand it. Here it goes, bbycaikz.
Ok, so the staff have been talking about it, and we're not sure if you're right for the clan anymore. You're very inactive and rarely play with us or even get on the teamspeak. To add onto that, we've noticed some posts that you've made that we don't feel comfortable with, and we don't know if we want you representing us. On another note, some members have been having problems with you lately. To solve this issue, we're gonna have to kick you from the clan. I'm really sorry, but this is how it has to be.
Lets begin the diagnose! So the first thing that Bran talks about is that I'm not 'right' for the clan anymore. Honestly, I don't even know where to begin with this... Since when has this clan has a standard about members. We're all different and cool in our own ways, and that's what makes us a CLAN. The next thing is my inactivity. Erm, you kept Apollo1817 on the roster for 7 months when he was completely away, yet you say I, who was on the previous night for a good hour and a half, 'extremely' inactive. Then again, we must consider the amount of time people are spending now on the TeamSpeak. Some members are spending 3 hours a day playing, and while I'd love to be them, I can't. I'm sorry I have a busy life ._. Next point! So apparently I've made some forum posts that Branbob83 and the officers haven't felt comfortable with. Honestly, I feel this one goes both ways to MCSG and The Rebels for assuming that my association with the clan brings bad fortune to the clans. This is such crap. I post on the forums for the well being of MCSG, and voicing MY opinions on the topic, not my clans opinion. Next point! So apparently members of the Rebels have had troubles with me... I did some more digging and found out that these peoples were officers themselves; some of the more 'mature' members of the clan. What I don't understand, is that why these 'more mature' members of the clan never bothered to address me personally; I'm sure they have the position and the insight to do so. I never even gotten a warning. But all in all, they found these reasons valid enough to kick me, and I have to accept this, as sad and bias as I feel that they are. So, here comes the personal part of this post. I want to recognize everyone who's made my time special in this amazing clan.

(these people are in no particular order, just whoever comes to my mind first)
soggypickle and fizzyhoney - You guys were the reasons I got in the Rebels in the first place; ever since that fateful meeting on TIMV, and that fun TeamSpeak session we had during it. I got in the clan shortly after, and was so excited and so, SO grateful. Thanks guys for starting this amazing 11 month journey <3
RyanHolland - Funny as it is, we both got accepted very close to each other. I watched you grow from this random kid as arguably the best leader we've had. Even thought you hated me, I think we both enjoyed talking to each other about the only subjects we could agree on: Pokemon and Legend of Korra :p Lets hope for some more plot twists xD
Branbob83 - I know we've had a lot of ups and downs in the past, I just wanted to let you know that I respect you, and had some really fun times with you on TS.
omega_moon - James, we've had so much fun times together! Teaming up with each other back in late 2012, and even getting lost together in the CW1 final battle :p I remember the first time I played with you and got that 30k bounty xD We had so much fun together, and I'm proud to say that I've heard you voice at least 3 times :)
JaysWing - JAYS! <3 I remember when we'd joke about how if everyone quit the Rebels, we'd start it up again, over and over again xD I guess that's not gonna happen anymore :p I remember the first time you beat me in a fight, you were so happy xD Anyway, you were one of my best friends in the Rebels, and one who definitely made me feel special :3
Hawk62 - I know you probably won't see this, as you're banned for stupid reasons, but I don't care. We talked so much in the last few months, sharing our views on things it seems unreal. We've always had a good time together, and I hope we can still have a great time together! Thanks for being there for me in the end <3
ryanroks594 - FAITH <3 Ryan, we had so much fun together, always fooling around. You were one of the people who always made me feel welcome, and I especially miss those daily '<3' and 'ily bby's' I know I'll be seeing you a lot, especially when I get lonely during nights <3 ily bby
CraftyKratonite - Tristan, I know we've never been especially close, but I think we still had loads of fun together! I remember that one night where I got on at 2am and started to talk with you on TS xD We were about to fight but then my internet crashed and couldn't get it back up again xD Oh, and the first time I heard your voice; Dayum.
mikefroot - You were one of those guys who could make me feel welcome and good, I loved playing with you and remember; #LoveTheFroot2013 Thanks for being so nice and friendly <3
Cheedos - Alex, shut the fabulous person up. <3
Undead_99 - Anna, I almost forgot about you :p I remember when we used to play TIMV together, and you would always be traitor and man, you lied so well D: I remember how much fun we had back then, and how much fun we've had in the last few weeks. Love ya <3
Torchy - For you Nick <3 Torch, we had so many good times together! Even though I've barely talked to you, we still were such good friends :) I remember getting on the forums back in December and seeing that Popcorn'd skin kid and be like ermahgerd it's the ALMIGHTY TORCHSCAR!!! Thanks for being such a great friend :D
Zeno - And finally, my Caliswagnia partner, the one who started the clan that I never knew could do so much to a being. Zeno, you don't know how much this clan meant to people. This clan has honestly been the most life changing thing that has ever happened to me in the last 2 years, and a lot has happened. Thank you so much, Eric, for doing this; not just for me; but for everyone who's been a part of this family. Lets hope that the next Minecon's in San Fransisco :D

As for everyone else I didn't mention: I love you all so, so, SO very much, each and everyone one of you has been so amazing and so influential in my life. Thank you all for being a part in this amazing adventure :) Expect me to hop on TS everyone once in a while. except for polaris xD jk <3


P.S. It's so weird not getting any skype notifications :eek:
P.P.S. polarisXD Shut up.
P.P.P.S. VIP or bust.

Last edited:


Apr 28, 2012
Reaction score
Guys, I have gotten word that Forgotten is being remade and I really appreciate that you guys accepted me as trial member, but I am withdrawing my application. We had a fun 2 days and I hope to still keep good relations and have fun with you guis =D I hope you guys don't think of me as a 'clan hopper' but these recent clan issues have been confusing. Hope to see you guys around and thanks for giving me that chance to join your clan.


Jul 15, 2013
Reaction score
Okay well i've been trying to say this for while now, so here I go. I want to apologize for my behaviour the past few days, I acted really immature on MCswish, I want to say sorry to GipperGaming for calling him a 12 year old immature kid. I also want to apologize to Branbob83 for being disrespectful to him when he joined our ts. Just came to say sorry. I wish i could take this to a pm but you cant fit 26 people in.
I forgive you. However, I still don't know what got over you in the first place. We used to be really good friends back in Hive, then you started hating me for some odd reason. Swish, the Forgotten thread, TS, etc.
If you want to reply, message me on Skype or PM me, let's not spam the thread.
Oct 15, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys. As some of you know, I was kicked out of the clan on Saturday. And if you don't, well now you do. Some it's come to my attention that I believe that you guys deserve to know why, and so this post is basically going to be my rundown of my kick as I understand it. Here it goes, bbycaikz.

Lets begin the diagnose! So the first thing that Bran talks about is that I'm not 'right' for the clan anymore. Honestly, I don't even know where to begin with this... Since when has this clan has a standard about members. We're all different and cool in our own ways, and that's what makes us a CLAN. The next thing is my inactivity. Erm, you kept Apollo1817 on the roster for 7 months when he was completely away, yet you say I, who was on the previous night for a good hour and a half, 'extremely' inactive. Then again, we must consider the amount of time people are spending now on the TeamSpeak. Some members are spending 3 hours a day playing, and while I'd love to be them, I can't. I'm sorry I have a busy life ._. Next point! So apparently I've made some forum posts that Branbob83 and the officers haven't felt comfortable with. Honestly, I feel this one goes both ways to MCSG and The Rebels for assuming that my association with the clan brings bad fortune to the clans. This is such crap. I post on the forums for the well being of MCSG, and voicing MY opinions on the topic, not my clans opinion. Next point! So apparently members of the Rebels have had troubles with me... I did some more digging and found out that these peoples were officers themselves; some of the more 'mature' members of the clan. What I don't understand, is that why these 'more mature' members of the clan never bothered to address me personally; I'm sure they have the position and the insight to do so. I never even gotten a warning. But all in all, they found these reasons valid enough to kick me, and I have to accept this, as sad and bias as I feel that they are. So, here comes the personal part of this post. I want to recognize everyone who's made my time special in this amazing clan.

(these people are in no particular order, just whoever comes to my mind first)
soggypickle and fizzyhoney - You guys were the reasons I got in the Rebels in the first place; ever since that fateful meeting on TIMV, and that fun TeamSpeak session we had during it. I got in the clan shortly after, and was so excited and so, SO grateful. Thanks guys for starting this amazing 11 month journey <3
RyanHolland - Funny as it is, we both got accepted very close to each other. I watched you grow from this random kid as arguably the best leader we've had. Even thought you hated me, I think we both enjoyed talking to each other about the only subjects we could agree on: Pokemon and Legend of Korra :p Lets hope for some more plot twists xD
Branbob83 - I know we've had a lot of ups and downs in the past, I just wanted to let you know that I respect you, and had some really fun times with you on TS.
omega_moon - James, we've had so much fun times together! Teaming up with each other back in late 2012, and even getting lost together in the CW1 final battle :p I remember the first time I played with you and got that 30k bounty xD We had so much fun together, and I'm proud to say that I've heard you voice at least 3 times :)
JaysWing - JAYS! <3 I remember when we'd joke about how if everyone quit the Rebels, we'd start it up again, over and over again xD I guess that's not gonna happen anymore :p I remember the first time you beat me in a fight, you were so happy xD Anyway, you were one of my best friends in the Rebels, and one who definitely made me feel special :3
Hawk62 - I know you probably won't see this, as you're banned for stupid reasons, but I don't care. We talked so much in the last few months, sharing our views on things it seems unreal. We've always had a good time together, and I hope we can still have a great time together! Thanks for being there for me in the end <3
ryanroks594 - FAITH <3 Ryan, we had so much fun together, always fooling around. You were one of the people who always made me feel welcome, and I especially miss those daily '<3' and 'ily bby's' I know I'll be seeing you a lot, especially when I get lonely during nights <3 ily bby
CraftyKratonite - Tristan, I know we've never been especially close, but I think we still had loads of fun together! I remember that one night where I got on at 2am and started to talk with you on TS xD We were about to fight but then my internet crashed and couldn't get it back up again xD Oh, and the first time I heard your voice; Dayum.
mikefroot - You were one of those guys who could make me feel welcome and good, I loved playing with you and remember; #LoveTheFroot2013 Thanks for being so nice and friendly <3
Cheedos - Alex, shut the fabulous person up. <3
Undead_99 - Anna, I almost forgot about you :p I remember when we used to play TIMV together, and you would always be traitor and man, you lied so well D: I remember how much fun we had back then, and how much fun we've had in the last few weeks. Love ya <3
Zeno - And finally, my Caliswagnia partner, the one who started the clan that I never knew could do so much to a being. Zeno, you don't know how much this clan meant to people. This clan has honestly been the most life changing thing that has ever happened to me in the last 2 years, and a lot has happened. Thank you so much, Eric, for doing this; not just for me; but for everyone who's been a part of this family. Lets hope that the next Minecon's in San Fransisco :D

As for everyone else I didn't mention: I love you all so, so, SO very much, each and everyone one of you has been so amazing and so influential in my life. Thank you all for being a part in this amazing adventure :) Expect me to hop on TS everyone once in a while. except for polaris xD jk <3


P.S. It's so weird not getting any skype notifications :eek:
P.P.S. polarisXD Shut up.
P.P.P.S. VIP or bust.

You forget to mention me babe ._.

even thought i only talked to you like 4 times xD

But seriously, I'll miss you, and I don't agree with the descision ;,<


District 13
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
You forget to mention me babe ._.

even thought i only talked to you like 4 times xD

But seriously, I'll miss you, and I don't agree with the descision ;,<
*walks into conversation :p*

If you ever have any disagreement, concern, or suggestion with a decision any or all of the Rebels staff members have made, please don't be afraid to come to any of us. I'd love to hear what you think about the situation, because your opinion is just as valid as anyone else's :)

Feel free to message one if us if you'd like to make your concern, or disagreement (the reasoning behind it) known :)
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