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The Rebels EU Division

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Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?:
I got 3 accounts:
Jubib / Luneax / Exottic_
How old are you?:
I'm 14 years old
Where are you from?
What is your skype name?
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450)
Got about 58 on jubib, 48 on Luneax and 143 on Exottic_ however I'm a hive player so on my account jubib I got 1400 over on Hive
How many games have you played?
I'm not really proud of my MCSG stats on jubib due to my brother playing on it but I played 1456. On Luneax I played 154 and on Exottic_ I played 543
Tell us about your PvP strenghts?
My strengths would be in my opinion the bow I'm really accurate with the bow and hit most my shots. Sword fight is also on of my strengths as I feel I'm quite good at strafing and getting critical hits
Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc")
One weakness would be my map knowledge as I'm a hive player I barely know maps and it also gives me an disadvantage in gear.
I'm also not the best with the sprinting key as over at hive I use bsm and I forget to hold it.
What are your favourite maps? well my favorite maps are:
Valleyside University, Holiday Resort, SG4, Icarus and Moonbase9
Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?:
Cause I'm my opinion it's the best MCSG clan, I feel like this can make me improve at MCSG and pvp overall.

Note: I own a HiveSG clan as well but I will attempt my best to be active here and I hope you will give me a chance
Js it's gone a week


Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?:
I got 3 accounts:
Jubib / Luneax / Exottic_
How old are you?:
I'm 14 years old
Where are you from?
What is your skype name?
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450)
Got about 58 on jubib, 48 on Luneax and 143 on Exottic_ however I'm a hive player so on my account jubib I got 1400 over on Hive
How many games have you played?
I'm not really proud of my MCSG stats on jubib due to my brother playing on it but I played 1456. On Luneax I played 154 and on Exottic_ I played 543
Tell us about your PvP strenghts?
My strengths would be in my opinion the bow I'm really accurate with the bow and hit most my shots. Sword fight is also on of my strengths as I feel I'm quite good at strafing and getting critical hits
Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc")
One weakness would be my map knowledge as I'm a hive player I barely know maps and it also gives me an disadvantage in gear.
I'm also not the best with the sprinting key as over at hive I use bsm and I forget to hold it.
What are your favourite maps? well my favorite maps are:
Valleyside University, Holiday Resort, SG4, Icarus and Moonbase9
Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?:
Cause I'm my opinion it's the best MCSG clan, I feel like this can make me improve at MCSG and pvp overall.

Note: I own a HiveSG clan as well but I will attempt my best to be active here and I hope you will give me a chance
Forget about this app.
Waiting 1 week is enough I would probably get declined anyways :/ Sorry for wasting your time


Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
Forget about this app.
Waiting 1 week is enough I would probably get declined anyways :/ Sorry for wasting your time
We have a lot of other things going on atm, sorry that we haven't replied yet. And you have to understand that taking in someone we have never seen or heard about before has to be thought through. :)


Nov 13, 2013
Reaction score
We have a lot of other things going on atm, sorry that we haven't replied yet. And you have to understand that taking in someone we have never seen or heard about before has to be thought through. :)
I understand that, and sorry if I seemed a bit rude. However I will maybe apply in the future as this clan is my goal on MCSG c:
Bye for now


Oct 12, 2013
Reaction score
I understand that, and sorry if I seemed a bit rude. However I will maybe apply in the future as this clan is my goal on MCSG c:
Bye for now
Bye, enjoy your stay at mcsg c: watch out for the hackers though ;-;


Jun 11, 2014
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?:TobyGamezHD

How old are you?:I'm 15 years old.

Where are you from?I'm from Belgium but I speak fluent English

What is your skype name?ratchetnugget

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) I have 291 wins , hoping for an exception

How many games have you played?1144 , most of the losses aren't mine , I'll explain if I get accepted or if you ask for it.

Tell us about your PvP strenghts? I think I'm good at normal sword hits , probably cuz of my ping. I'm also pretty good at the flint and steel and the rod is kind of iffy.

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc" I'm good at fighting against normal players I don't know but if I get put up against Gravey4rd or someone else high on the leaderboards , I freak out and get nervous and most likely light myself on fire . I'm also kind of bad at the bow , it comes with time though.

What are your favourite maps?Valleyside University , Survival Games Highway and Survival Games 4

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?:It's always been a 'dream' of mine to get into a clan like Trivium or Rebels or back in the days it was Ghosts and I feel like I got up to the point where I'm good enough to join one of these high ranked clans , I've been in alot of clans in the past and I have gotten them alot of wins by 1v3'ing the other clan when all my teammates died. I also think I'm a great help to this clan seeing as I'm online daily , I play atleast 10 SG Games a day and I'm always up for a clan war no matter what time , I'll just take a nap before if it's at night and that's about it.


May 13, 2014
Reaction score
What is your Minecraft IGN?: ZamZamBlue

How old are you?: 13

Where are you from? London, England.

What is your skype name? xkevin.f

How many wins do you have? (Atleast 450) 409

How many games have you played? 2250

Tell us about your PvP strengths? I'm really good with sword combos and bowspamming, also I can fight whilst on fire efficiently since I get less knockback.

Weaknesses? (Don't include what is beyond your control, Lag, Teams, Hackers etc) I don't like someone who rodspams or FnS spams and I can't really find a good way to stop someone sword comboing me apart from rod but if I get sword comboed, I can't really stop it if I'm low.

What are your favourite maps? SG4, Mortal Skies, Solar Frost

Why do you want to be in #TheRebels EU?: I want to be in #TheRebels EU because I've heard that it's a very good clan and I wanted to apply because I'm hoping that the community in the clan will be better than previous clans I've been in and not judge people by the cover.
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