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The One-Strike Policy - Would it help?

Do you support a one-strike policy/would you actively report players?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 66.7%
  • No

    Votes: 11 33.3%

  • Total voters


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
As previously mentioned by other community members, people's accounts get compromised and then sold to different parts of the web to which people can access them and could as well do anything they want with them.
You wrote.. Well, a lot. And I agree with almost everything you said, however I just want to point out this one part. If someone loses their account, they are NEVER getting it back. I've lost one account to this exact issue and the hacker immediately changed the security questions and all. It's impossible for Mojang to verify the identity of the real owner and therefore they will never get their account back. So should the person who took control of the account hack on it, it wouldn't matter if they got banned. That person who lost their account would have to buy a new one anyway. :(

There was a sign in front that said "Is swearing in the chat allowed?", and two lava holes on either side labeled "Yes" or "No". If you jumped through "No", you would fall through the lava into some water to put you out, and continue about your merry way. If you jumped down "Yes"... well, lets just say there wasn't much water down there.
I've seen this on many, many servers and implemented it on two servers I ran way back in the day. It's proven to be extremely effective and people know they can't use the "I didn't know" excuse. If MCG could implement this, perhaps in the form of some snazzy plugin, I would 100% do everything I can to help. (I love this idea, +100000)

People really intent on bending rules on the internet will say yes and no to everything (the Smile & Nod hypothesis), even if they don't mean it. The same applies for reading legal Terms of Service documents before installing or purchasing something online. No one gives two chitins about the consequences, only that which is immediate and instant gratification (with a few exceptions of course).
Per my last quoted response, the purpose of the room is both to educate and remove the excuse "I didn't know" from the equation. Sure, people will come up with other ones, but (from what I've heard) the majority of excuses are "I was testing" or "I didn't know". By making it clear that it is an instant permaban it would.. Well. Yeh.

Thank you all for your responses. Whether this thread goes anywhere or not, it's been extremely enlightening to hear your opinions and ideas. Keep 'em coming! :D



Nov 21, 2014
Reaction score
If we ban people's IP and they use a VPN, then they would obviously lag far more. Making it hopefully unbearable for hackers to play.

John jennings

May 13, 2012
Reaction score
While you make a point I disagree 100%. I have seen a lot of people get unfairly banned at my time here and this is not saying that the mods are unfair. I think the mods do a great job, but they are not always right, no one is always right. Those who get unfairly banned should not be permanently banned, and if they didn't do anything there's a good chance they won't be unfairly banned twice. Thats my opinion and i think they should stick with the system they already have.


Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
While you make a point I disagree 100%. I have seen a lot of people get unfairly banned at my time here and this is not saying that the mods are unfair. I think the mods do a great job, but they are not always right, no one is always right. Those who get unfairly banned should not be permanently banned, and if they didn't do anything there's a good chance they won't be unfairly banned twice. Thats my opinion and i think they should stick with the system they already have.
If someone gets unfairly banned they can post a ban dispute.

John jennings

May 13, 2012
Reaction score
If someone gets unfairly banned they can post a ban dispute.
Again ill say I think the mods on MCSG do a great job, but a lot of times that wont help. Ive know at least 2 people who got banned unfairly and the dispute didn't help their case. (This is just 2 people in the almost 2 years ive played on this server so I realize it doesn't happen very often.) Thats just my opinion on the thread.


Apr 21, 2012
Reaction score
While you bring up some good points, I personally don't agree with this reasoning, at least if you mean replacing every potential one week ban with a permanent one.

For instance, let's say the person is using a less well-know/commonly accepted hack such as Rei's Minimap, Gamma boosting, Joking about hacking, or something similar along those lines. These are users that oftentimes simply don't know better, and giving these potential future community members a permanent ban seems far to harsh to me.

While I do agree with your point that more often than not a lot of hackers couldn't care less about a 1-week ban, a pretty significant rebuttal comes from this very community itself. While I can't name any people right off from memory, I've read countless MCSG stories coming from people who were previously banned, and then months later regretted their actions, returning to become an upstanding and contributing members of the community.

Just in general, I think everyone deserves a second chance (even if it comes with consequences), and enacting this policy in my opinion would be far too harsh. While I play a lot less than I used to, when I do play I rarely encounter hackers, and it's nowhere near the level it used to be at which proves that MCSG is just constantly improving in this department. I honestly don't think this is necessary.

In my time on Teamspeak (a lot of time) the majority of mods are [Off-Duty], [On-Phone], [AFK], playing a different game, in a call w/ their friends, [DND], or simply do not respond to pokes/messages. At the same time, I generally get responses to forum reports in less than 15 minutes.
Well you have to consider who's spending their time looking at and analyzing those forum reports.


Jan 20, 2013
Reaction score
I can call my ISP and get a new IP for free and if my IP is set to dynamic I can just reset my router.
or just do
  • ipconfig/release
  • ipconfig/renew
Most ISP's won't do it on a whim, especially if you have a static IP.

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