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- Jul 15, 2013
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http://i.imgur.com/vF5lQNv.pngI was going to ask if I was on the list. :3
luv u bby.
Our Minecraft servers are offline but we will keep this forum online for any community communication. Site permissions for posting could change at a later date but will remain online.
http://i.imgur.com/vF5lQNv.pngI was going to ask if I was on the list. :3
luv u bby.
http://i.imgur.com/djkLtH5.pngIGN : ExKing
Any other changes (colors, etc) : Nope just shade it and make it nice.
http://i.imgur.com/z9wNyEi.pngIGN : depaor01
Any other changes (colors, etc) : Shade the sweater please Make sure to keep all the colours bright green
You guys are AMAZING you make skins in 10 seconds Big like for you
http://i.imgur.com/cn7BXbt.png Your skin was black?IGN : EditingXBL
Any other changes (colors, etc) : Nope, just try and shade anything that needs to be done. =)
What do you mean?Hey man, can I have you'r shading template please?
Read the title.IGN : NativeTalent
What do you want your new skin to be : Kind of the same how it is now. a boy teenager look. But try and make it very fancy and cool! Thanks for all the work you're doing for the community <3