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The Most Prominent Forumers


Aug 24, 2012
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I may not know what exactly gave you a happy face, but just remember: I was once a newcomer to these forums who pretty much fanboy-ed the flip out whenever RC_4777 or HalfSquirrel replied to something that I said. Nowadays it's a pretty normal occurrence for me, but I still keep in loving memory those days when I was a nobody, as they are the days that taught what it means to be humble.

If you do your best to contribute, you're a good forumer in my eyes. :) I think that people shouldn't just be judged on what they do, but the intentions behind them as well - Your intentions are true, you consistently have something to say that contributes and adds to the discussion, and you're very friendly. Don't underestimate your merit.

Okay, expanding upon this list:
demonsushi adds to discussions and is helpful all-around. Doesn't cause flame, and comes across as a very nice fellow.
OhFancy suddenly appeared onto the forumer scene and made a large splash, earning a reputation fast.
arsenalfcgunners has strived to get MCTF2 back in action, and continues to post around the forums.
Ikanacanyon7 contributes to discussions, is a very friendly and community-oriented person.
Blazerboy | Noah can be relied upon to give a less-than-cheerful, yet often realistic outlook on various situations.
Ceroria (ZebraNation) I forgot what I was going to put here, but he's a zebra.
The next part:
BitoBain just.. wow. His posts never fail to shock me. He isn't afraid to post things that may shake people up, his posts are simply filled with information, and soo well-written. I envy his skillz :p
Captain | Lqzer may be a staff member, but he includes foruming in his job, which is something I really appreciate.
BlueHeron is always chipping in small posts that I really appreciate.
Bamber is someone I see posting pretty frequently
Twee... well, I don't remember what exactly he posts, to be frank.
darkrai202 I don't see him post often because of the time difference, but I'll never forget that he was one of the first people to make me apologize on the forums. xD
Nephilim is friendly and also helpful.
Beardy, oh, beardy..

I KNOW there are more than that, I just can't think of any off the top of my head, unfortunately.

Oh also, I just realized that I already did post a list on this thread ._. I just forgot.
When did I make you apologise, still don't remember it lol. xD

Manos told me once that I don't lose arguments, im as godly as huahwi


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
When did I make you apologise, still don't remember it lol. xD

Manos told me once that I don't lose arguments, im as godly as huahwi
It was on a clan discussion thread, probably some sort of thing like top 10 clans where I made a list, and then you were like "hey u wheres pheonix m9" and i was like "whos pheonix" and u was like "u gon get gg10 smakt evry game now bcuz u said that" and then i was like "o no im srry ill add pheonix"

But actually, if memory serves, you did question my list, and I forget the exact details but I ended up admitting that you were more knowledgeable about clans, due to my inactivity and your... activity, and then like added pheonix to my list. xD

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