I wrote this two hours and 30 minutes ago but my internet got unplugged. :C
Name: Alex.
IGN: Mooclan
Skype: Moocrafter
TS? Yup. I generally am listed as Moo, Mooclan, Cow, etc.
Youtube Channel: MooclanTheCow (inactive, I'm not applying for publicity)
Experience with Lyrics? I wrote two parodies.
Example? Links:
http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.c...e-sword-parody-of-angel-with-a-shotgun.79068/ (My favorite one)
http://www.minecraftsurvivalgames.c...-simple-and-clean-birth-by-sleep-remix.80081/ (I was rushed with this one)
I completed both in about an hour. I just did it for fun, I'm not exactly good at them but I figured I'd apply anyways. If I was accepted, I'd probably spend more than an hour working with the other Lyricists. However, the song has some pretty repetitive parts, so a lot of it would just be putting everything in the correct order and making sure the singers are using the correct patterns with the words.
Even if I'm not accepted, I'd like to still support this project, so if you need moral support or something, feel free to holler