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Staff The Kitten is aging


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Well, I'm no longer a kitten. I have aged into a fully fledged, self-capable cat that does its own hunting. Now, I have grown my claws, and unleash them on those who try to disrupt me and my ways.

In other words, today is the 2nd anniversary of my registration onto these fantastic forums. I haven't really made my mark on the forum scene, as I only decided to become active in the past few months, but I'm not entirely sure of the date I first logged on to the server so I shall use this opportunity to write my non-eventful story.

In the beginning... *dreamy flashback scene*

In about June of 2012, my school friend Fraser introduced me to minecraft. Before then, I had only ever regarded the game as something only nerds would play (due to the fact the nerdy group of our year level idolised it.) However, when he introduced me to the game... Still hated it. I was using an extremely old basic desktop computer with no graphics card, nothing like that so it was unspeakably laggy (not to mention I didn't really know how to control my character), but when my Dad bought a Sony laptop that actually had some form of graphic-y business and I got great, lag-free gaming, I loved it! My first activity playing minecraft was building an Olympic games style world, with lots of activities. Pretty fun, but Fraser never remembered to put his server up so the project eventually faded into non-existence.

Things got interesting [Joining MCSG]

It was around this time that Fraser introduced me to MCSG, which very quickly became my life focus. I realized then that I would need an account, and in honor of my pet kitty cat who liked to meow at my window at 3:30 in the morning and battle with my dog, I created the account ViolentKitten. The server only offered two maps at that point, SG1 and SG2, both of which I quite disliked, but I was happy to play whenever I joined because I was thankful enough to even get on a server, with how quickly they filled up. It was a while before I managed to win my first game, but I remember it being on SG1 and pretty much all I did was camp and clean up in deathmatch :p I decided to send my first Moderator Application on November 11th, 2012, only to be rejected by SixZoSeven for too many reasons to list xD.

The Adventures of my sub clan thing [#Meow] January 2013 - June 2013

I'd gotten to know a few people by this point, and had only recently been introduced to the clan scene when I and a friend decided that we would create a sub-clan called #Meow. (It was more of a massive/team that advertised as #Meow rather than an actual clan). We never had battles of any sort, but would parade around the server displaying our dominance. I only remember a few of those who were in #Meow:

We eventually somewhat disbanded, but this was one of the best periods of my MCSG career.

From then on until recently, nothing notable really happened (until I became moderator)

Becoming Moderator [August 14th 2014 - Now]

Well, after sending in a grand total of EIGHT applications, I was finally granted with the Waiting rank on the MCGamer TS on August 5th. I had some fun in the waiting room with Zaex M3rsh kjh567 And some others... Feel free to edit yourselves in if I forgot you guys ;-; I was super nervous before my interview, but the cool calming down voice of KendraNichole got me through it. It was Kitmencha that came down to my channel and told me that I would be moved up briefly, and the nerves kicked in again. I can't say anything about the interview, but it was good - I answered the questions quite well whilst battling some angry parents attempting to confiscate my computer, and was accepted into the team! My interview was done by Shelby, Kit, Flesh, Benny and Chandelle.

Being a moderator has been a great experience - been able to ban lots of rule breakers and have fun all the while.

The Future

So, whats in store for the future? I hope that I may continue my MCGamer journey for as long as possible, and hope that I can hold my place in the staff team for a very, very long time. I'm now going to list all of the people who have made this journey incredible

Fraser: You won't ever read this, but thank you so much for being a great friend and introducing me into this world. Without you, I never would have entered this great world and met so many fantastic people.

Sam (1joe0joker/TheJokerHDMC): You were the first people I ever talked to that I'd never met online. We used to play together all the time, and I have the best memories of our experiences chatting and playing together. Thank you so much for being a great pal.

Tenni (Mario_104): WHY DID YOU QUIT?!?!?!?! You have to come back, man. You've seriously been like, my best friend ever on the server and we have had so many laughs. We've played together for ages and I value your friendship so much. "I swear to god Tenny if you make that noise ONE MORE TIME IM GOING TO EXPLODE"

dindavid: Omg <3 You have been the best mentor and friend a Kitten could have c: Your encouragement and tips on following my moderator dream were paramount to me getting to where I am today. We started as rivals, but we are now the best of buddies :) Thank you so much for being the best bae a fella could have.

Branbob83 Thanks for joining #Meow man, you made it so fun :) We played together every now and again and when we did it was real good. I hope we can catch up again.

Sheldor We've only started talking recently but thanks for being my go-to guy for the issues I've had, and being a chill, hilarious person to talk to. Great google hangout with your Mum yesterday xD

Bowser52000 *inserts Cards Against Humanity reference here* Thanks for helping me fix up my computer with the Windows 10 Preview issue, and just being a hilarious person to talk to/play SG with.

There are so so many people that I can list here, and I just can't remember who you are, but just know that without all of you, none of this would've been possible. Thank you to everyone for making this experience so much greater in the past, and in the future!

*goes to hunt*

TLDR; I've been on the forums for two years, and people have made the journey cool


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
Man, I remember sparing you in a Holiday Resort game and we had an amazing 1v1 at the end!


Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
I had no idea you were around this long! :p

Well, you are a great moderator and I hope to see you with that red name for a long time!

EDIT: Who knows? Maybe even a dark red name. :)


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
Congratulations on two years! Bit sad you forgot me as a waiting buddy, but oh well :p Hope we can talk soon!

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