IGN(Ingame Name): NewieLordArbiter
Wins(Must have 70+): ~115~
Skype?: Yes, Arch3r_K1ng
How will you help the clan?: I am good at PvP and I hope to participate in clan battles so this clan gets even more recognized
How much do you really like MCSG?: I love MCSG, it is literally the only thing I do when I play minecraft except for a couple PvP servers
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, smallr, YouNg_n_R3cKlEss, or toby22?: No (I have teamed with a couple regular members though)
How often do you get on?: Every day if I can, sometimes not on weekdays with HW/baseball
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: Strengths- Trickshots, flint and steel, fishing rod Weaknesses- Strafing with a sword, I need to work on it
Favorite maps?: TSG2, SG2, Valleyside University, and SG4 (The last 2 are waaay overplayed thoiugh)