One thing hackers lack is honesty -_- They can never admit they hack, but I guess...who would? Anyways, I cannot tell for the life of me who's a hacker and who isn't. I only know when it's super obvious. Like, when once, there were five people hitting this girl with no armor on with stone swords, and after 100+ hits, our swords broke and she was still alive. That was kind of irrelevant, but I think that had to get out there. Talking on topic here, I have fought TorchScar in the past. Well, actually once, on SG4..I fell from the iron bars, and it was a fair fight between us two. Maybe you should dispatch an anonymous person on a server tbentley is on, and record him. He won't know what's coming
Obviously a suggestion. Maybe dispatch a team of highly-trained monkeys like Google does....