IGN(Ingame Name): TylerthePandaHD
Wins(100+ rule implemented 5/26/2013): 100
Will you be dedicated to this clan?: Yes I will I have been very welling to join a clan but I was not sure which. I heard of the Hurricanes and I knew that they were a great clan and my friend told me to apply.
How much do you like MCSG?: I love MCSG I am now on everyday and am very dedicated to the servers and love to play them
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, smallr, YouNg_n_R3cKlEss, maljack007, or toby22?: I have been teamed with YouNg_n_R3cKlEss once in a skype call.
How often do you get on?: Daily about 10-14 hours a day (Depending upon what I am doing.
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: My strengths are to run circles around people while pvping. Another strength would be to bow people when under pressure i am very good. My weaknesses are being lit on fire by Flint and Steel. Another weakness would be to be bowed to death when trying to do a Melee attack.
Favorite maps?: Solar Frost, Lost Mine, Survival Games 4, Breeze Island, Valleyside University MoonBase9 and, Terwan Survival Games 2.