IGN(Ingame Name): My In-Game minecraft username is Operdasher
Wins(100+ rule implemented 5/26/2013): I have 275 Victories on MCSG
Skype?(Required): My Skype is Operdasher_MC (Operdasher)
Will you be dedicated to this clan?: I will unless maybe I decide to quit the clan because I am currently uncertain about what this clan has to offer... But if I do leave I will kindly say "I am quitting" And go away.
How much do you like MCSG?: This manies (I just put up all my fingers)
Have you ever teamed with BurningFire213, xlivusee, jcamotts, smallr, YouNg_n_R3cKlEss, maljack007, or toby22?: I have never teamed with them before. (I'm not one to team with people unless they say they're a subscriber or member of a clan I am in.)
How often do you get on?: Every day for 4+ hours I am on minecraft and usually about 3 1/2 of those hours I'm on MCSG Servers/TS/ Or Forums
PvP weaknesses/strengths?: I'm good with fishing rods and Bows
Favorite maps?: I like Breeze, Survival Kingdom, and Survival Games 2