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the global stat reset crap

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Apr 28, 2014
Reaction score
As several people said before, it is not a joke. The majority of the community voted that they would like this leaderboard update to happen and our developers have been working on it for months.

Thread locked. If you have any questions feel free to pm me.

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Think about the people who were in top 500 before. They just lost their stats, and the only way to see your old stats is to go to Legacy Leaderboard, which is really bad in my opinion. Why couldn't they just add those daily, weekly and mounthly leaderboards? That'd be awesome. But the whole stat reset is just so bad. I had almost 1200 wins, now I have 3.

Most of the people who voted for the leaderboard update were mostly people with terrible ratio or people with a really low amount of wins. Listen to the people who had 1000+ wins. Imagine how bad they feel now because all their effort put into that server is gone. Some people had 4000+ wins, think about them. I had 1200 wins, and I want to see them when I do /stats, not /debug or whatever you guys tell me to do.

MCSG is getting worse and worse.
No, you do not have 3. You have just as many wins as you did before, it just varies depending on what leaderboard you are using. There will be an overall leaderboard that acts as if the stat "reset" never happened, and the people that had a high amount of wins before the update will be able to continue building off their stats there. This is all still a work in progress; its our first day and we welcome all of your suggestions. However, this is the best option to keep both sides of the community (the ones that did not want a reset and those that did) happy. :)

If you're speaking about /stats in game, this is also a work-in-progress. If you do /debug in game it will show you your old stats. We are working on other features as well to show overall stats.

As for the votes, they were actually across the spectrum of good and not-so-good ratios. Everyone had different and valid points to bring up for both sides which is exactly why we opted for this option.
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