Hello all members and viewers of Forgotten. I just wanted to come onto here today, to make an apology. Over the past month and a half, I have said some really mean things to Soul and other members of the Forgotten. I have just went over everything that I've said, done, and I really how much of a complete, disrespectful, person I was. I was a complete jerk and for that I apologize to each and every one of you. You see, after the clan battle of Forgotten vs. Alliance , I threw the biggest temper tantrum towards Soul because I felt that we got cheated out of a win, but now I realize that we lost because of my big mouth, and rude behavior. Now, that's the past and I don't like to dwell in the past anymore so that's why I'm apologizing, I am dearly sorry for the rude comments towards Nitro_Elite, atwatt, Soul, Tironas11 ,Epic_frog_song and anyone else that I left out, I made myself look like a fool. And for that I apologize. If you do not forgive me, I will respect that decision because frankly I wouldn't forgive myself for my previous actions either. I also have another request. I would love to join the forgotten, but if that is not possible because of my previous actions then that as well, will be fine even though I would love to be friends with everyone again, and just start over. So without further ado here's my application..
Minecraft ID: xSwagGiraffe
Got Skype/TS: Yes, I have both.
Skype Name (PM Me If You Don't Want To Post It) Rvp1012 .
Got A Mic: Yes I do.
How Often Have You Teamed With The Leaders/Officers: Havn't really got a chance to team with anyone that much, except Epic_frog_song in the past when I wasn't really that good.
PvP Strengths: Fishing rod/bow/F&S. Strafing, water battles.
PvP Weaknesses: Having to do 4v1 against Soul,Tiro,Nitro,and Bowhoo.
And again I am sorry and if you choose to not allow me into the clan then I will be a little sad because I want a clean slate, but I will respect the decision no matter the outcome.