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The CyanVolts™

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May 5, 2012
Reaction score

The place is here. The time is now. You have just entered the house of the CyanVolts. The house shrouded in darkness imploding with light, resting underneath a dreary, midnight sky. The house full of warmth and friendship but also home to hostility and pride.

This clan was brought together for the same original purpose the first one was created, just to have fun and have a good time. So with that I'll end on this note. Below you will find the Requirements, Applications, and other things you might need to know. Thanks for reading and have a nice day!


1. Preferably older than 13. Possible exceptions.
2. 250+ wins on MCSG.
3. Must have Skype and Teamspeak.
4. Must have a decent microphone.
5. Dedicated to the the team. (Tell us if you leave MCSG, or will be taking a hiatus for an extended period of time, for vacations and such). Can't be in other teams.
6. No Donor required. Would be preferred however.
7. Decent PVP skills.
8. Can't be a clan-hopper. Yes, you know who you are. If you're going to join just to leave within two weeks, don't bother.


1. Username:

2. Age:
3. Donor (doesn't matter):
4. Wins:
5. Teamspeak/Skype:
6. Good Attitude?:
7. PVP Strengths?:
8. PVP Weaknesses?:
9. Rank in the world:
10. How long have you been in this community?:
11. Write a paragraph explaining why you think you deserve to join.


UPDATED 4.4.14

Current Roster | 9/24 |

KINGS - The commanders of the operation. [Leaders] [2/2]
1. The_Great_Tito (Thread Owner) (Skype Chat Owner)
Landowicked (Teamspeak Owner)

WARRIORS- The individuals second in charge, who put forth great effort towards the clan. [Captains] [2/3]
1. Yellodog
2. OuchTheSchauzer

INFANTRY - The body of the Volts, the general population. [Members] [3/18]
1. Auroraty
2. LittleRawr

3. mii6000


JESTERS - Make the Banners, Avatars, Artwork, etc. (Not added to roster number)
1. TigerAngel117

ALLIES - Not actually official members, but still play with us whenever. (Not added to roster number)
1. Anatolifisher

2. Doctorwhonerd
3. nateqrocks2

4. LittleRed14
5. NoLegs62
6. panda_power232
7. mossdude

8. Tigerstain
9. SuperBlondeAsian

CHEERLEADESR/SUPPORTERS - Do you have what it takes to cheer?
1. TheManeEvent
2. flyon21
3. RC_4777
4. CandyCranium
5). Wert9999
6. Apzy
7. Brandon6895
8. iancool
9. jspwn
10. R3vVolution
11. SociallyAK
12. thebeardydragon - the survival games' unofficial firebender.
13. xPokeMasterx
14. ProshooterBF
15. RathaYatra
16. NewYorkKidd9
17. Billyguy118
18. Kladers
19. Nebulosity
20. Killerkons
21. Synd87
22. SubtractHD
23. #Evolution

BANISHED - Individuals not allowed to return.
1. JCagg

Clan Battles.png

VS Fallen [Players left] (8-0)
CyanVolts Prodigious [Best of 3] (0-2)
CyanVolts VS React [Third Place Round] Players Left] ()-3)

General Information.png

Clan Founded:
November 6th, 2013.
Teamspeak: speakslc1.teamspeak.net:22146

*The Teamspeak is owned by Landowicked, however it is also shared with The Impalers.
* Upon acceptance into the clan, you will be added to the Skype Group. This is our prime form of communication.

* If your name is this color it means you were an original CyanVolt from early-mid 2012.
*PENDING basically means we think you'd be a great addition but need additional information to decide and see how you'd act and be with the other members. Like a trial members.
*Regarding inactivity. If you're going on a vacation or trip somewhere where you'll not be able to be active/play with us. I'd like it if you could inform Myself or Lando about it and how long you'll be gone for. This will excuse you from a kick.
However if we don't see you on the TS or talking with anyone for at least a week, this will result in a kick from the clan. Of course, all members kicked from inactivity can re-apply, however only under the intention to fix the issue.

*Regarding the blacklist. The blacklist started out as a thought in the back of my head to try and prevent clan-hoppers from joining and leaving over and over again. Which not only is inconvenient, it's not being loyal and dedicated. So basically, if you leave the clan over three times or leave because things aren't necessarily going well within the clan, you will not be allowed to return or join again. Ever. Unless a special exception is made.
The reason you can't join back if things aren't really going well, is, well, think of it this way. The clan starts to go bad, the leaders are struggling to put it back together, and then you leave because of it. That's not loyal, and is essentially giving up on us for another clan. Which also means it isn't fair you deserve the clan at a good state, when you did nothing to help it out in it's time of need. If that makes any sense.
Not only does it apply to people who come and go often, but also to individuals who join and leave within a week, or seven days.

(CyanVolts logo at the top made by SunGodMonkey).
(CyanVolts banner immediately below made by SunGodMonkey).
(CyanVolts banner below that made by TigerAngel117).



Last edited:


May 5, 2012
Reaction score
First (just to get this out of the way, sorry Chris)

UPDATE: [As of December 7th, 2013]
-Kicked HolyTrinnidi. (Inactivity)
-Kicked thebeardydragon. (Inactivity)
-Removed Shootaround from the roster. (Personal Reasons)
-Removed ItsMeTYL3R from the roster. (He left)
-Added Brandon6985.
-Added R3vVolution.
-Promoted Chris_Bro1998 to Officer.
Made change to the application format, added a question. Check it out!
Renamed the name from The Volts to CyanVolts.

Roster now: 21/24. (Subject to change).

Of course as stated in the thread (or soon to be) any members kicked for inactivity can re-apply with the intention of fixing the issue.

UPDATE: [As of December Eighth, 2013]
-Removed JCagg from the roster. (His decision)
-Removed LittleRawr from the roster. (Personal Reasons)
-Added SunGodMonkey.
-Added ItsMeTYL3R.
-Added VeryonsGaming.
-Added ReaVezZ.

Roster now: 22/24. (Subject to change)

Added the rules on inactivity to the thread.
Added an explanation on what exactly the blacklist is.
Added a another question to the application format.

UPDATE: [As of December Twenty-first, 2013]
-Removed SunGodMonkey from the roster. (His decision)
-Removed Chris_bro1998 from the roster. (His decision)
-Removed Brandon6985 from the roster. (His decision)
-Removed ItsMeTYL3R from the roster. (His decision)
-Removed Korrenian from the roster. (His decision)
-Demoted SuperBlondeAsian to Member.
-Kicked Halo_0. (Inactivity)
-Promoted Cadbane4321 to Teamspeak Admin.
-Promoted themastern00b to Dedicated Member.
-Promoted R3vVolution to Dedicated Member.
-Promoted Cadbane4321 to Officer.
-Promoted Doctorwhonerd to Volts Friend.
-Promoted nateqrocks2 to Volts Friend.
-Promoted Anatolifisher to Volts Friend.

Roster now: 16/24. (Subject to change).

Added a new rank: Volts Friends (Replaces the Ghost member rank)

Font changed to Arial.

UPDATE: [As of January 5th, 2014]
-Removed Dantelius from the roster.
Removed Vulza from the roster.
Removed ReaVezZ from the roster.
Demoted SuperBlondeAsian to Member.
Changed NoLegs62 from to Volts Friend.

-Changed LittleRed14 to Volts Friend.
Added TylerthePanda.
-Added Chris_bro1998. (To Elite)
Added Somers27.
Added __AirChild__.
Added AttackDog91.

Roster now: 22/24. (Subject to change).

UPDATE: [As of January 7th, 2014]
-Removed TylerthePanda from the roster.
Added TylerthePanda to the blacklist.
Promoted Cadbane4321 to Captain.
Promoted Cat_On_A_Poptart to Officer/Vassal.
Changed SuperBlondeAsian to Member with TS Moderator.

Roster now: 21/24. (Subject to change).
Added a new rank:
Captain (Is a rank of authority higher than Officer, yet lower than Leader. Has TS Administrator and Accepts, Denies, and puts applicants on trial.

Added a rule where anyone who joins and leaves within a week is added to the blacklist.
Changed all the rank names to something a bit more creative. ;)
Volt Friends - Allies
Graphics Designers - Jesters
Leaders - Kings
Elites - Knights
Captains - Warriors
Blacklist Banished
Members - Infantrymen
Officers- Vassals

Changed the introduction paragraph.

UPDATE: [As of January 12th, 2014]
-Removed Yomega.
-Added Cryptic_Gamer.
-Added GentleSnivy.
-Added RTGxxKaos.
-Promoted themastern00b to Elite with TS Moderator.

Updated logo and added banner.
Roster size updated to 35.
Gave people Original CyanVolt rank that didn't have it before.
Roster now: 26/35. (Subject to change).

UPDATE: [As of January 18th, 2014]
-Removed ItsMeTYL3R.
-Promoted Cat_On_A_Poptart to Captain.

Roster now: 25/35.

UPDATE: [As of January 24th, 2014]
-Changed Tigerstain to Noble.
-Removed Yomega.
-Removed Sim_Man.
-Removed ShakeShack.
-Demoted Tigerstain to Member.
-Promoted __Airchild__ to Officer.
-Promoted XxSolarBearzxX to Officer.
-Promoted Chris_bro1998 to Officer.
-Promoted SuperBlondeAsian to Noble.
-Promoted R0W4NR0X to Noble.
-Promoted Jake854 to Noble.
-Added WalkerRed.
-Added Qxerft.

Roster now: 25/35.
Added update date to the main page instead of the title.

UPDATE: [As of January 27th, 2014]
-Removed Slayerr from the banished list.
-Added MichelleFoop.
-Added ShakeShack.
-Added Superslayer.
-Added Progolfer1313.
-Added Snickerssss_72.

Roster now: 30/35.

UPDATE: [As of February 11th, 2014]
-Removed RTGxxKaos.
-Removed GentleSnivy.
-Removed Cryptic_Gamer.
-Removed ITsMeTYL3R.
-Removed __Airchild__.
-Removed ShakeShack.
-Demoted SuperBlondeAsian to Member.
-Demoted Tigerstain to Member
-Added OuchtheSchauzer.
-Added & Promoted qxerft to Elite.

UPDATE: [As of February 15th, & 16th, 2014]
-Removed MichelleFoop.
-Removed Jake854.
-Added SuperxAndrew.
-Added asdffish.
-Added mossdude to Ally/Friend.
-Added mii6000.
-Added panda_power232 to Ally/Friend.
-Promoted qxfert to Elite.
-Promoted R0W4NR0X to Elite.
-Promoted OuchTheSchauzer

Roster now: 30/35.
-Added more color to the ranks.
-Added a new banner at the top.
-Colored the introduction paragraph.

UPDATE: [As of March 9th, 2014.]
-Removed GentleSnivy.
-Removed Somers.
-Removed Attackdog.
-Removed Superslayer.
-Removed Progolfer1313
Added Ash0521.
-Added Fenomous.
-Added Chris_Hill12.
-Added Yellodog.
-Added Tyler773.
-Added R0W4NR0X to Officer/Vassal.

Roster now: 25/25.
Roster size reduced by 10.
Changed introduction paragraph.
Removed the Elite and Dedicated sections of the roster and integrated them into the Member section.

UPDATE: [As of March 14th, 2014 AKA Pie Day.]
-Removed asdffish.
-Removed qxfert.
-Removed WalkerRed.
-Removed Tyler773.
-Removed Chris_bro1998 (again).
-Removed SunGodMonkey (AGAIN).
-Added ProfessorRetro to Trial Member.
-Added Chaotic_Star (Mustache) to Trial Member.

UPDATE: [As of March 17th, 2014]
-Removed Yellodog.

Removed the Officer rank.
Changed intro paragraph.
Applications from this moment on require a paragraph explaining why you think you deserve to join.
Added clan battle information.

UPDATE: [As of April 4th, 2014]
-Removed ALL1DO1SW1N1329.
-Removed Cadbane4321.
-Removed XxSolarBearZxXx.
-Removed R0W4NR0X.
-Removed Cat_On_A_Poptart.
-Removed R3vVolution.
-Removed themastern00b.
-Removed SuperxAndrew.
-Removed Snickerssss_72.
-Removed vanillaice999.
-Removed Chaotic_Star.
-Promoted Yellodog to Captain.
-Added and Promoted Yellodog to Captain.
Last edited:


Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
1. IGN:Shootaround
2. Age:14
3. Donor (doesn't matter): Nope but getting diamond on Christmas
4. Wins:14
5. Teamspeak/Skype: You have me
6. Good Attitude?:Yes
7. PVP Strengths?: fns, Bow
8. PVP Weaknesses?: Teams of 3, fns on me, Bow spamming
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