This actually kind of changed my mind about all of this ... Good job Kraidium :3
I have an idea but it might be a bit annoying to perform, but here goes:
So for a few weeks or a month or so, we keep the votings, and see which maps are never voted, most voted ones etc. And if the maps that are never played, the one or two, might be removed due to inactivity and not accepted by the players.
So then we can remove these two, and then we can remove voting system and have random maps, or keep voting system but no skips. We could do this so we always have something good as a a map.
Another idea, is to keep the voting system(I still believe the skip should be removed), but we add a number of maps 2-5, so that these maps will have a harder time always getting played, but if we would do this, then we'd have to make sure that the new maps we add has good quality and it loved by the community so another MCSG ruins dilemma appears again.