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Events The Christmas Games

Christmas hype?

  • Of course! Are you elf-in kidding me?

  • cookies

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Nov 11, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: BullaChingChang
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yea buddy
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: Because I've never been in a mc gamer event and I really want to be apart of this one.
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: Yea been in many calls and play with mates 95% of the time.
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?:
What is your favorite holiday drink?: Water.... Healthy


Sep 6, 2013
Reaction score
Good luck, I won't partecipate.


Apr 5, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Ex0dUs101
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: So long as nothing else comes up
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: Because I love the team events, such as Community Games, and even though I've pretty much quit MC I'd like to have one last, memorable experience.
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: I've taken part in several Community Games, and been in a few Elite Clans, such as Tritus and Lycaon.
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Yes
What is your favorite holiday drink?:


Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: MrNoisyKidd
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yes
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: It seems fun and it involves Christmas which I'm excited for
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: Yes I've played in clan wars before
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Of course
What is your favorite holiday drink?: Holiday drink??? hot chocolate..?


District 13
May 14, 2015
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Minecraft IGN: Getiix
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Of course I am. c:
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: I just love playing with other people and I love meeting new people in general. It's also a great theme and the time to meet new people. #ChristmasHype
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: Of course, I played many scrims, clan wars and I am playing every day with my friends. ;)
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Of course.
What is your favorite holiday drink?: Hot chocolate? :p


Jun 20, 2012
Reaction score
Are you el-fin kidding me. Ha that's HILARIOUS. Best of luck to everyone who applies!


Nov 16, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Sedrazo
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yes. :)
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: It seems very fun and I would love to attend!
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: Yep, I do. I usually team with friends!
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Yes.
What is your favorite holiday drink?: Hot chocolate.


Mar 11, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Imanol
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yes
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: I want to attend a really fun event that would help me make new friends or even meet new people!
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: Yes I played in many events, I played in the Presidential Games as well.
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Yes
What is your favorite holiday drink?: Hot Chocolate


Oct 11, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Phaeten
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: yes
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: it would be fun
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: yes
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: yes
What is your favorite holiday drink?:
hot chocolate


Mar 25, 2014
Reaction score

Deck the halls! ‘Tis the season to announce MCGamer’s Christmas Games! A long time in the making has finally produced a final result of this event! The Christmas Games are a twist on the classic MCSG formula where teamwork and factored risks are the key to victory, but Christmasized!

  • Be able to join the MCGamer TeamSpeak: ts.mcgamer.net
  • Be able to be at the event.
  • Have a working microphone.
  • You cannot be a banned player on TeamSpeak or In-Game.
Summary of Play:

The Christmas Games is a variation of Protect the President. Players (or elves) will be randomly assigned into one of the twelve teams of four players. In each team, one player will be designated the Reindeer (traditionally the President) while the others will be designated as Elves (traditionally Guards). Prior to the games beginning, each team will be put in their own separate Teamspeak Channel so that teams may communicate with each other for the event.

The objective of the game is to eliminate the other teams to boost your team's score, while keeping your Reindeer alive. There will be two rounds played; each round will be played the same, maps may vary, and points will be gathered each round. After both rounds have ended, the scores of each team will be tallied. The team with the highest score wins the event!

Playing Rules:
  • Killing an opposing Elf is equivalent to 1 additional point for the team.
  • Killing an opposing Reindeer is equivalent to 2 additional points per team.
  • In deathmatch, each kill doubles its original point value.
  • After a team has their Reindeer eliminated, they can no longer score additional points for their team.
  • If an Elf has their Reindeer killed, their team will still be able to eliminate other players. This could be helpful to eliminate winning teams.
  • After the second round, the scores of each team from both rounds are tallied together, and the team with the highest scores overall are declared the winners.
Event Rules:
  • Follow all MCGamer rules, they still apply in this event.
  • Sponsoring and bountying players will not be allowed.
  • If you are sponsored, must burn the items immediately.
  • You must to listen to all staff members present and running the event.
  • If you die, you must leave the game, spectating is not allowed.
  • If you are an eliminated event staff member, you are to leave your team's channel and moderate in the channel I reside in.
Note: Failure to follow the Event Rules will result in immediate removal from the event and in some cases, any points you earned for your team will be revoked. Consequences may follow depending on the situation.

  • December 7th: Opening of Applications
  • December 15th: Due Date of Applications
  • December 17th: Teams Will Be Posted
  • December 17th: Teams Can Pick Their Reindeer
  • December 19th: The Event Will Begin at 3PM EST
  • December 20th: Delivering of Presents
To Be Posted
Note: Do not interact with your team on this thread, you will receive a PM soon after the teams are sorted where you can interact there.

These people will be back-ups incase someone is not able to show. To Be Posted.

The prizes for the event are still being worked out, hang tight! They'll be just as good as always.
Event Staff:

levi_the_potato - Event Host & Project Co-Leader
Ceroria- Sr. Staff Overseer & Project Co-Leader
Yannick - Sr. Staff Overseer
Shai- Sr. Staff Overseer
Tiger - Moderation Staff
NagolGames - Moderation Staff
RiskIt - Moderation Staff
Giggity69Goo - Moderation Staff
Giggums - Moderation Staff
GeckoGoggals - Moderation Staff
Exzone - Moderation Staff
ApexMC - Moderation Staff
Lunarist - Moderation Staff
Miner9823 - Moderation Staff
Imanol - Moderation Staff

How To Apply:
Copy the template below, and fill it out. Once you have filled out the template, post it in the comments of this thread.

Minecraft IGN:
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?:
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?:
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?:
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?:
What is your favorite holiday drink?:
(Please format your application so that the answers stand out from the questions and it is pleasing to the eye to read, and put some effort into those answers.)

Shoutout to _Pyrrhic for making this amazing banner!

Minecraft IGN: SidoesMC

Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: I should be able too.

Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: Sounds fun plus I wanna show of my skill :D

Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: YES

Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Yes

What is your favorite holiday drink?:
Hot Chocolate


Jun 25, 2015
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: TwistedRain
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yes I will be available at the time provided.
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: Because it seems like a fun idea for the holidays and I would really like to interact more with the community by participating in events and having a fun time!
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: Yes I do I have teamed a lot in my time of playing in any mcsg server i can usually get along very well with complete strangers in skype calls ts etc. so I feel like I have a lot of experience.
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: yes I do agree to all rules and will not break any of them while participating in the event.
What is your favorite holiday drink?: hot chocolate c:


May 2, 2013
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: TheMangoTiger
Are you available to be at the event at the time provided?: Yas
Why would you like to become a tribute in this event?: I would love to attend Christmas themed event to get into the Christmas spirit, meet new people, and have a laugh c: I've also never taken part in a normal presidential games before so would love to try one out and see what it's like.
Do you have any experience in teamfighting/working together with others?: Even though I've never been in clans I do enjoy playing mcsg with friends and team mates rather than solo. Over time I think I have developed skills and learnt how to (try to) help out in teams. I tend to be the more defensive team player who goes into a fight late on to help clean up xD
Do you agree to all MCGamer rules and the rules of this event?: Of course!
What is your favorite holiday drink?: Starbs gingerbread latte:coffee::coffee::coffee:
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