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The child behind the screen.


Apr 6, 2014
Reaction score
Taken to account through the various and recurring events that have arisen, and passed, have given me a considerable amount to think of, especially a mere, single human being's existence. Despite the boring life I have lived to witness within my own eyes, I am grateful for understanding the little details, the little aspects of an insignificant of a fool I am that has made me to the individual I am today. There will not necessarily be a fixed story line within the fourteen years that have flown past by me, but there will be guaranteed descriptions of situations, events that has brought me to a different aspect, a differed outlook of my existence.

Firstly beginning with my mere birth, I had aged slowly throughout my childhood, unfortunately not many people had been around to provide the support, or even the love that I have begged for every day. All those days within nursery school had been quite an agonizing adaptation, explaining how large of a 'bubble' I had, and easily explaining how painful to be away from my mother's grasp for even an hour.
I had unfortunately not grown so well through comparison with other children, and by that, I reference in psychological terms. I had merely been in first grade and still was yet to understand the English language; showing noticeable signs of absolute confusion when people greet me with a smile.

Throughout the years, I have been perplexed by the decisions and actions of some people, this due to the amount of hatred, and how they have discovered the pleasure of bringing a miserable experience to other people, not realizing how severe the impacts can be. Skipping towards sixth grade, after various times of convincing and "reasoning" with my parents to provide me the permission through purchasing a Minecraft account, note that I had a registered account ever since 2011. Eventually I had succeeded.

What is quite incredible was that as soon as the purchase was complete, the first thing I have done was go on the multiplayer section, and immediately went to the MCGamer network, and that had happened far before any hub was released within the network. The experience had been a huge joy, although I have come to the realization that fighting against players isn't my key aspect nor do I have any talent for it, and never will I improve. However, due to the the vast diversity of the network when they have introduced hubs was what has truly given me the will of a more active account within the server. Creative, ZedChase, or even Team Fortress II were such a joy to play.

But a short time after I have purchased the game, I had discovered that a family member of mine, who was an incredible individual, practically a role model to me, had been diagnosed with a severe illness. Hence leading them to go to another area, far away to get treatment. Hence leaving me alone with the rest of my family to look after.
But that is when the "issues" began.

7th grade was when I was truly, and deeply alone, and to my perspective, a mere punching bag for many people. I have been lost, blinded with my own thoughts, filled with hate and absolute despair. It had felt painful to experience a vast amount of stabs in my head from people's words, some would go as far to wishing I had not existed, yet again, to this day I still agree with them.
Even when I was sick off from school, the days after, they would blatantly claim to me how joyful they were to not having me within school at all. What truly began my thoughts of human nature was the epiphany realizing how that so many people had thought similarly towards me. Hence beginning my "Existential crisis".

The events have also led me to favouring the subject of existentialism and as well as a little bit of psychology. It had truly made me rethink the decisions of other people, what their reason, their purpose was and what they have gained out of the things they have done. Unfortunately leaving me scarred.
However, a vast amount of time had passed, the family member I had mentioned earlier had finally returned back home, healthy and happier than ever.

But what truly matters? I have not taken consideration on what had truly made me happy, to bring joy. I have felt absolutely insignificant from the events, I had felt worthless to them, but I would let them speak of me as they wish. I do know that it is not even worth trying to impress people with impossible, but realistically low standards, and as a word of advice, do what you truly wish, despite people saying that there will be people who will not admire your actions, there will be people who look up to you. This was easily learnt through their actions to which were directed towards me.
But to this day, I dream of becoming an astrophysicist, or simply an astronomer, because I dream to feel insignificant in a better manner, to learn about the giant spaces of our universe, and learn the laws of how everything around us functions.

But yet again, this is merely my thought. I am merely a child, that remains still on his chair, and being a part of the large community of MCGamer.
Although I may be a mere child, who would have their own thoughts expressed within these forums, I am grateful that I had discovered the network in the first place.
And that child, behind the screen, is eternally grateful for those who were there for me in the forums. Although I had not expressed issues of my life, I am absolutely glad to be calmed, and sustain a smile on my face being here.

BitoBain, you are indeed an exceptional individual, to whom I am absolutely glad to have met, you have always brought a great amount of justification from your posts, and you have always let me enjoy a great read from your works, and as well as you being a kind-hearted, and tolerant person. I wish you the best, and I look forward towards your future posts.

Nirmit, you are one of the few reasons towards why I have written such great lengths of text. You have posted so many controversial topics to discuss about, hence letting me express so much of what I have believed in. Thanks to you, I have justified my beliefs clearly, and I am grateful and thankful for your time in the community, and I too wish you a congratulations on your a thousand posts.

YourAverageTiger, you have always been a joy playing Survival Games with, you have let me play with ease and comfort, helping me return to competitive fighting within Minecraft without fear, all the chats we had on Teamspeak with @ThatOneSnipe and many other people were so much fun. I wish you the best of luck in your interview!

Nephilim & OhFancy, you two moderators have always been wonderful people to be with, and you, including hundreds of other staff members have worked so hard to making the community even better, and as well as you two being so helpful. I am eternally grateful for your participation for the network.

I also have four different people I wish to thank, unfortunately they are not active in the forums at the moment, but they are Momoray18, Infinity_Dragons, Snife777, and CakePlayerHD.

And a final thank you to all, for accepting me as one with the community. Cheers to a thousand and beyond! :)
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District 13
Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
I'm sorry you had to go through all of that :c But it's interesting ot learn how one's life and experiences form the person typing responses on the forums today, and how it shaped your personality and forms of expression.


District 13
Mar 15, 2014
Reaction score
Woah, another great post from Miner. I will applaud you slowly my friend. *applauds slowly*

See I am writing this post at approximately 12:01am. I have school in the morning. I only, and only forum at this time of night due to the fact that I really have a passion for what I do. It is also the only time that the other forumers are able to see my posts as they are just starting to log on to the forums. If you ask Mooclan, I used to stay up until 3 am in the morning due to the fact that I wanted him especially to see my posts.

You see achieving 1,000 posts isn't that hard anymore, I hit it in around 5 months or just a little bit less, I did exactly what you do, although my grammar isn't the best anyone has ever seen; I try. You hit 1,000 posts very quickly, you started off as just another forumer, which then grew into one of the best forumers I have seen. I have great respect in you for doing that.

Now, what you have gone through in your life and how it has made you who you are today is really cool to know about you. I haven't seen you talk this much about your personal life. See I could write a lengthy reply but I will stop here; I congratulate you on your achievement and I have gained a lot more respect for you to see that you took your time to get it. Not many people do that anymore.

Congratulations, Miner. I tip my hat.


Mar 22, 2014
Reaction score
It's very humbling to read the struggles of people that aren't yourself. To know that not just you have problems in life. Some are more severe, but most all people have problems.
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Jun 27, 2012
Reaction score
I'm still amazed how a 14 year old is already capable of writting such amazing and detailed threads or comments. You have an amazing view on a lot of controversial topics which a lot of users haven't even thinked about. And don't even get me started about the perfect grammar.

You definitely deserve a prominent spot in the so called "top-forumers".
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Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score
A beautifully written thread as per normal. You have an awesome grasp on the English language, and it makes your threads so easy to read and appreciate. I have noticed that many of the great forumers of this community often have stories to tell which will make someone's heart break, which is both interesting but also very sad, and you are no exception. Stay strong, and definately keep up what your doing, I love your posts.

If someone is going to knock Moo off the top spot, it'll be you.


Nov 24, 2013
Reaction score
You know it's painful how life can be rough for people, especially for such an individual like you. But you joined this community, you put an effort into foruming, which I can say is difficult, especially when the forums are all high and dry. You've made more then a name for yourself, you sir, are amazing. I can say, that even if they can't be like you. When people join this community, and forums. They should strive to put as much effort into the forums.

If you keep going, I might say, you'll reach the very top. The tippity top, #1. I think, you are the future of these forums. Why?
Because you are amazing! You write like 50 paragraphs on this subject and I'm sittin' there like HOWWW?! I don't know how you can write (Or type) that much. But it's amazing! Amazing is an understatement! It's so great, the greatest of the greats should tip their hat's to you!

Anyhow, getting sidetracked. You are amazing, it can only get better from here. Because you're heading to the top. I can tell. 1000 posts isn't a lot when you don't try, and put 1 sentence lines on each thread. But you do the opposite. Sir you are amazing.

if you don't win #1 forumer, I am going to flip.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
Miner, I feel like what you've given us is merely a glimpse of what has happened to you. A few paragraphs in a large series of books. I can only wonder what messages are hidden between your words.

If you win best forumer, you definitely deserve it. Don't feel bad about taking me down, okay? :)

Cheers and congratulations on 1,000 posts, Miner.

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