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Staff The Best in the Business - KellieBreanne

Do you love BrellieKeanne?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 57.5%
  • Yikesaronni and chgeeze whiz YES

    Votes: 17 42.5%

  • Total voters


District 13
Oct 23, 2012
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KellieBreanne (or BrellieKeanne, as I like to call her) is a Senior Moderator on the MCGamer Network. Kellie has worked tirelessly for the past three years and in my opinion she has not received the recognition and respect that she deserves. This entire thread will be dedicated to displaying the amount of appreciation we all feel towards KellieBreanne.

A little bit of backstory on the esteemed Kellie. She joined this community back in April of 2012. That not only makes her the longest serving Sr. Mod, but one of the oldest community members that are still active today. Kellie became Moderator on December 19, 2012. She received Sr. Mod in July of 2013 and has been one ever since then. Kellie and I have actually met! We met twice. Once at the fair and once seeing some Christmas lights and playing on a playground longer than an adult should. Here are some pictures

I strongly encourage each and every one of you to leave a message for Kellie explaining how loved and appreciated she is here. Even if you don't know it, all of us have been positively impacted by her presence and all the hard work she has dedicated to this community. I know that she isn't everyone's favorite staff member, but that is only because she gets a pretty bad wrap. In reatlity, she is so incredibly amazing. Here are a few statements made by some of the friends that love her.

Me: Kellie and I haven't been friends for very long. In fact, I pretty much avoided her when I got hired. As a Moderator, you're not really supposed to make any actions without being trained, but on my first day, I muted a guy spamming in the hub. Although I did it correctly, I did what I wasn't supposed to, so Kellie poked me and let me know. The poke read "You shouldn't be banning or muting people without training." I was beyond terrified. I made a mistake and wanted to resign immediately. Right out of being hired. I knew that I was not going to do well here as a Moderator. I turned off my internet to time myself out and went to bed hoping that no one would remember tomorrow what I did. Little did I know, it was an incredibly small mistake that really didn't matter in the slightest. About a week later, Kellie trained me in Hacker Identification and I was able to see what an incredible leader and teacher she was. I felt very secure as a Moderator at this point. I knew that with Sr. Staff like Kellie, I was in very safe and capable hands. As time went on, I saw more and more attributes of that her were so astonishing to see in someone. She was very level headed, strong willed, and courageous. She isn't the type of person to just cave in and fall in-line, but someone who is able to take charge if the situation requires. When I moved to the same state as Kellie, I was so excited to be able to meet her. That is when Kellie and I really started to talk. In November, she randomly said in a TS channel with me, "Hey, Ryan. Do you want to go to the fair?" I thought she was kidding, but she told me to get ready and that she'd be there in an hour to take me. Most people would probably find it strange that I, a 17 year old, would be going to the fair with Kellie, and 24 year old (please don't yell at me for saying your age, Kellie. It's on your forum page), but I got in her car it was like we were still talking on TS. It wasn't awkward at all and we had a great time. I can't wait to go to your wedding, by the way!

Kellie has been with me through thick and thin. She has comforted me when others have tried to tear me down and when my medical state started to take a turn for the worst. I have seen her do the same with so many others and each time it reminds me of how she is so caring and resilient. The second time that we hung out, she took me to see some beautiful Christmas lights. Then, we played on a playground for about an hour with two couples staring at us with probably many questions in their heads.

Kellie, I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate everything you've done for me personally and this community in general. I 100% believe that none of this would be standing without you. You are such a diligent, hard working, and charismatic individual. I'm so grateful to be your friend and I hope to hear the name GyanRiggums for many years to come. Thank you for being with us all.

Untiring : Kellie, the words I have for you are beyond explanation. You have done so much to help me along with the community. You are like a mother to me in so many ways. You put up with the weird things I say, tell me to stop be annoying, and then you turn around and give me love and appreciation. Still, I wouldn't trade anything for you. I can not wait to go see you and Ryan this Summer! It'll be awesome! You are always on your phone, driving, and drop like half way. You fall asleep during talks, and still SOMEHOW remember what happened...sometimes. However, in all honesty, if one word describes you, it would be love. You always act so caring about everyone and are so willing to help everyone, through everything, so I thank you for all you do, Kellie! I love you!

iClarify : Kellie is literally the best person I know. If I ever need something, she's there for me. I appreciate everything she does for me and I don't know where I would be without her. She's my internet mom! I hope I can meet her someday cause that would be the best. Love ya Kellie!!!

GravityGrasperV2 : Kellie, you are absolutely amazing, and you're my mother. I love the way you literally talk to me like a mom! I can't wait to meet you this summer! You deserve so much more appreciation than I can offer, but I'm only one person. I love you so much Kellie, and congratulations on getting married. <3

Ceroria (ew): Hey there Kellie! Someone may or may not have told me it was your 37th month here as a staff member, which is super insane. You're such a hard working and helpful person, and both MCG and TeamElite would be different places without you. The fact that you're still here, after more than three years of service for you, and 18 months after being present at my interview, is such an incredible thing. And hey, we both were hired on the 19th of the month :stuck_out_tongue:. Anyway, you're an incredible leader and Senior Moderator, and you have gained a very high level of respect from me, and many many others c:

Jaakee : Hey Kellie! Just wanted to say thanks for accepting me into Team Elite , and thank you for being so loyal to MCGamer and sticking around. Also thank you for always being so nice and answering things straightforward! Good luck with your wedding! Hope all goes well. 37 months, wow. That's amazing! Keep up the good work!

Lunarist : The first time I met Kellie she asked me my name about 5 times in one conversation. It took a couple of weeks for it to stick, but she finally remembered it. This definitely proves that Kellie isn't someone you can just meet once and expect to be buddy-buddy with. She takes time, dedication, devotion. She requires these things because she's loyal. If you show loyalty in return you'll be the best of friends with Kellie. I know I joke around that Kellie is my "mom", but in all reality she is much of a mother figure to me and many others because of how generous and thoughtful she is. She loves us all and we love her back and I couldn't ask for a better friend. She trusts us just like we trust her and it's great. I really wanted to write this out to show my appreciation towards Kellie. She's so devoted to this Staff team and so dedicated to her work. She deserves to be appreciated for what she's done. I love you Kellie and I can't wait to see you walking down that aisle even if it's not in person.

Yannick : Hey Kellie. I remember always seeing you around when I was just a simple Diamond donor back in 2014. I remember thinking how cool it would be to be able to talk to you. Then when I joined the staff team, I finally got to talk to you. You were just one of the funniest people I have met. Ever since then, our friendship has grown stronger. I am happy that you accept me for who I am and that I can call you my friend.
Hope that we will stay friends for a long time! We love you Kellie <3

Techaton : Kellie has been nothing but an angel since I joined the staff team. The first time Kellie and I began to talk was when I was ranting in a Mod chat about how I kinda had a date tonight, but I wasn’t sure whether or not it was a date. We talked it over, and I gave her all the details, she essentially told me I was going on a date. It ended up being a date, but I no longer like her that way anyways but Kellie was so much help to me. I know if I ever need anything Kellie will always be there for me like very recently. Kellie has always encouraged myself to be who I am and to accept myself for who I am and to ignore the haters. In my group of friends, she always able to put a laugh on our faces. I am so excited for her to get married in less than two months. Kellie is the older sister I never had.

_Pyrrhic : Kellie, I truly think that you are one of the best people I’ve ever met. Not only did you inspire me to apply for moderator even more so after you denied me, but now that I’ve gotten to know you better you’ve inspired me to become a better person. I view you as one of my biggest role models, the way you take on life and don’t care what other people think… those are admirable things that I wish I can adopt. Hopefully if we improve our friendship we can help each other out. Love you Kellie! <3

RiskIt : Hey there Kellie! Thank you much for every single thing you've done for, especially the more recent things if ya know what I mean. Anyways...you do so much for the server and are incredible at what you do. Like 3 years..that takes commitment. Long story short I used to be scared of you but now I talk to you a lot and really appreciate all you do. Thank you again! ~Isaac <3

Again, I want everyone please post your own story about Kellie and express how much you love and appreciate her. Thanks for reading, guys!


Sep 28, 2015
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Kellie, what can I say about you, erm well here I go, you have done so much for the server and the community just to think, one individual serving 37 months as a Moderator and your still going! I wish you well with your wedding, I only found out like 20 minutes ago when Ryan stated it and good luck in life even though you are not resigning (not any time soon I hope <3) I still wish you well! THANKS HEAPS KELLIE!


Mar 11, 2014
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Kellie is such a wonderful person, I'm so thankful for her helping me out when I got problems c: A perfect role model in my eyes. I appreciate your hard work and dedication towards the server!

- Alex


Jun 14, 2015
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I never actually knew that Kellie was the longest serving Senior Moderator so cool fact ^_^
It's really awesome seeing a thread dedicated to thanking a Senior Moderator. As for you Kellie I would just like to say keep up the awesome work :)


Aug 16, 2013
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Kellie and I have a long history. When I first got accepted to the Waiting stage, she was a trial Sr. Mod. We've been co-workers for a long time, not only during my year and a half as a staff member at MCGamer, but with Team Elite as a member of the administrative team as well. I have a tremendous amount of respect for her and can only think of good things to say about both her reputation within the Minecraft community and her overall personality. I agree with you, Ryan, that she does not get the recognition she deserves. Much love to you, Ms. Breanne. You're a champ.


District 13
May 14, 2015
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Kellie is an amazing person! I still remember when she tried to troll me in my interview, she was like "Hey, I have some bad news for you, you got mod", something like that.. xD
I am so thankful to you Kellie, you are a great Sr.Mod, keep up the great work! :thumbsup: (y) <3

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