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The appreciation thread =)

Sep 8, 2013
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As there has been a lot of drama going on around me(mostly family related problems), and in the middle of my rage, I realized there was so much that I didn't appreciate, that I should be grateful for. Hence the thread the "appreciation" thread. Reply to this thread mentioning a few people that you care for. They don't necessarily need to be in the community, but it would be a lot cooler/more relate-able if they were. :)

On to my 5 people:

TheLastGapple I can't keep re-writing things about you ;) There have been plenty of threads where I said a ton about what you have done for me. Anyways, your really chill, and we need to hang out soon cuz we need to tem on hungercrafts and tell stories of that swag Kash ;) bb you be my best bro :) <3

Mooclan Haha probably didn't expect this xD Well your really nice, logical, humble, cool AND MOOFIRE2015! jk. But still your super fun to stream with and your one of the people I can easily talk to with no trouble/fear of sounding stupid. Your one of the most accepting people I have ever met, and I love that quality that you have. :) Cow Goes Oink!

thecamel13: sigh....still no forums account....anyways your probably the "slickest" person I have ever met, and just like mooclan your very accepting, and your super fun to talk to. :)

ViolentKitten : Hey there :) Haha yoo. Your one of my closest friends on here, and your amazing in every way possible. I can trust you with virtually anything. Your one of the nicest/most understanding people I've met and your always there for me when I need the help. Thanks for everything, man, and despite our crazy differences, your still like a brother I never had. Love ya bruh <3

@Community: Thank you all. Lovers, haters, spammers, trollers, who ever you are. Every single one of you makes the community what it is today. And I wouldn't be here without every single one of you. So basically ily all <3

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