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TeamSypher [EU Elite]

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Sep 13, 2013
Reaction score
Would like let everyone know why Rexmanx is denying our win against his clan and their "perfect ratio" . We , TeamSypher , beat Guardians in a clan war 5-3 in our favour . After this clan war I noticed he says we "cheated" and that he won 5-0 . I confront him about his at first he refused to show me any evidence whatsoever . Eventually he send jmullins "evidence" of alts . [RIGHT HERE -http://imgur.com/a/aLvQS#0 ] This is NOT evidence of alts , this is evidence of who was in the game and who was playing / spectating. Please give me your opinion on this . This will be on both TeamSypher's and Guardian's thread. Thank you

EDIT: Rex made a point of the same person in the same lobby each time. We stayed in the same lobby every game. Normal players also do that.
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Sep 13, 2013
Reaction score
How old are you? (Atleast 13) 13
What’s your ingame name? Optic_Flux11
What should we call you? Optic
Skype/TS name? Skype: You have me Zniz97
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 100) 222 wins, But Hopefully more :p
What is your PvP Strenghts?Bow, rod and FNS
What is your PvP Weakness? Teams of 3 and Hackers.
Why do you want to join? Basically because of you zniz97 and xokristofferoxo
What is your favourite map? Solar Frost :D ! Great map for pvping.
I am sorry, but you have been declined.

  • Used an outdated template. The newest template is on the front page
  • Below the preferred amount of wins. (Minimum 350)

Please apply again when you have gained more wins :D


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
What's your name?: Herman
How old are you?: 15
What’s your ingame name?: CracklingHD
In which country do you live?: Norway
Skype/TS name?: CracklingHD/Crackling
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: I am a moderator
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 350): 920-something I think
What is your PvP Strenghts?: I'm pretty good at close combat, fishing rods, bows (close and far), flint and steel, and getting away from tough situations such as situations when Im in fire. I am also pretty good at water fights, and at staying chill even though something goes wrong.
What is your PvP Weakness?: I think my biggest weakness is bowing people from higher ground. I am also a bit bad when it comes to planning my actions, as I tend to YOLO into some pretty weird things.
Why do you want to join?: Because I want to be a member of a clan in which I know I will have a lot of fun. I was admin in here before, and I had a really good time. I used to have my own clan, but I am taking a fairly long break, as I am a bit tired out of leading a clan.
Why should we accept you?: Because sweg and stuff. #ModCode wink wink ;)
What is your favourite map?: Demon's Breeze (readd pls), Solar Frost, Breeze Island, SG4, Chernobyl 2015, Avaricia and probably a few more that I forgot. I am happy with most maps on which the games go quick, the looks of it are good, and the PvP-possibilities are good.

EDIT: accept pls i can make good cake


Aug 5, 2012
Reaction score
What's your name?: Herman
How old are you?: 15
What’s your ingame name?: CracklingHD
In which country do you live?: Norway
Skype/TS name?: CracklingHD/Crackling
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: I am a moderator
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 350): 920-something I think
What is your PvP Strenghts?: I'm pretty good at close combat, fishing rods, bows (close and far), flint and steel, and getting away from tough situations such as situations when Im in fire. I am also pretty good at water fights, and at staying chill even though something goes wrong.
What is your PvP Weakness?: I think my biggest weakness is bowing people from higher ground. I am also a bit bad when it comes to planning my actions, as I tend to YOLO into some pretty weird things.
Why do you want to join?: Because I want to be a member of a clan in which I know I will have a lot of fun. I was admin in here before, and I had a really good time. I used to have my own clan, but I am taking a fairly long break, as I am a bit tired out of leading a clan.
Why should we accept you?: Because sweg and stuff. #ModCode wink wink ;)
What is your favourite map?: Demon's Breeze (readd pls), Solar Frost, Breeze Island, SG4, Chernobyl 2015, Avaricia and probably a few more that I forgot. I am happy with most maps on which the games go quick, the looks of it are good, and the PvP-possibilities are good.

EDIT: accept pls i can make good cake
Accepted! Rank: Officer
Nov 5, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Chris
How old are you?: 15
What’s your ingame name?: CommunisticPuppy
In which country do you live?: Germany
Skype/TS name?: you got me on skype ;) / Chris
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Gold soon :)
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 350): 51/233
What is your PvP Strenghts?: FnS, Blockhitting, Rod
What is your PvP Weakness?: Bow, Hackers
Why do you want to join?: Cuz I love everyone in the clan <3 and i really want to rejoin :)
Why should we accept you?: Cuz zebba11 luvs me<3
What is your favourite map?: MoonBase9, Valleyside University, SG4 , TSG2


Jul 18, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Chris
How old are you?: 15
What’s your ingame name?: CommunisticPuppy
In which country do you live?: Germany
Skype/TS name?: you got me on skype ;) / Chris
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Gold soon :)
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 350): 51/233
What is your PvP Strenghts?: FnS, Blockhitting, Rod
What is your PvP Weakness?: Bow, Hackers
Why do you want to join?: Cuz I love everyone in the clan <3 and i really want to rejoin :)
Why should we accept you?: Cuz zebba11 luvs me<3
What is your favourite map?: MoonBase9, Valleyside University, SG4 , TSG2
Welcome back chris<3 (Trail - member)


Dec 8, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?:Bobby
How old are you?:12
What’s your ingame name?:eek:ptic_flux11
In which country do you live?:England
Skype/TS name?:Yes i do, i have zniz97 on skype
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?:I have diamond donor, but i didnt donate i won the 3millionth game on mcsg so chadthdj gave it to me :D
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 350):223
What is your PvP Strenghts?:swords,FNS, rods
What is your PvP Weakness?:Small spaces and team of 3
Why do you want to join?:I have always known about #TeamSypher and Zniz97 He's the best x3
Why should we accept you?:Because i will be friendly to all you guys and i wont let any of you guys and i have so ideas i could share around
What is your favourite map?:My best map would have to be Solar Frost, I love solar frost great map for pvping and i also like holiday resort.
Thank you for reading my application, Optic


Dec 9, 2013
Reaction score
What's your name?: Pumps
How old are you?: 15
What’s your ingame name?: WeRCreeper
In which country do you live?: England
Skype/TS name?: pumpsrutherford
Do you have a donatorship? If so, which kind?: Getting diamond donor for Christmas so in 2 days! :D (so diamond)
How many wins do you have? (Atleast 350): Currently at 180, i get between 10-15 wins daily. In the past few weeks i have become a much better pvper and a much better mcsger overall!
What is your PvP Strenghts?: Bow (Katniss master ;) ), Sword, killing teams of two but that requires space for FnS ect.., annoying the heck outta people with my rod :D
What is your PvP Weakness?: Hackers, water fights without a bow.
Why do you want to join?: I have played against a few people in here and everyone seems to be awesome, i came from a very good clan #Symmetric that have beaten some clans that #TeamSypher have lost to such as #TheForce, i would like to go from one into another, and #TeamSypher seems to be the one for me!
Why should we accept you?: Yolo xD, im a lot better than my stats show and i would love to be in a clan full of great people!
What is your favourite map?: I have a few, SG4, SG Highway, Valleyside :)

I know you probably wont accept this due to lack of wins, but i wont let the team down if u do accept, me. Thank you <3
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