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Team Nitride - [Old Thread]

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May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Wolf
MineCraft Name: Liolo
Region (EU/AU/US): EU
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 30/10/1996
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 699
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 6 ... Yes i know that it is a little, but after the reset I lost the will to regain my former glory.
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): Seems like a good, balanced team, and there are a few of them out there.
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): Got revenge at 3 traitors on my team by myself, with a stone sword and leather/iron armor while they had superior items
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Well... It is up to you anyway, but if I had to give a reason it would be that I am good at PvP and I know my way around a lot of maps, except the jungle one. I dislike that one greatly.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): No, no bans, I got accused once, but that's because the guy that accused me had connection problems, and somehow connected that to me hacking.
Skype name (REQUIRED): mr.liolo96 / Branislav Vuk Vucic - I honestly don't even know which one shows up anymore.
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): I don't have teamspeak, I'll get it if needed.


Sep 4, 2012
Reaction score
Name: Wolf
MineCraft Name: Liolo
Region (EU/AU/US): EU
Exact date of birth (No lieing): 30/10/1996
Amount of points from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 699
Amount of wins from the Leaderboards?(REQUIRED): 6 ... Yes i know that it is a little, but after the reset I lost the will to regain my former glory.
Why you want to join Nitride? ?(REQUIRED): Seems like a good, balanced team, and there are a few of them out there.
Something good you have done in MCSG?(REQUIRED): Got revenge at 3 traitors on my team by myself, with a stone sword and leather/iron armor while they had superior items
Why should we accept you?(REQUIRED): Well... It is up to you anyway, but if I had to give a reason it would be that I am good at PvP and I know my way around a lot of maps, except the jungle one. I dislike that one greatly.
Have you got MCbans or a previous ban on MCSG? Explain if yes(REQUIRED): No, no bans, I got accused once, but that's because the guy that accused me had connection problems, and somehow connected that to me hacking.
Skype name (REQUIRED): mr.liolo96 / Branislav Vuk Vucic - I honestly don't even know which one shows up anymore.
TeamSpeak name (REQUIRED): I don't have teamspeak, I'll get it if needed.
Denied, if you could get more wins and maybe some more points then you might have a better chance.
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