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Team Galactic {~ US Division~}

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Mar 14, 2015
Reaction score

Hey everyone! My name is Blqze, but you can call me Blaze. Assume people know, I am starting a clan called Team Galactic. My partner in crime, _Koalafied_ and I are looking to pick up a few guys for future endeavors. I know some of these clan threads can get a bit lengthy, and I don't intend for it to be that long. Now, we need to make people aware of how clans work because some of you don't get it. Listed below are the clan rules and requirements. Yes, you must apply. You apply so that you can prove yourself a worthy candidate for the clan. Listed below is the application format, and I will explain what the clan expects from each category, sort of like a rubric.

Any Clan Experience:
How long have you played MCSG:
A bit about yourself:

IGN: Your in-game name, no need to further explain.

Skype: Just put your skype username. If your skype is private, just add me on my public skype- blazeartworks

Any clan experience: As far as this goes, we will look more at your stats, but any clan experience definitely doesn't hurt your chances.

Stats: Yes, this is your best friend! This is your concrete evidence that will enable us to move forward in the application process.

How long have you played on MCSG?: No need to explain it, and please be honest!

A bit about yourself: We will be reading these. We want to see that you are a somewhat well rounded person. Please, don't include stuff that could embarrass you, or way too personal information. Here is an example: My name is Ryan, and I reside in California with a family of 6, including me. Now, this portion of your application should be 5 to 7 sentences. Remember, quality over quantity!

If you make it to the "interview" phase, I congratulate you. This means the leaders and I have found you to be a suitable contender for a spot on our roster. This is when we will PM you, and ask for your Skype. This "interview" will consist of a series of questions and a few SG rounds. This is to test your skill and confirm that your stats and application are not a fluke. If you do so lie to us, you will be blacklisted from joining the clan.

We have a few ranks within the clan. Down below will list what they can do and who is in that rank. We currently have 16/20 members in Team Galactic.

Leader- The leader of the clan holds everything together. They are allowed to do almost anything with the consent of all other leaders. Our leader system is more of a democracy since we want everything to be fair in this clan.

Current Leaders- Blqze, _Koalafied_, GraveYardGirl3

Co-Leaders- These are the second in command. They are allowed to act as a leader if no leader is available at the point in time. Co-leaders have earned the rank as they have earned the trust of the leaders and made a huge difference in the clan overall

Current Co-Leaders- _Trashified_

Elder- Elders are former members who have been promoted to staff because they have proven to the staff that they can be a good clan member to everyone in the clan and outside of the clan as well.

Current Elders- Oweeeen, Madcat, PapaMattziey
Anyone above this line is a staff member for Team Galactic

Veteran- This rank is given out by staff members who feel a member in the clan deserves it. They could've earned this rank for 1: Being really good friends with one of the leaders, or 2: They have proved to be a great clan member.

Current Veterans- AshPurdyy, JustEagle

The members are the basic clan group. These are players who have just been accepted into the clan and have passed the trial test. In this group there will usually be more people than the others. Members are the roots of the clan and they are a big contribution to clan battles and other activities to keep the clan alive.

Current Members- _DavidPlayzMC_, CopticRewind, LensterMan, Symplexity, _OneAndOnly_, JParoly, FadedxPossum, RainingFlames

Trial- This rank comes before "Member". This rank shows you have met the prerequisites for even applying for the clan. A staff member will trial you and evaluate if you are fit for joining the clan based on your actions and performances.

In Team Galactic we have a certain procedure that we do for clan battles. Here is the break down:If you would like to arrange a clan battle with Team Galactic please contact one of the following via skype:

Blqze- blazeartworks

When you add me on skype please send the following message to me so I know you are requesting a clan battle "Hello this is ____ owner of the clan _____. I would like to request a CB/ scrimmage with your clan Team Galactic."

We have rules that you must abide to. This will make the clan experience enjoyable for all players and will hopefully create less drama.

Be Respectful- Im not saying you have to like someone but be respectful. Dont be rude

Racism- If you have a grudge against a player's race, religion, or the person itself you will receive an automatic ban from the clan as it will not be tolerated whatsoever.

Profanity- As for the skype chat we (The Leaders) don't mind but if you are getting carried away and someone is offended please stop.

Use of unapproved mod or hacked client- Using a hacked client such as Huzuni, or Nodus will not be tolerated whatsoever in this clan. You will be kicked out of the clan and reported as it is against MC Gamer rules. If you find a hacker in the clan please report it to one of the leaders and they will take charge immediately.

Bullying- If you are being rude, cocky, or a show off, you might as well consider yourself kicked from the clan as it is a worldwide issue and we will not tolerate it here just because it's a video game.

Maturity- For the clan, we ask that you be mature. We are not asking you to be dull or boring. Just be respectful.

Application- Do not PM me any applications regarding the clan whether this be in game, skype, or on the forums. This will result in a blacklist.

This is where you will find our previous clan battles. This section will constantly be updated as we are a very active clan striving to be the best. Our current clan record is 0-0. Here is our clan battle history:


No part of this thread may be replicated on any other thread without the prior written permission of the author and publisher.

"I, Blqze, leader of the clan Team Galactic, agree to the MCGamer Clan Rules and the MCGamer Administration. We will act appropriately and uphold the standards of the MCGamer community. Should the clan or its members break any of the rules, we agree to accept whatever punishments may be delivered."
Last edited:


Aug 3, 2013
Reaction score
#Rise would be honored to have a battle.
Hop on TeamSpeak to discuss.
Thank you.


Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
Any Clan Experience:I have been in multiple clans
Stats:14 current wins before the stats reset I had 93
How long have you played MCSG:for a year
A bit about yourself:I like baseball, and I love to play mcsg I am a well rounded team player and I would be great for the clan I would love to tryout.


Jun 7, 2015
Reaction score
IGN: UndesirableMC
Skype: maeson.monsod
Any Clan Experience: Yes
Stats: 4 wins 338 played
How long have you played MCSG: 1-2 years
A bit about yourself: I am 12 years old, I am trust worthy I am quiet I listen well and I do what I am told to. And I don't get mad often (Calm).


District 13
Jul 21, 2014
Reaction score
Hey there!
I am going to lock this thread due to inactivity. If you ever wish this thread to be reopened feel free to message me and I'll reopen it. Thread shall be moved to the 'Disbanded Clans' section.
Have an awesome day here on MCGamer!
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