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Survival games tips & tricks

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Oct 2, 2013
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Hi guys,
these are some tips & tricks that would helped me when i started on the hunger games. The hunger games is a quick temped game where theres 24 tributes and they all fight to the death till theres last man standing, this game depends a lot on skill and a bit of luck (but mostly skill), with these tips and trick they will make your gameplay a bit better.
1. With your sword you can crit hit if your falling to the ground (only if your falling not going up), you can also hit-block that is when yo spam your left click (hit button) and right click (block key).
2. Bows can be very dangerous if used right, only use your bow at long range because if you use it when the enemy is next to you you will most likely loose. In water your enemy is very slow and he cant dodge very easily so if you have a decent amount of arrows and nice bow skill you can dominate. Also use your bow right before the death-match countdown ends so you have some damage on your enemy.
3. When dodging arrows don't sprint jump because if your hit you will be knocked further back then if you only sprinted.
4. F&S (flint and steel) is the most OP item in the hunger games it slows your enemy down and deals damage every second, if you know how to use it you can beat every team:
-DEFENSIVE: light the ground right before contact with the enemy
-OFFENSIVE: light the ground in front of the player your chasing (trickier than the one above)
5. Fishing rod is a item that when right clicked it casts the hook, this item is my favourite in the game, if you know how to use it escaping and chasing can work in your favour:
-DEFENSIVE: if being chased DONT walk and jump backwards while spamming your rod. You need to run then fur for around and hit your enemy then start running again, you kind of have to do a 180.Another thing you can do if your in water you can cast your fishing rod so that the enemy gets pushed backwards.
-OFFENSIVE: if your chasing someone on land try to cast your rod to push your enemy in vines, walls or try to break his sprint, if your in water you can boost your teammate into your enemy. IF your in a 1vs1 fight on ground and your both going at each other you can cast your fishing rod right before you can hit him so he gets knocked back and has a smaller chance of hitting you.
6. If you have cobwebs on the server you can use them in defines by placing them down and when your enemy jumps into one you just hit/bow him to death.
7. If on the server theres TNT you can place them right before contact with the enemy so you deal extra damage.
8. Ender pearls is a item that when its right clicked it teleports you to the location you threw it, it deals 2 harts of damage to you (it doesn't matter what armour you have on). You can use this against a teams and it will most likely give you some advantage, for first your enemy wont expect that so you have the element of surprise, you can also use it in escaping people that are chasing you or deadly traps.
9. Boats are items when placed on water it generates a boat you can ride in, its useful in chasing and escaping (i don't think i need to explain this part), you can also crash it into land to get some sticks and planks if needed.
10. Golden apples are items when eaten it gives you some time of regeneration, this is usually a match changing moment when used.
11. If the server has horses it would be wise to use them, they can take huge amount of damage (they can block your enemies hits) and can run huge distances in small amount of time (don't use them in water its a pain to drag the around).
12. If the server has cakes they are very useful in many situations, if you chasing/being chased you can place them on the ground while still running so you don't get slowed by eating a other item, you can also use them if your stuck in a trap (because cakes act like 1/2 of a block) you can place 1 or a few of them to get out.
13. I your in water try diving underneath your enemy because his hit-box will be closer to yours then your to his thats because in Minecraft when your swinging your sword or breaking something it counts from your head not from your body (i don't know if i explained that good).
14. When fighting on a hill if your above your enemy you can pus him down dealing fall damage to your enemy, but if your underneath your enemy you can get more hits on him (same reason in tip 14)
15. While rooming around always pay attention to your surroundings because a surprise attack will in mosta cases kill you.
16. When in a chase or being chased always sprint jump it gives you more speed.
17. If your in a chase or being chased sprint jump in a 2 block high area it will give you more speed thatn sprinting.
18. Sprinting up stairs is fast, but sprint jumping up stairs is even faster.
19. When chasing or being chased if theres ice around sprint jump on that it will make you go faster than normal sprint jumping.
20. When going head front in to a fight dont sprint jump the last few second because your enemy can easily place fire or cobwebs.
21. If your good at parkour take that to your advantage when chasing or being chased, the terrain most likely wont look like a parkour course but it can help you while running on trees or in jungles.
22. Get to know the maps you play on (find good chest routs, famous places where people will be, hidden items/chests, escape exits, good battle advantages...)
23. Learn how many damage does each weapon does, how many armour points does every piece of armour have, and how many food bars does every piece of food does.
24. Know your enchants on your weapons and armour, enchants are life saving advantages. Best enchants are: sharpness and fire aspect you will most likely get sharpness out of these two. Best enchants for bows are power, infinity, punch (if someone is on a high small area), and flame you will most likely get power out of these four. Best enchants for armour are protection, projectile protection, feather falling out of these three you will get protection.
25. Get to know your enemy see what weapon or armour does he have.
26. If you cant take out a enemy what you usually cant then swoop in after he finishes a fight, then he will be low and not paining attention because he is looking at the loot.
27. If your being chased DON'T go up ladders your enemy will just hit you off dealing hi damage+ fall damage.
28. if you eat while going up ladders or vines you will not slow down
29. Always stay clam then you will make good decisions.
There is more tips and trick what i most likely don't know, this thread has been long enough. You will have to practise with these tips & trick. remember don't hack that isn't nice, and also remember that with these tip you can make a nasty deadly combination that could bring you to victory.I hope these helped you and I hope to see you in a game someday :)

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