personally it doesn't look too bad but i must say it doesn't look like a map i would enjoy playing, i understand you took a long time building this map but it doesn't look so nice in all fairness and personally i wouldn't accept this map, sorry... but there isn't much terraforming, which i understand there wasn't much in Valleyside Univeristy but that had some and it looked like the map matched, the screenshots look like a rainbow of colours that don't fit whatsoever and i do believe with not much time most people could achieve something like this. i don't know how long you have been working on this but it doesn't look like you have been working on it enough, maps should be taking 2-3 months to make but this look like it has taken you around 1 month to create this so far. i hope this response is valid enough since you have been criticising others for there smaller comments so i thought i would take my time to create a well structured answer.