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Supremacy | Us Clan

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Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: Spxn
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): You already have me added babe <3
Do you have a Microphone?:yes
PVP Strengths: Connection/Rod/Bow/Sword/1v9's
PVP Weaknesses: 2v1's/Water fights/Decent with F&S
How active are you?(1-10):10+
How would you help Supremacy ?: Bring the bank and the swag to the clan :)
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: Because I'm too good and want to help out the clan and have fun <3
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Played with everyone back in Prod*
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it?I sell this clan for like $30 mil and split the profit with my ninja frogg.


Aug 17, 2013
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN:

I have a bunch of Minecraft accounts, none of them are banned I just enjoy starting over every once and awhile. My main account is SubtractHD, if you'd like too know all my alts I'd be more than welcome to PM them to you.

I'm currently 15 years of age.


I currently have 400+ wins about and that's with all of my alts combined.

Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:

Yes. I do and I own a lot of TeamSpeaks and a lot of MCSG clans use my TeamSpeaks so if you ever need one I will supply one.

Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public):

My Skype name is - drewo136

Do you have a Microphone?:

Yes, I do have a Microphone.

PVP Strengths:

My PvP strengths are Flint and steel, fishing rod tactics and I'm pretty good at close up sword fighting and i'm improving on my bow skills. I'm also good at dodging flint and steel.

PVP Weaknesses:

My Weaknesses are, dodging arrows, and hackers and double teams.

How active are you?(1-10):

I'm very active on the weekends but during the week due to school events and homework It's hard to be on everyday, i'm in high school and school is and always will be my first priority. I usually can be on the TeamSpeak during the week but may not always be able to talk.

How would you help Supremacy ?:

I would help Supremacy with my organization and maturity. MCSG is a fairly young community and mature people can be scarce. I am very funny and fun to be around and with but when it's time to be serious I crack down. I am good at making schedules for practice and I believe structured clans are the most successful. I have a lot of Leading experience and would love to be an officer or leader to help the clan succeed. I also own a server that we could practice routes and different things on.

Why do you want to join Supremacy ?:

I wan't to join Supremacy for a new experience in MCSG clans. I want to meet new people and get help on my weaknesses and hopefully improve my PvP skills and my MCSG tactics and hopefully become a better person and overall a better PvPer.

Have you played with anyone else in the clan?:

Yes, i've teamed with a few people and know a few people in Supremacy but hope to meet new people and build new relationships.

If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it?

I would make a few changes. I would make a structured schedule so that we aren't just sitting around on the teamspeak. When we have an opportunity to practice routes and teamwork and other things we should. We should have a person that mostly organizes the scrims so that we set a good reputation from our organization. I also own a server that we should on days practice chest routes and our teamwork and organization.

Thank's for reading my application and I hope to be accepted and hopefully promoted to help this clan. I hope I can be as active as possible to help this clan succeed.




Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN:

I have a bunch of Minecraft accounts, none of them are banned I just enjoy starting over every once and awhile. My main account is SubtractHD, if you'd like too know all my alts I'd be more than welcome to PM them to you.


I'm currently 15 years of age.


I currently have 400+ wins about and that's with all of my alts combined.

Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:

Yes. I do and I own a lot of TeamSpeaks and a lot of MCSG clans use my TeamSpeaks so if you ever need one I will supply one.

Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public):

My Skype name is - drewo136

Do you have a Microphone?:

Yes, I do have a Microphone.

PVP Strengths:

My PvP strengths are Flint and steel, fishing rod tactics and I'm pretty good at close up sword fighting and i'm improving on my bow skills. I'm also good at dodging flint and steel.

PVP Weaknesses:

My Weaknesses are, dodging arrows, and hackers and double teams.

How active are you?(1-10):

I'm very active on the weekends but during the week due to school events and homework It's hard to be on everyday, i'm in high school and school is and always will be my first priority. I usually can be on the TeamSpeak during the week but may not always be able to talk.

How would you help Supremacy ?:

I would help Supremacy with my organization and maturity. MCSG is a fairly young community and mature people can be scarce. I am very funny and fun to be around and with but when it's time to be serious I crack down. I am good at making schedules for practice and I believe structured clans are the most successful. I have a lot of Leading experience and would love to be an officer or leader to help the clan succeed. I also own a server that we could practice routes and different things on.

Why do you want to join Supremacy ?:

I wan't to join Supremacy for a new experience in MCSG clans. I want to meet new people and get help on my weaknesses and hopefully improve my PvP skills and my MCSG tactics and hopefully become a better person and overall a better PvPer.

Have you played with anyone else in the clan?:

Yes, i've teamed with a few people and know a few people in Supremacy but hope to meet new people and build new relationships.

If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it?

I would make a few changes. I would make a structured schedule so that we aren't just sitting around on the teamspeak. When we have an opportunity to practice routes and teamwork and other things we should. We should have a person that mostly organizes the scrims so that we set a good reputation from our organization. I also own a server that we should on days practice chest routes and our teamwork and organization.

Thank's for reading my application and I hope to be accepted and hopefully promoted to help this clan. I hope I can be as active as possible to help this clan succeed.




Dec 25, 2012
Reaction score

Minecraft IGN:

I have a bunch of Minecraft accounts, none of them are banned I just enjoy starting over every once and awhile. My main account is SubtractHD, if you'd like too know all my alts I'd be more than welcome to PM them to you.


I'm currently 15 years of age.


I currently have 400+ wins about and that's with all of my alts combined.

Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?:

Yes. I do and I own a lot of TeamSpeaks and a lot of MCSG clans use my TeamSpeaks so if you ever need one I will supply one.

Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public):

My Skype name is - drewo136

Do you have a Microphone?:

Yes, I do have a Microphone.

PVP Strengths:

My PvP strengths are Flint and steel, fishing rod tactics and I'm pretty good at close up sword fighting and i'm improving on my bow skills. I'm also good at dodging flint and steel.

PVP Weaknesses:

My Weaknesses are, dodging arrows, and hackers and double teams.

How active are you?(1-10):

I'm very active on the weekends but during the week due to school events and homework It's hard to be on everyday, i'm in high school and school is and always will be my first priority. I usually can be on the TeamSpeak during the week but may not always be able to talk.

How would you help Supremacy ?:

I would help Supremacy with my organization and maturity. MCSG is a fairly young community and mature people can be scarce. I am very funny and fun to be around and with but when it's time to be serious I crack down. I am good at making schedules for practice and I believe structured clans are the most successful. I have a lot of Leading experience and would love to be an officer or leader to help the clan succeed. I also own a server that we could practice routes and different things on.

Why do you want to join Supremacy ?:

I wan't to join Supremacy for a new experience in MCSG clans. I want to meet new people and get help on my weaknesses and hopefully improve my PvP skills and my MCSG tactics and hopefully become a better person and overall a better PvPer.

Have you played with anyone else in the clan?:

Yes, i've teamed with a few people and know a few people in Supremacy but hope to meet new people and build new relationships.

If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it?

I would make a few changes. I would make a structured schedule so that we aren't just sitting around on the teamspeak. When we have an opportunity to practice routes and teamwork and other things we should. We should have a person that mostly organizes the scrims so that we set a good reputation from our organization. I also own a server that we should on days practice chest routes and our teamwork and organization.

Thank's for reading my application and I hope to be accepted and hopefully promoted to help this clan. I hope I can be as active as possible to help this clan succeed.


No offense, but I feel you could put a little more effort into your application! Good Luck though!


Sep 10, 2012
Reaction score
| Application |
Minecraft IGN: Shockeysta
Age: 15
Wins: 1k or somethin
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): Deda.Nick
Do you have a Microphone?: no
PVP Strengths: salon
PVP Weaknesses: bal
How active are you?(1-10): 7
How would you help Supremacy ?: nick deda
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: frogger
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: ye
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? Make it nickdeda



Jan 16, 2014
Reaction score
The first page was really awesome filled with interesting posts


Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
| Application |
Minecraft IGN: Shockeysta
Age: 15
Wins: 1k or somethin
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): Deda.Nick
Do you have a Microphone?: no
PVP Strengths: salon
PVP Weaknesses: bal
How active are you?(1-10): 7
How would you help Supremacy ?: nick deda
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: frogger
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: ye
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? Make it nickdeda

O god... No. Pls. No. Why maco. Y u do dis.


May 20, 2012
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: GentleSnivy
Age: 15
Wins: 194
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): GentleSnivy
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes
PVP Strengths: Bow
PVP Weaknesses: Water Fights
How active are you?(1-10): 7
How would you help Supremacy ?: By saving Frog with my swag
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: Because you guys are my friendies.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Yes, Frog, Mikey, gavin, Flipzyy.
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it? By helping improve this clan and communicate in scrims with great teamwork and fun. I hope we have a beautiful clan and make it sexy.


Jan 18, 2014
Reaction score
Minecraft IGN: GentleSnivy
Age: 15
Wins: 194
Do you have Skype/TeamSpeak?: Yes
Skype name?(Pm if you don't want it public): GentleSnivy
Do you have a Microphone?: Yes
PVP Strengths: Bow
PVP Weaknesses: Water Fights
How active are you?(1-10): 7
How would you help Supremacy ?: By saving Frog with my swag
Why do you want to join Supremacy ?: Because you guys are my friendies.
Have you played with anyone else in the clan?: Yes, Frog, Mikey, gavin, Flipzyy.
If you got the Leader or Officer for this clan, what changes would you make to it?
By helping improve this clan and communicate in scrims with great teamwork and fun. I hope we have a beautiful clan and make it sexy.
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