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Stat Reset? Bull%^&!.

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District 13
Dec 27, 2012
Reaction score
People will still look those leaderboards, but less frequently. People want to be able to compete with someone in there own skill and possibility. For a new player to become #1 currently is very unlikely, so it does not appeal to players. Graveyard is great example, he has retained #1 position for on and off for about two years now. Sure people will aspire to be like him, but it reality they most likely will never be able to surpass him. Finally, please Read this thread, it will explain the new system.

I always wanted 1000 wins, here I am at not even 600 trying to win with all these hackers. Here come stats reset and I have to get these 600 again plus 400 more. Great. Can't believe I wasted money for this server.


Mar 9, 2014
Reaction score
Let’s be clear:

1. We are not deleting anyone’s stats.
2. Old stats will continue to be updated via Overall Leaderboards.
3. With the new update, we are offering new ways to view your stats on an updated leaderboard.

You hear that? There’s no talk of a global reset or a world-ending apocalypse anywhere with this. So while previous discussions have always used the term, “Global Stats Reset”, we will now prefer the term, “Global Leaderboards Update”.

Now that everyone’s put away their torches, pitchforks, and loudspeakers, let’s go into detail as to what the Global Leaderboards Update will bring:

  • A New, Updated Leaderboard! The star of the show of the Global Leaderboards Update. Brand new with a host of new features, we have a lot of exciting things in store for this new leaderboard. More information below.

  • Legacy Leaderboards. Prior to the network update and stats reset, the MCSG leaderboards up to that point will be saved as a separate leaderboard. Older players will have their statistics memorialized online, and their Legacy stats will show alongside their new stats in the updated /stats command.

  • Overall Lifetime Statistics. That’s right, we can do both! We will be offering both a dedicated webpage and an ingame command that will show the combined statistics from the Legacy Leaderboards and the New Leaderboards to show the combined statistics which is updated nightly. This will be the de facto source for statistics and rankings for both new and old players, allowing them to compare rankings across the entire lifetime of MCSG.

  • On our new website, a special ribbon will be given to the top players on the Legacy Leaderboards at the time of the reset. This special ribbon will be prominently displayed on their page on the New Leaderboards, and higher-ranked players will receive a distinct ribbons based on their worldwide ranking.

  • User who have previous upheld hacking bans on their accounts will be deranked from the Leaderboards. Anyone who has ever played a game through unfair means does not deserve to be ranked amongst those who play fairly.
What I can deduct from your thread is that you either did not read the thread in regards to the leaderboards update thoroughly enough or that you did not understand what we are trying to say. Your old statistics will still be updated in the Overall Leaderboards if that is your main concern.

Also, I find your thread really disrespectful towards both our members in the community and the staff team, especially the administration. They worked so hard to make this possible for you, both the new network and the ability that the old leaderboards will still be updated, so please take that in consideration before creating a thread like this. If you want to give your opinion on the Leaderboards update, then be mature and don't use that kind of language, especially if you are bypassing the filter, and post it in the correct section as well. The Discussions section under the SGClassic forum is not the correct place. In my opinion, it seems that some people always create their threads in this section with the understanding that it will be kind of hidden and not noticed by the staff. Well it did get noticed.

Overall, this thread will be locked since you broke multiple rules. If you do not know what our rules our, then I strongly recommend to have a look at them here: Rules.

  • 3. Do not use derogatory or profane language: There are many members in our community of various ages and words that are not appropriate should not be spoken or seen.
  • 4. Do not discriminate other members: Our member base consist of people of many different races, genders, country, religion, sexual orientation, etc. We do not want our members to feel left out due to them being different.
  • 8. Do not start argue/flame wars: We want to keep the community peaceful; a place where people are free to have opinions and discuss things. Arguments ruin discussions and are unnecessary. (Look at the examples)
  • 7. Post in the correct section: To make things easier to navigate around, we need members to post in the correct section.
Considering that we just confirmed that there is going to be no stats resets or deletions, this thread doesn't really have much of a purpose beyond discussion/venting.

If you wish to discuss/vent about the nonexistant stats reset or the updating leaderboards, you may do so in the discussion thread here: LINK.

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