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Sponsored Streamers - Publicity Suggestion

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Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score

More than a handful of times, people have remarked that MCGamer is losing it's competitive edge.

But don't forget that MCGamer has something that is an absolutely undeniable driving force:

content creators.

YouTubers. Livestreamers.
People who spend time creating and posting content to online websites such as YouTube and Twitch.tv.

One large factor is this: Publicity. Also known as fame or attention.

If MCGamer is looking to increase publicity, as almost all player-funded networks do, then content creators may be exactly what MCG is looking for.

MCGamer creates a professional, official Twitch.tv channel. As you may know, Twitch.tv is a very large livestreaming website. Almost all of MCGamer's livestreamers utilize this website, and many YouTubers also seek to livestream.

Verified livestreamers/content creators with access to this Twitch channel can livestream their own content. Commentary, overlay, live feed, everything. Each livestream is operated by the individual streamer.

A schedule would be implemented. Each streamer would need to sign up for a certain time slot, and failure to comply would result in strikes. Each strike brings them a closer to a time penalty, or even expulsion from the channel.

Each streamer would be required to maintain a level of confidentiality, as well as signing up through a process similar to the current V.I.P application process.

Content creators are constantly seeking new ways to gain exposure, publicity, and attention.
MCGamer, I can only assume, would also benefit from the same.

Pros for MCG:
  • Streamers are drawing attention to MCGamer and its gamemodes.
  • Creates a greater, stronger sense of community. It could bring about stronger bonds between the players, streamers, and other content-creators such as YouTubers.
  • A percentage of donations could be given to MCGamer in exchange for access to the channel. An alternative to this would be that any Subscriptions to the channel are given to MCGamer, while donations are kept by the streamers. (Other alternatives could be used.)
Pros for Streamers:
  • Using the MCGamer channel provides an established, official channel that allows the streamer to reach an audience that is wider and more varied than their own personal following.
  • The streamer has access to a Twitch channel that is professionally set up and actively maintained.
  • Streamers could choose to collaborate with each other through a unified channel.
  • Individual streamers are able to maintain an independent identity, through their own overlay, content, etc.
Pros for Viewers:
  • Easy access to a wider variety of content-creators who are guaranteed to be of a high caliber (professional) and entertaining.
  • Subscribing to a single channel provides benefits that would otherwise require a subscription to multiple channels.
  • Interaction with a wider variety of viewers. Finding familiar usernames among a crowd often entices viewers to stay and watch a streamer that they might have otherwise left alone.

As you may assume, these are not all of the pros. It's only a few of the larger ones.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Critiques? Discussion?


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I absolutely am for this idea. There is no better way to attract new users and keep the community involved than involving and working with those who are most influential; popular YouTubers and streamers. I'd love to see this happening in the near future, great job Moo c:


District 13
Mar 30, 2014
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This is a great idea and I know it works as I've seen it done before. Many of Call of Duty professional teams and even non-professional teams have streamers scheduled on an official, verified channel and it worked out perfectly.

Forgive me if I come off as stupid, as I am rather tired at this point, but would the streamers surely attract more players to MCGamer? Most of the streamers more than likely have some other medium of uploading MCGamer content, specifically YouTube, which means that the majority of their stream-viewers will be coming from their channels already.

It's a great idea and I'd love to see this as I am a big fan of watching different streamers streaming for an organization, team, or network, in this case. Let's hope this can be arranged. :)


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
You only want this because you stream... But for that reason I think you should be the first to be sponsored :p


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
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Forgive me if I come off as stupid, as I am rather tired at this point, but would the streamers surely attract more players to MCGamer? Most of the streamers more than likely have some other medium of uploading MCGamer content, specifically YouTube, which means that the majority of their stream-viewers will be coming from their channels already.

It's a great idea and I'd love to see this as I am a big fan of watching different streamers streaming for an organization, team, or network, in this case. Let's hope this can be arranged. :)
There are a few basic principles of livestreaming and YouTube that can be applied here:

- Famous people will attract views, assuming their content is consistent.

- People with large amounts of viewers will attract more views.
This is often because of the way that the websites function - content producers with higher ratings will generally continue to draw more hits. Also, on Twitch, the way that the listing is built is that people with more viewers are at the top of the page.

- The larger the channel, the more that word-of-mouth will spread.
On Twitch.tv in particular, people who view many streams will often mention the names of other channels in the chat. This can work in favor of MCGamer: if it becomes a decently sized and reputable channel, then the viewers are bound to spread the name through word-of-mouth.

- For Minecraft, specifically, almost any channel with more than 50-100 viewers (depending on the time of day) is bound to attract attention. If there's any large YouTuber who is livestreaming, it's almost guaranteed to attract 75-150+ initial viewers. (Rough estimate.) From there, it has a very high chance of rising steadily, per stream.

This is a big one:
- When a person is livestreaming, their viewers will want to join them and play on the same server as them.
In contrast, YouTube is a website where videos are posted after the recording takes place. The viewers know that they have no chance of playing with the YouTuber, and thus they don't log onto the server at all while watching the livestream.

Even if they're just sitting in the hub, stream viewers often still log onto the same server.
The easiest way for me to describe it is to say that it's most likely a psychological effect, sort of like how people would pay hundreds of dollars to see their favorite musician live, rather than watching the music video.


District 13
Oct 19, 2012
Reaction score
This is a big one:
- When a person is livestreaming, their viewers will want to join them and play on the same server as them.
In contrast, YouTube is a website where videos are posted after the recording takes place. The viewers know that they have no chance of playing with the YouTuber, and thus they don't log onto the server at all while watching the livestream.

Even if they're just sitting in the hub, stream viewers often still log onto the same server.
The easiest way for me to describe it is to say that it's most likely a psychological effect, sort of like how people would pay hundreds of dollars to see their favorite musician live, rather than watching the music video.
To add to that, a lot of the more popular players/streamers will be crammed with people trying to join their game, which could possibly increase the amount of donors, providing more money for the server. It could give back to the servers a little bit, and it would still be attracting players the way you said.


Forum God
Aug 19, 2012
Reaction score
You only want this because you stream... But for that reason I think you should be the first to be sponsored :p
Although it's true that, if implemented, I would seek out a place in the channel (Let's be honest, this voice is too smexy to deny,) that is definitely not the only, largest, or most driving factor behind this idea.

I was originally going to write a thread on the chest placement and tiering in the Cornucopia, but then had a better idea, and 50 minutes to write it.

I was looking at my Minecraft server list, and saw that there were about 1,500 people online at the time. Cross-region. Even though that number can get up to 2,500, such as right now, there was still a sense of disappointment that I saw when I compare MCGamer to other networks.

In the past, MCGamer was bigger. Better. More advanced.
Nowadays, it is falling behind other networks. Badlion, which started out much more recently, has already amassed a playerbase that is roughly the same size as MCGamer.

There's something about that which struck me as wrong. As a proud long-time player on MCGamer, I want MCG to succeed. I want MCGamer to be a well-known network, to return to the top.

Publicity is an absolute must in order to get that done.
Streaming is a major way to gain publicity.
Really, it was a logical feature suggestion.


Dec 12, 2013
Reaction score
In the past, MCGamer was bigger. Better. More advanced.
Nowadays, it is falling behind other networks. Badlion, which started out much more recently, has already amassed a playerbase that is roughly the same size as MCGamer.
That's because Badlion is always adding stuff that is fun to play.
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