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Some suggestions


Jul 12, 2014
Reaction score

So I have two suggestions for the forums I'd like some opinions on. I don't know whether these have been brought up before, sorry if they have.

More utilisation of forum badges
Forum badges, the little icons you see under some peoples avatars, should be utilized more often. There should be badges for more achievements, such as 1000 posts or likes, or maybe the top 25 or so on the leaderboards should have the appropriate badge for their placing. We wouldn't want it so someone could have like 15 badges, but just so there is more opportunity to receive a badge, and acts as an incentive to reach certain forum goals. More unique badges would be cool, maybe even a art contest to make a better art contest badge! (heh).

The ability to still view a members forum title if they have a rank
If you don't know what I mean by this, as you can see under my name I am a "Career" on the forums because I have reached a certain number of posts/likes on the forums. However, you cannot see this on users which have a rank. I think it'd be nice for this to be shown, as you can tell the forum experience of a user, and for some people with titles such as "Mockingjay", you'd want to show that off!

These are just some suggestions. Hopefully they can be implemented with the new forums update, or if it's easy to do before then. All opinions welcome. Thanks!


Aug 20, 2012
Reaction score
I would love to see more utilization of forum badges, funny enough I always thought it would be nice if we could incorporate more things in to the forum badge system. I'll bet as time goes on, we'll see this come into play more, but it would be nice to see this happen ^.^

As for the second suggestion, you just took the words right out of my mouth! I remember before I was a mod I requested to not have my platinum rank on the forums because I wanted my "Active Member" forum tag, as I was very proud of it ^.^ Later on they introduced more fun ranks such as Career, Peacekeeper, District 13, Mockingjay, etc. I'd also really like to see this implemented, if they could have that accomplishment rank under their donor/staff rank if they have it :p


Aug 31, 2014
Reaction score
More utilisation of forum badges
Forum badges, the little icons you see under some peoples avatars, should be utilized more often. There should be badges for more achievements, such as 1000 posts or likes, or maybe the top 25 or so on the leaderboards should have the appropriate badge for their placing. We wouldn't want it so someone could have like 15 badges, but just so there is more opportunity to receive a badge, and acts as an incentive to reach certain forum goals. More unique badges would be cool, maybe even a art contest to make a better art contest badge! (heh).
What if you could have as many badges as you like, but only three would appear below a name at once?
I think this definitely needs to become a thing.
Also, maybe a badge for reporting abuse, so:
100+ rule-breakers reported/banned = Gold Medal
50-99 rule-breakers reported/banned = Silver Medal
10-49 rule-breakers reported/banned = Bronze Medal

The ability to still view a members forum title if they have a rank
If you don't know what I mean by this, as you can see under my name I am a "Career" on the forums because I have reached a certain number of posts/likes on the forums. However, you cannot see this on users which have a rank. I think it'd be nice for this to be shown, as you can tell the forum experience of a user, and for some people with titles such as "Mockingjay", you'd want to show that off!
Common sense is on your side.


Creepah, you always amaze me with your intelligent threads. I certainly love the idea!

Vanicle | Vanessa

District 13
Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Nice suggestions :) I always thought more forum badges would be a nice thing to implement. With cleansweeps, Gamemode Spotlights, and more MCGamer party events, that should become a reality soon!

P.S. I'll be moving this thread to the Feature Suggestions section. Keep them coming!

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